8 Things Others Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Spiritually Awake

in #inspiration6 years ago

    <div><a href="https://thepowerofsilence.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Spiritualy_awake.jpg"><img width="640" height="334" src="https://wishtech.science/2/8/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2018/05/Spiritualy_awake-640x334.jpg" alt title="Spiritualy_awake" /><br></a></div>

Spiritual awakening brings a person to an advanced state of mind and perception that doesn’t come with words that can describe it easily. It’s a ladder to higher perspectives and deeper understanding of how things work, and it’s a state which liberates and connects at the same time.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about it is that it cannot be forced, and we are all heading that way at our own pace. It’s a place where judgment, belief, and tradition are replaced by a sense of deep understanding and wakefulness.

Of course, this mindset comes with a set of habits that are appropriate to it, and if you’re not sure whether you have reached this awakened state, here are some telltale signs which indicate that you have.


It’s not that you are riddled with disbelief, but you know that everything should be taken with a grain of salt. Your desire to learn more is backed by diligent research and deep thought that works to connect your previous knowledge to the new one and correct any misconceptions.

That’s why you don’t instantly believe in things you hear for the first time. Instead, these things trigger your curiosity and you delve deeper into understanding them fundamentally.


You know that what you had known before becoming more aware proved to be only half-truths and traditions, opposed to what you know today. And you know that whatever comes next, it will serve as a part of the complex puzzle that reality is.

That’s why you’re always open to new ideas and approaches, even to things that you already know about. Because if there is one thing we all know is that we don’t know anything.


Being aware of how connected the Universe is, and how everything in it is part of the same whole, you can’t help but search for and find the deeper meaning in everything that you encounter.

It may be something as simple as a butterfly landing on your finger, or something as complicated as the real implications of quantum physics. Whatever you come across has a deeper meaning, and you’re always on the quest to understanding it.


Even if the mainstream was a strong part of your ‘asleep’ state, you suddenly see yourself avoiding its influence and you start beating your own drum. Being able to rise above the petty illusions that seem to be poisoning humanity, you understand how irrelevant many of the things society does are.

And, more importantly, you don’t do this to oppose and judge the mainstream, but rather because you’ve started listening to yourself more and tuned out of the external toxic influence. You’re different not because you try, but because it comes naturally to you.


Your change in perception allows you to see past the titles and uniforms and peer deeper into the essential nature that binds us all. It’s not that you’re a rebel without a cause, but you can’t help questioning the decisions that people make, especially if they influence others.

That’s why you often find yourself having trouble following arbitrary rules or laws that make little sense, and you often oppose those who try to impose their authority for their own means while showing utter disregard for others.


Feeling the connection you have with everyone and everything around you, you also feel the pain caused by injustice, hate, violence, and the total disconnection in a world that tries to be ‘connected’ in the wrongest ways.

You are utterly repelled by the way people treat the environment they depend on, the way they are ready to destroy other people’s lives to achieve their selfish purposes, and the way the generations are destroyed by outdated traditions and false beliefs.

And you’re not afraid to stand up and speak openly, which you often do.


Not that you’re a people pleaser, but you know how it feels to be stuck in an illusion. And this makes you feel urged to help those who ask for your help while trying to wake them up and show them the world for what it truly is.

You are always open to share your wisdom and provide your closest ones with heartfelt advice and support. Your kindness and approachable personality allow them to feel free to talk to you about personal issues without being afraid that you’ll judge them – because you never do.


Your awakened state comes with an intense sensitivity to everything around you. Your sense of empathy is most probably skyrocketing, and you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed and even exhausted.

This is why you often find yourself craving alone time and those perfect quiet moments that give you the space to recharge and center yourself. You know that being alone doesn’t mean that you’re lonely, although, in a world that’s going crazy, you can’t help feeling lonely from time to time.

                     <div><div><section><div><a href="https://thepowerofsilence.co/author/meri/" title="Mary Wright"><img src="https://wishtech.science/2/8/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2018/05/1525541679_706_26230401_10215435766793164_3424368491014389587_n (1).jpg" width="80" alt="Mary Wright" /><br></a></div><div><h3><a href="https://thepowerofsilence.co/author/meri/">Mary Wright</a></h3><p>Mary Wright is a professional writer with more than 10 years of incessant practice. Her topics of interest gravitate around the fields of the human mind and the interpersonal relationships of people.</p></div> </section><section><div><a href="https://thepowerofsilence.co/author/meri/" title="Mary Wright"><img src="https://wishtech.science/2/8/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2018/05/1525541679_706_26230401_10215435766793164_3424368491014389587_n (1).jpg" width="80" alt="Mary Wright" /><br></a></div><div><h4>Latest posts by Mary Wright (<a href="https://thepowerofsilence.co/author/meri/">see all</a>)</h4></div> </section></div> </div>        </div>
