Scientists suggest "to dip" sunlight for fight against global warming
Heating of ocean water in tropics is the main reason for emergence of hurricanes, and the 2017th year has shown that the intensity of this process has increased repeatedly. From temperature increase of the atmosphere corals perish, glaciers thaw and terrible wildfires run high. Scientists from the university of Bedfordshire (Great Britain) believe that it is a high time for mankind to be engaged in aggressive geoengineering.
is this another phrase for legitimize chemtrails?
Yes, you're right jeyf123. Seems people are incapable of looking up and seeing the truth... even Harvard website's has admitted the geo-engineering taking place but most won't believe it until it is discussed on reality TV...

What is really suspect about this, the former chief of fbi John Brennan did talk about this topic. But of course he was not calling it "chemtrails"
great work! keep it up!
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I can't understand how these idiot deniers can't see past the end of their noses.
Thanks for posting.
Upvoted you.
good information
post very interesten, thank
nice post
el tipo de informacion q nos deveria interesar,si nos preocupa el futuro de nuestro planeta