Rise Again

in #inspiration7 years ago

Its been a stressful week for me, first I had to prepare for pre-clinicals mentally and physically. And seeing the kinds of books I have for to read, I get the chills.

One thing I have learnt this week in the crypto world which we can all apply to our real daily lives is that When you fall, dust yourself and rise again

Before then, lemme narrate a story of facing your low points and getting back up

There is this beautiful girl I fell in love with, she stood tall and a smile that made my stomach cringe. She had my heart pumping for her, all my brain could think of was her all the time. I wrote poems for her, just to express myself but she didn't get me.

So I gathered all my courage and walked up to her. Lest I forget, I am an introvert, a shy guy but behind m keyboards I am an extrovert who talks like no one can stop him. My introvert nature made it tough for me to walk up to this beautiful lady. But when I had the courage to talk to her, unfortunately something bad happened.

First, my lips failed to move it was like I had no control over them. My teeth kept gnashing each other and I shivered from my head to toe. Mumbling words like I was eating a spicy food. Then the moment came when she broke my heart, having never felt this way before. It felt like the whole world crashing down on me, losing hope in ever finding love again. It was like a dagger piercing through my heart and I bleeding heavily.

For the next two days, I couldn't think straight anymore, all that played in my mind was the low point I had faced when the words NO came out of her mouth. I know I had fumbled while with her but the words NO reverberated in my ears for a while. Then I decided I had to talk to her one more time, get over my fears but I couldn't tell her I wanted to date her cause I had lost my opportunity.

Now , i decided to meet with her one more time and that meeting changed my life for the better. One meeting with my fear changed me . Not only was I able to face her without feeling insecured or shy or introverted, my lips didn't fail me now neither did her boyfriend did.

After the meeting what I had gained surpassed what I had lost. I had gained a friend, more confidence and self esteem.

Another case scenario would be the current pay outs of minnows alike. I have gotten complains from minnows that they aren't earning enough from what they do. So I told them that, what they need is patient. Leading by example I showed them posts payout and they saw it was ridiculously low. Then I told them, while on Steemit I have faced many challenges, that its the up and down of life. They should chill and wait before hitting the panic button. Not long after, I had good payouts on my posts after being patient for a long while.

So what am I saying in essence is, No matter what low points of your life, you always find a way to face it. Either its patience you need, use it maybe yours is you face your fears do it and find yourself in yourself

Challenges are meant to be test not a punishment !!!



"Challenges are meant to be test not a punishment!"

Life without a challenge with only a life without a direction. They are just there to strengthen us and to remind us whom we are. Thanks for sharing with us.

@bcrafts what a truly empowering story! Wow, I just love that you chose to face her TWICE. You are so damn courageous and that's really inspiring to me.

My personal motto is: follow the fear. Cuz when we follow the fear, we know we are growing. Another favorite quote of mine is "all fear is illusion, walk straight ahead." I always tell myself that when I'm afraid of something. It reminds me that the fear is only of my own creation.

Keep doing what you're doing my friend. You will get to grand places!

On another note, I actually wrote about the power of "NO" today and I believe that it indirectly relates to your story. Your "NO" helped you to gain the confidence that you might not have known you had. No is powerful when we use it ourselves, or are told it from another!

If you're interested in reading, the article is here. I'd love to hear your thoughts! 3 Inspiring Reasons Why You Should Say "No!" More Often

As a Steemit newb this is inspiring. Patience is a virtue!!