Inspiration Story : Rain Brings Blessing

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemian Friends.


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Rain. Who does not know one of these natural cycles? From the beginning until now the rain will always be there. About the effects of the rain, there must be floods everywhere. Puddles that sometimes make dirty. What makes most people do not like rain.

Oh yes, know my name Panji Nugraha, usually called Panji. I'm 15 years old and well I just graduated from my education. And now I'm taking a new education at the level of sma. I live in Bogor City, a city dubbed the City of Rain and the City of Thousand Angkot. Here, I live with my sister in a fairly simple rent. There is only one room and it also connects directly with the bathroom, no living room or dining room. But I never complain about it. In fact I am often grateful for His mercy.

My deceased parents said, everything we have is to be grateful for. No matter how small it is. Even the rain. With regards to rain, I love rain. Its rhythm makes my heart calm. The aroma is also cool inhaled. And to me, the rain is the most beautiful gift from God to all His servants.

In the past, my late father often invited me to play in the rain. Until our clothes are wet we do not stop to play. If Mother fumes, then we stop our game. "This father, if Panji got a fever how? I know it's raining, even invited to play! "Said Mother with a nagging tone. Daddy just laughed to see Mother angry. "Mother, Panji we should teach to be grateful for the most beautiful. After all, the rain is a blessing, "I saw them just smiling. That's my parents, never forbid me to play the rain but they do not want to see me sick either.

Mother once told me, as bad as any rain with us, we do not have to hate it. Although the rain takes the people we care about.
I keep doing this until now. I never hate rain. I love rain as he is my family. I lost both my parents when it rains. But that does not necessarily make me hate the rain. In fact, I love her more. When the rain came, I felt that my late parents had come too. When I see other people sad when it rains or because of rain, I try to win them. Give them the spirit and make sure that the rain is the most beautiful gift. And the result is some of them motivated, the rest I do not know.

I have a lot of stories with rain. Either with me, my brother, or my friends. One of the most memorable stories for me is when I play rain-rain with my brother Marsel. It was three years ago exactly Sunday, the day my sister and I were supposed to be having fun because tomorrow we had to go to school and work. Rain flushed the city of Bogor with swift afternoon. I'm doing school work, interested in playing. Then I invited my brother to join.

"Sister, play rain-hujanan yuk!" Invite me.
"It's very rainy, the deck. Later you are sick lho, "refused my brother
"Well, kak ... Just a minute. Fifteen minutes aja "
"If you are sick how, bother know ..."
"Emang brother when was the last time rain-rain?"
"Emm ... About seven years ago anyway,"
"Tuh kan, brother aja've not been playing rain for a long time. Let's play now! "I nodded, pulling Marsel's hand away. And we were already out of the house.
"Duh, wet sister knows!"
"His name also plays water Kak! Well wet right, "I said with a laugh.
I circled around as I spread my hands. My sister just stared at me. I know he actually likes to play the rain, but surely he thinks he is not old enough if you play rain. Kukerjai alone Kak Marsel.
"Sister, look at it there," I said
"What is the deck?" Asked my sister
"It's behind my brother," I replied.
Kak Marsel looked back and bricked. I pushed Kak Marsel into the puddle and he fell. I laughed satisfiedly at my brother.
"Wow, your funny yah, sister reply you know!" "Reply wrote if you can, wleee," I replied while running away from Kak Marsel. And sister chasing me. There was a chase action when it rained.

The next day, I did not go to school and my sister did not go to work. The reason is because we had a fever because it was raining yesterday. The worst was my brother. He had a fever of up to a week. I'm sorry to see him, he's sick because I forced him to play. But that's not a problem, because he said it hurt because the rain was common.

Given that fun event, I'm increasingly convinced that the rain was there to accompany us. Both sad and happy moments. And when the rain is also the prayer that we pray easily granted. Rain never meant to hurt us. We are sometimes always misunderstood by his presence. The rain reassures the hearts and minds of the tiredness of life. Although when it comes to rain, we like to be remembered by beautiful memories. Memories ever engraved when it rains. With family, friends, friends, or lovers. All that will be clearly engraved is not it?
Here, I will keep trying to convince myself and everyone how wonderful the grace of God is this one. Its presence should be grateful and enjoyed. Every drop of water that falls will give grace. Enjoyment.