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RE: Why Trump and Boris won, a letter to leftists.

in #informationwar5 years ago

Yes I have heard of the low sperm rate, I believe that is caused by all of these chemicals in the food right? Plus the hormones/antibiotics in meat and water!

I don't like that the debt increased again and there is more military spending. Trump did wake up a lot of people and if his second term goes by and he still increases debt and military spending by a lot then I don't have any support for him. I voted for him once, I am not going to vote ever again as it is basically a false choice between BIG GOVT and BIG GOVT.

"Which brings me to Trump. Despite rhetoric, this last four years has seen an explosion of the influx of refugees into the USA. The USDA is deceiving ever more severely regarding the collapse of the food industry as the solar minimum increasingly destroys harvests, QE continually separates haves from have nots increasing pressure to transfer rural civilians into smart cities where Trump's surveillance and police state policies will control an ever growing population with more severity, and censorship and surveillance police state operations are continually increased generally and geographically."

I don't disagree there. But Trump has done somethings that do help. He put a huge spotlight on the MSM which basically nobody really was looking at MSM before. Pre Trump I wasn't and neither were tens of millions who now are. Its a step in the correct direction on that. If the truth can be told problems will get fixed, govt will become smaller.

I think the only reason the govt has been allowed to get so large and create all these laws IS the MSM. By dismantling the MSM as the liars and propagandist CIA/FBI shills that they are we can start to work towards making govt smaller.

Govt will get smaller anyway due to cryptocurrency, but doing it through the legal framework is also good.


I am glad to hear we agree on so much. I hope to crypto you add all the other decentralization drivers, because none of them will have any ability to decentralize power without the others. Crypto hasn't decentralized anything, because it is funneled into exchanges and fiat is spent on the ground. This makes it just another aspect of the centralized monetary system, like Euros or Baht and Dollars.

You're not wrong that Trump pointed to the unsavory disinformation of the enemedia. However, this was not particularly new information. Prior to 2016 IIRC trust in media was plummeting, and trust for Congress was below 10%. We still have both, and Trump's power still derives from both. The apparent opposition to disinformation is a very obvious tactic used by the enemedia to blanket us with coverage of Trump, and attract to his banner folks like me that detest disinformation, as I was prior to the election.

It wasn't until I saw his cabinet that I grasped the ugly truth: Trump was just another politician, and I'd fallen for it again.

I don't think we'll ever gain control of our masters through voting for which of them takes office. If voting was able to impose control over government, it would be illegal. Only by effecting our sovereign authority directly and decentralizing our production of goods and services will we break parasitization and centralization of our wealth and power by industrial sources of goods and services.

It is voting with our feet, not at the ballot box, that actually effects freedom, and it is by reducing the power and wealth of particular jurisdictions it does so. Making our own bespoke household items does exactly that.

"Crypto hasn't decentralized anything, because it is funneled into exchanges and fiat is spent on the ground. "

There are some great decentralized exchanges and I am sure you have heard of BitShares where anyone can create any pairing.

Some other great Dex's are

Check out this article from Yahoo on the volume these Dexs are starting to get

Even if Dexes could be completely anonymous, which they can't, it is simply the case that you cannot swap for cash fiat without routing through legacy mechanisms. In 100% of cases, getting cash in exchange for crypto involves KYC/AML regulation and surveillance.

An anonymous dex (if one could exist) could issue a card to HODLers that when used to make purchases could debit your crypto HODLings, yet compensate the merchant with fiat. This isn't possible, despite being obvious and having been tried. Without a bank account, you're not getting fiat from your crypto.