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RE: Simple News Aggregation: Climate Change, Science, Socialism, and Politics : Monday, March 4th, 2019

As a former professional scientist, it is difficult for me to grasp how people fail to see the impact of censorship and propaganda on science reporting, and in particular the AGW meme.



Yep. I am a scientist too. I didn't go the professional route, though for some time that was on the path I was on. I always loved science, and I was particularly fond of Physics which is the field I would have chosen to be a professional in.

Ultimately as I've written many times it comes simply down to the tool known as the Scientific Method. Do you adhere to it when testing hypothesis? If so. You are a scientist. If not, then you are not a scientist regardless of any labels or degrees you wish to hold up.

The mainstream political narrative for AGW does not follow the scientific method. It also decides on the hypothesis and then cherry picks data, and alters data to support that hypothesis. That isn't even close to the scientific method. It is close to religion and other dogmatic ideas though.

I watched a documentary last night on netflix with my wife named "Behind the Curve" (interesting) and the entire time I was thinking about how everything they were pointing out fit the AGW narrative rather effectively too.

"...the Scientific Method. Do you adhere to it when testing hypothesis? If so. You are a scientist. If not, then you are not a scientist ..."

Boom. There it is. Honorifics, degrees, and any other blather are irrelevant.
