The Gilets Jaunes aka Yellow Vests - PART NINE - Police Violence by Numbers (and a bit more)

in #informationwar6 years ago

Well, so much for the police taking off their helmets and joining the Gilets Jaunes. If anything, direct orders (and bribery in the form of some payment of unpaid overtime and a 300 euro bonus) form the highest strata of government are instilling much fervor and zeal among the police forces.

Here is the low-down. I have gleaned the following info from a number of sources. ***

If an ex-special services officer (Gille Sacaze - see ***) is embarrassed by the unprecedented level of police violence, maybe we need to pay attention. He observes that the role of the police has shifted from serving the people to serving the state. As an aside, police offices used to be called “gardiens de la paix” (Peace keepers), now they are referred to as “les forces de l’ordre” (the forces of order) - much can be inferred from semantics-. Cazave also commented that police repression is used to the exclusion of any political solution (Macron’s so-called Great National Debate does not address any of the Gilets Jaunes’ concerns is is essentially an exercise in masturbatory oration in front of a carefully selected audience). Bottom line for Sacaze: the police is showing precisely what not to do.

So, what are the numbers?

  • More than 5000 arbitrary arrests, with an unusually low ratio of 250 or so indictments.

  • 12 dead. Most of them are collateral casualties from traffic stoppages etc.
    Two notable cases. One Gilet Jaune was run over by a truck driver apparently on purpose according to eye-witnesses. As far as I know the driver was charged, but I have been unable to find an update.
    The second case is an eighty-year-old woman who was hit by shrapnel while closing her shutters. She died at the hospital shortly thereafter

  • Over 2500 wounded.
    I won’t mention the women who have been dragged by the hair, older people (who obviously are more vulnerable) who are gassed and knocked to the ground, people who are kicked in the head while they are down or clubbed gratuitously.
    The type of injuries is shocking and are due primarily to tear gas grenades and golf-ball sized rubber bullets. Teeth knocked out, fractured jaws, hands blown off, eyes lost. The most noteworthy aspect of this is the unusually high ratio of head injuries that seems to indicated that the police is aiming at the head and the face.
    115 facial injuries, including 18 eyes lost
    4 hands severed or blown-up
    At least one loss of hearing

Here is the picture of Jérôme Rodrigue who was filming the demonstration yesterday. He is pretty well known for his appearances on the MSM as a Gilet Jaune and for his posts on YouTube.


His live feed is here, up to a little after he was shot. He was going about his business filming, some other Gilets Jaunes recognized him, said hi, and he warned insistently the Gilets Jaunes to get out of there because the Black Blocs were causing trouble. He was shot in the head from a very short distance, and from what he is saying, a tear gas grenade was thrown at his feet pretty much at the same time.

For good measure I want to add this picture of a soldier on leave who was on his way from a restaurant to a nightclub with some friends (picture lifted off a FB post by Guillaume Apparailly - according to him the police shot three times at the crowd).

You can see a lot of heartbreaking pictures if you click on the Mur Jaune link at the end of this post. They are hard to look at. These are the faces and the limbs of a police state. These Gilets Jaunes who exercised their protected right to demonstrate are maimed for life. If this happened in Russia, the MSM would be all over it. There is a conspiracy of silence, hence this post. In France this conspiracy of silence is starting to crumble a little, even though the narrative of the violent demonstrators is still the main one.

Police injuries? mmmmm… Nothing comparable

Meanwhile, Macron is tweeting his support to the people in the streets cheering in Venezuela!

Next Saturday 2nd February is a call for the Gilets Jaunes to demonstrate in front of police stations and “préfectures” (the regional police administrative headquarters) for the “Mutilés pour l’exemple” (“Maimed to make an example out of them”)

In closing, here is a comparative chart of the weapons used by the French police compared to their European counterparts:


*** These are some of the sources:


If it continues, I doubt it will be long before the police become targeted when they are off duty or on duty in small groups.

Funny, I hadn't thought of that. I'll go out on a limb and guess that maybe it is one of the differences between the American and the French cultures. The former is defined at least in part by the second Amendment, the right to bear arms, whereas in France that is pretty much a foreign concept, except for hunting rifles to go ...hunting (and I don't mean hunting police officers).
One thing I have noticed over the last couple of years or so, is that there is increased gun control in parallel with an increase in individuals learning to shoot and getting weapons permit, as well as an increase in survivalism.
The people who usually target the police live in the low income suburbs/no-go areas (and yes, they exist), are (politically incorrect warning) of non-French origin. Funnily enough, most of them get second, third, fourth chances like the loser that killed all those people in Strasbourg last month whereas the Gilets Jaunes get dragged to the police station and get firm prison sentences.

Absolute animals and hurting unarmed people like this. What an absolute disgrace this is and really shows governments for what they really are. And to think that my country are undecided about leaving the EU... Who the heck would want to belong to this asylum?! Thanks for sharing this info as this needs to be seen.

Thank you. We (the People) are all in the same boat. They have weapons, we have numbers, how we can get it together to escape the noose, I’m not sure. I agree with you that leaving the EU Is a good start (hmm... II wonder why we keep finding wrenches in the Brexit works?😉). Leaving the EU, leaving the euro, leaving NATO. It’s all part of the same web, and it’s high time people woke up! Thanks for your support.
👍🏻❤️🇫🇷 🇬🇧

We gotta decentralize!

Yes, this is an absurd situation where united we fall!

Totally agree, we must get away from the notion that the EU is anything but a control grid and anything that claims to be global must also be resisted. God knows what it will take to stir us all enough to put up a real fight, so much has already happened without us flinching but maybe now folk are getting more aware then things will change. Freedom indeed my friend!

I get the feeling that you might 'enjoy' my dtube vid, I just made...

Storm before the victory...

Thank you for your Posts @tmayd - there is a complete Media blackout in the UK, none of MSM News channels here will report on it -

Glad I can contribute even in a small way to disseminating information. France is becoming a police state at an accelerating pace, with censorship, intimidation, propaganda, uncharacteristically swift and long prison sentences for demonstrators, etc. To a greater or lesser extent, we are all in the same boat except that some people aren't seeing it yet, and I hope that they'll wake up soon. Thank you for being a link in the chain of resistance.

Thank you @tmayd and you are most welcome...