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RE: HEADLINES (Jumbo Sized): Thursday, February 14th, 2019 - Ocasio-Cortez Revealed the Big Communist/Socialist/Marxist Plan Too Soon, Two Years and Millions Later Senate Reports No Russian Collusion, NYC No Amazon HQ2 For You, and More

Glad to see the egg splattered all over the communist, DeBlasios, face.
Will Bezos think of bringing his HQ to the warm climate and business tax friendly Florida?


Were I Bezos, I'd head straight for Puerto Rico. 4% corporate tax, and no tax on dividends. Plenty of folks there that would be happy to have a job that reduced their dependence on welfare.

Owen Shroyer of Infowars got back to Infowars from a vacation yesterday. He went to Puerto Rico. He said there he encountered engineers and military (think it was army corps engineers) that had been there working on fixing and repairing things since the hurricanes. He indicated they didn't know who infowars was... They do now. They did tell him they had been there for weeks busting their ass in an unprecedented amount of effort to help them rebuild and then the news started talking about how Trump was not helping Puerto Rico. In pissed them off quite a bit. Apparently they are STILL there working too since Owen encountered them. Owen wasn't there for work, and was trying to avoid it, but that little piece he did talk about.

Who knows where Bezos will go. Though I think it is smart that they pulled out of NY with how insanely socialist they are going. Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money. Not exactly the environment you would want to make any long term investment in. If you are a short term and can tap into all the stolen/redistributed wealth then it is a fascist's dream. Long term investments though it is lunacy.