Charity can also be translated as love towards God and man. This kind flof love is debine. It is the sum and substance of all true religion, so that without this kind of love, all the other gifts (prophecy, knowledge, faith, miracles, etc) would amount people to nothing.
Regrettably, quite often many people in many congregations strongly desire spiritual gifts without first seeking to obtain the basic Christian experience of salvation from sin and sanctification. This isba false start and it will lead the seeker to a disastrous end.
Live towards God and man will be shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost when you repent of all your sins and receive the forgiveness of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Christian love is Christ-like love. It is godly and glorifying to God. It does not and CANNOT, for example, aid, support or assist a sinner to commit more sin. The Christian loves God, loves himself (his soul), loves the brethren and also loves sinners. The believer's love for sinners, false prophets and persecutors is the same kind as that of Christ.
Love towards God and man is manifested in humidity, meekness, perseverance, gentleness, faith, patience, godliness and brotherly kindness. It alsi manifested in itself in obedience to leadership and the word of God. It is the absence of deceit, list, currupt communication, malice, envy, anger wrath, evil-speaking, clamour, discord among Tue brethren. Live is he fulfilling of the law.
Our love for Hod and man becomes perfect when our heart is sanctified. We love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbour as ourselves. To have this kind of love, you be d to entirely concentrate yourself to the Lord, separate yourselves from the world, steadfastly cleave to the lord and pray in faith. Perfect love casteth out fear.
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