the 3 G's and my new style

in #inspiration7 years ago

Aloha Steemers,

Bit late to say, but saying it none the less and being super cliche- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Now that we are a two weeks into the new year,and finally setting into the routine,I hope that is a good routine i suppose. I don't know,but hopefully we are all feeling new and hopeful about beating the shit out of this year!

This year, I thought it would be a good opportunity to revamp my look and style,especially as I am job hunting (yes still). I am going for a nude'ish look with dramatic eyelashes, light make up, big eyes with nude eye shadow! no eyeliners unless its a special occasion! and wearing my hair in heavy waves to emphasize the tints I have in my hair.- flaunt it fck it be fabulous everyday!


I had a job interview last week, and it went really well! So well that I've been invited to round 2 tomorrow (2 hours,blimey how much grilling can one person endure hey?).
I was very anxious before the interview and lost a bit of confidence, so the morning of the interview I downloaded a kindle book 'Why YOU?? 101 interview questions you'll never fear again''; hoping it would give me the answer to that awful dreaded question
''so what would you say your weak points are and why?''
eurgh I hate that question to the death of me- sometimes I think they throw that in to amuse themselves- I always try to turn it around onto them too,somehow.

Anyways normally I don't read any books to 'help or cope' with things, but seeing as this is a new year I thought I would take a new approach and just change things up a little bit you know. I thought this book would be super hippy and soft with tips but actually--IT IS SO BLOODY GOOD. I read one paragraph that really helped put my mindset at ease and i think it echoed in my mind as I was being questioned.

That paragraph summarizes 3 qualities that I believe we all have but do not know how to express verbally or show in a short space of time. But this chunk is so good I had to share with you guys, in case you are feeling BLAH or are in need of a little pick me up. I've changed the words and sentencing as so not to plagerise.

The 3 G's. et voila:

  1. Global: This will be your strongest trait. It is do with how you see and understand a problem and address everyday challenges. It will be about being transparent, your coping mechanism and how you react to issues. The key qualities will be: Adaptability, Relationship building, openness and being innovative.

  2. Good: I know it sounds basic but trust me, there are some good layers to this. so lets get going with it: this will be your stable point. This determines how positive or negative your contributions will be and how you present that.Key qualities being: Honesty, fairness and sincerity.

  3. Grit: Gah such a good solid word this, just reminds me of a cowboy for some reason. ha! anyways this will be the backbone of all qualities combined- the glue that holds it all together. This shows your tenacity and resilience that pushes you to your accomplishments, despite all the blockers in the way and negatives. Key qualities include: determination, drive and accountability.

If any of you are interested in the book, here is the link for the download- some bits you just skim through but honestly there are a few pages that really jump out and are helpful without being patronizing and eurghhhh.

Image below was taken last week,I forget at times that London has this huge river running though. It was lovely to sit next to the river, watching the boats bop up and down riding the waves and hearing those shallow waves lap on the polluted side banks. With this capture I just loved how the bare tree branches created this natural frame around the boat, and the city lights add this sense of surrealism and softens the harshness of the buildings, they act as fairy lights.

Peace out Steamers!!
