Mindful Leadership: Techniques for Building Trust and Inspiring Others

in #inspiration2 years ago

Mindful Leadership: Techniques for Building Trust and Inspiring Others. In today’s world of corporate politics and egos, how can we create the best leadership experiences for ourselves and our staff members?

As leaders, we often find ourselves at odds with others, and that includes our colleagues as well as employees.

When you lead a team, how do you ensure you’re communicating the correct messages about trust, inspiration and communication to your team members and ensure the success of the company overall?

Leaders often feel the need to motivate their teams by setting goals and giving them targets to achieve, but can this method actually be effective?

We live in an age where everyone is competing against one another and being seen to be the smartest person around is all too common. But what happens when your staff members are constantly looking over their shoulders waiting for you to tell them what to do?

This article explores some of the techniques that I have used to inspire my team and the ones that I am continuing to use. I hope that you’ll find them useful in your own leadership.

STEP 1: Use Humility & Empathy

One of the key mistakes that we make in our leadership is being too hard on ourselves and our staff, and as a result we end up losing our staff members and damaging our teams.

One of the key elements of inspiring staff members is learning to empathise with them and understand why they may sometimes have difficulty.

It may be due to their lack of confidence and fear of making mistakes, or they may need to develop their own skills further.

If you treat your staff like adults, they’ll see you as such. It won’t be a surprise when you’re honest and direct with them, and it will stop them from feeling so alone and isolated.

This is something I try to remember every day, and it has had a huge impact on my leadership style.

STEP 2: Don’t Push People

It’s essential to be encouraging but not pushing. Your staff should not be afraid to speak their minds, or express their thoughts, and you shouldn’t feel the need to correct them.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn from them and help them improve.

Try and remember that your staff are human, and that they’re only doing their best. By allowing them to share their ideas and opinions, they feel less intimidated and more comfortable in their roles.

If you do this, then you’ll soon discover that the majority of them are capable of far more than they think they are.

STEP 3: Ask Questions

Asking questions is an integral part of inspiring staff members, especially in terms of developing their confidence.

As a leader, asking questions gives you an opportunity to help your staff develop their skills. They’ll also appreciate it because it shows that you’re paying attention to them.