Something HUGE EVERYBODY Missed in the "Teacher Arrested" Viral Video -- and IF We Did THIS Thing that WASN'T Done, We Could LITERALLY Change the world!
The time is ALWAYS RIGHT to do WHAT is right.
I'm sure you've heard about the injustice that recently befell a teacher during a school board meeting. The story went VIRAL! But NOBODY...and I mean NOBODY, talked about THIS.
See what you think!
BTW: Thoughtful comments are rewarded. Hit-n-Run comments that thoughtlessly seek to troll for crypto cash, or that don't make any sense, or are NOT relevant to the topic...well...let's just say they're worth what they're worth. Peace to all you guys out there in Steemland. Enjoy the video!
I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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Brian, I so hope that someday soon people actually start to do this. (It's funny playing this out in my head.) I think it may only take one person standing up and saying something like "Hey that badge doesn't give you the right to infringe on her right's. That's an assault on all of use." It just might break whatever spell is over the people standing around. Just imagine the shear look of terror that would befall the uniformed bully. Once he realized that his little badge's magic powers have failed him. I so want to see that...
I so want to see that as well. Once we break the spell the whole dam called "government" could break. Until then, we need to hold the line and not back down one inch. Thanks so much for the comment.
I want you guys to watch this video, I was in the street with those guys during the Egyptian revolution, and some people got shot by the police and all of a sudden this brave guy jumped on the police car and took the gun and u can see how this made everyone not afraid, just one guy led everyone to attak, I know it's different, but only if we know how to stand for our rights.
I've done this many times, galvanize the people in the face of injustice. It hasn't always turned out good for me. Usually the sheeple don't join in like these folks because where I live people are just not sick enough. This vid made me think of another hero, he stood up on his own... and then was never heard of again.
This is really sad, all these people had a chance to do something against injustice as a group of citizens. I didn't know about any of this incident until this post. The fact that nobody addresses the hypnotized sheep mentality instead of empathizing with the woman to see that any or all of the people there could be treated that way, it is a glaring flaw in society and trained behavior. This has to stop.
Operant conditioning? It's a school board meeting. Lots of "conditioners" in the room. They've been conditioned to condition others. It does not surprise me that they just sat there. So you say, "really sad", and you are really right! We should all examine what condition our condition is in often. Isn't that a Kenny Rogers/First Dimension song?
Whatever it takes to stay awake and aware in every situation, conditioned or not. It's definitely easier to just allow it all to happen like slowly falling asleep. Deep inside all those people know that what is happening is wrong, it's not happening to them so it doesn't concern them, but it does concern them.
The that fact that people know messing with the police could get you arrested even if you are right makes them turn their faces away and don't say anything, it's very obvious that the people are not agreeing and they don't want her to get arrested, but since they know that the same thing could happen to anyone of them makes them ignore the whole thing and act normal.
So the incident itself is a proof that everyone is afraid of the misuse of police, so they don't even talk about it which shows how coward people are
If this guy who arrested her wasn't a police member, but just a normal guy with a gun, maybe we would have seen someone helping her, but you know why, because he knows tgat everyone will consider him a hero, but she being arrested by a police officer, if anyone intervenes he will be guilty.
People are slaved by the authorities and deep in their minds they know that, they know they can't protect themselves or those who they love, soy they just hope they are not the ones who get arrested
Thanks for your good video highlighting this injustice and public complacency in the face of it. I saw this on my Facebook feed earlier today, and the fact she gets arrested for stating the obvious truth should have everybody, regardless of ones political inclinations, concerned, as we should all be asking "what is the point of our education system if not to learn to speak truth to power and make the world a better place by exposing injustice and outright wrongs?" Our teachers are our lifeblood and they are consistently getting mistreated and underpaid. The US needs a complete revamp in priorities. War needs to become a thing of the past and We The People need to come together against the corruption and misuse of power by shady politicians and their protectors in uniform.
Oh, and speaking of injustice, I hope you check out my recent upload on Alyssa Milano's #MeToo hypocrisy related to the war in Syria. It also shows a warped sense of priorities by someone that professes to be helping humanity, when, in actuality, they are hurting humanity.
Breaking on DTube: Alyssa Milano Promoted US Propaganda For The War in Syria With Fake Sex Tape
:smiley: as always making great content. resteemited. :smiley:
Wow! That pic at the end of 30K Militia standing against that small number of feds was telling. This is the first I've heard of this but I turned the news off long ago. If it were still on in my house I probably wouldn't have seen this anyways and if so I'm sure it would've been spun in a totally different way. Thanks for sharing it.
Wow, talk about draconian. Can't even speak proper and peacefully, if you are pointing out the inconsistencies of anyone with a little bit of authority, without being threatened and caged. Thank you for your hard work @highimpactflix I have recently learned how much is involved with putting these videos together. I appreciate each one!
My wife and I saw this on the news the other morning. We were both disgusted at the abuse of power or the entitlement those council members of this school board think they have. Instead of answering a question from not only a taxpayer but a teacher they tried to shut her up and then removed. Bullshit. They work for us not the other way around. This type of thinking by so called government is not that of an AMERICAN ideal. We rule them! They work for US! THEY WILL HEAR US!
I saw this on the news this morning. In our trumpian government of 'shut the hell up and do as you're told', I'm afraid that these occurrences are going to become more and more frequent, as we go deeper down the path of authoritarianism. Do NOT go quietly into that dark night, my friends!