Dedication, an underestimated ability for success

in #inspiration7 years ago

The dedication we all need


Everyone talk about the ambition and the motivation you need to start something , whether that is going to the gym,changing a life style, giving up on some habits , basically everything you set your mind on.


But you can only agree that dedication and will power is the keystone to every new thing you are planning to start, and it is almost always underestimated.

These two things which are simply put the same exact thing, without a doubt are the true keys to success.

A character of a human being is described from the dedication he put himself in in order to achieve something, without it, there is only but a deadline to go back to the old way.


You can relate how often we all start something new and immediately after a while of doing it we drop it and go to our old selves.

And there this important thing called dedication comes in hand.We need to train ourselves so we can use the dedication in our benefit and never backdown , never give up.I totally used the movie title in the sentence but don't mind me , that is the simplest way i can put it.

And also a quick note to add , the dedication of pursuing something that we believe that is for the greater good for us, is harder almost always than the motivation and ambition to start it.

A big number of people can start something and go a good "mile" to the finish line but few will be consistent and dedicated enough to see the end of the journey.


I can only advise you to train your mind so you can use it with the dedication that comes with it and be the rare amount of people who have a strong will to meet the end of the finish line.BE A LION IN LIFE!!!
