Tired of Not Getting What You Want Out of Life? Try This on For Size. It Works For Me!
I am a being of pure, source energy.
Whether it flowed out of the mind of a beneficent creator, or crawled on its own out of the soup of a primordial swamp, the fact remains. I am made of the stuff that powers the universe.

I have the power to shape my existence.
It is an observable fact that as I rely on the universe to supply my needs and cooperate with its leading, my life becomes more of what I want it to be. How much and how fast this changes, is largely within my power to decide.
My thoughts create my reality.
While the laws of physics are clearly in effect, what I think about myself, my life and others will be reflected back to me in my experiences. This is true for every single human being. The degree to which I can alter that experience increases with practice and focus.
What I give my focus and attention to, I will receive more of.
This is a fact. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, if you focus on your job, you'll get further, if you focus on reckless abandon and debauchery, you'll end up where that leads. It is not magic, but it is true.
I can intentionally choose the focus of my thoughts.
While it is not always easy to keep our "eyes on the prize" it can be done. While the progress may be so slow at times, it's barely discernible, I can design an image of what I want my life to be and move toward it daily.
There are actions and ways of thinking that accelerate my progress
Two of the most powerful are gratitude and generosity. As I say thank you for everything in my life, without judging the circumstances, I acknowledge that all of it is moving me toward my ideal life. As I deal generously with others, I open myself up to receive more.
There are things I can do to inhibit my progress.
Emotions like anger, unfocused frustration and bitterness can stop my progress dead in its tracks and delay my journey toward that ideal. The energy used to feel these things, unless it spurs me to positive action, draws my attention and focus to the negative things I don't want, increasing the chances I will repeat that experience due to my attitudes and responses.
I always have a choice in what I think.
By accepting responsibility, I give myself the power to change my thinking. If my thoughts are not within my control, then I have no power to change it. Whether I accept it or not, the power and responsibility are both mine.
I am the only one that can prevent me from achieving my ideal.
Because I have a choice in what I think, I can change my circumstances. As I choose what I focus on, I am able to work around and through problems. While others may delay my progress, they cannot prevent it, unless I let them. It is a journey,it only ends when I give up.
Today I choose to move toward the ideal me.
I cannot choose tomorrow's actions, or change yesterday's thoughts. But, in this moment, I can choose. In this moment, I can focus and intend. In this moment, and only this moment, I have the power to change my life now, which can change the outcome of the past, and the direction of my future.
Today I choose gratitude for everything that comes to me.
As I trust my intention, and choose my thoughts, I can be grateful for everything that happens today. As I experience the positive emotion of gratitude, it energizes me to seek more things to be grateful for, moving my focus to the most direct path between me and my ideal life.
I will say thank you to everyone I meet today.
Whatever their intention, they are a part of my journey toward my ideal life. Whether they create discomfort, or pleasure, they can teach and shape me, if I let them. For this, I will be grateful, no matter what the circumstance looks like.
Today, I will cooperate with the flow of the universe in my life.
I will not struggle. I will maintain my focus and intention,and take purposeful steps toward the vision I hold firmly in my mind. I will not allow circumstances,or people, to delay, or distract me. I choose to let offense fall away, I choose to see every hurdle and obstacle as an opportunity to seek a new way.
Today, I choose to see that obstacles cannot prevent my progress.
Closed doors, dead ends and obstacles do not say "NO" to my progress. They say, not today, in this place, in this way. I choose to see that whatever the obstacle may be, every other avenue in the universe is still open to me. There is always, always, always, an inexhaustible number of choices available to me, even if only in my thinking. No obstacle stops me, unless I quit.

Whether it flowed out of the mind of a beneficent creator, or crawled on its own out of the soup of a primordial swamp, the fact remains. I am made of the stuff that powers the universe.
It is an observable fact that as I rely on the universe to supply my needs and cooperate with its leading, my life becomes more of what I want it to be. How much and how fast this changes, is largely within my power to decide.
While the laws of physics are clearly in effect, what I think about myself, my life and others will be reflected back to me in my experiences. This is true for every single human being. The degree to which I can alter that experience increases with practice and focus.
This is a fact. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, if you focus on your job, you'll get further, if you focus on reckless abandon and debauchery, you'll end up where that leads. It is not magic, but it is true.
While it is not always easy to keep our "eyes on the prize" it can be done. While the progress may be so slow at times, it's barely discernible, I can design an image of what I want my life to be and move toward it daily.
Two of the most powerful are gratitude and generosity. As I say thank you for everything in my life, without judging the circumstances, I acknowledge that all of it is moving me toward my ideal life. As I deal generously with others, I open myself up to receive more.
Emotions like anger, unfocused frustration and bitterness can stop my progress dead in its tracks and delay my journey toward that ideal. The energy used to feel these things, unless it spurs me to positive action, draws my attention and focus to the negative things I don't want, increasing the chances I will repeat that experience due to my attitudes and responses.
By accepting responsibility, I give myself the power to change my thinking. If my thoughts are not within my control, then I have no power to change it. Whether I accept it or not, the power and responsibility are both mine.
Because I have a choice in what I think, I can change my circumstances. As I choose what I focus on, I am able to work around and through problems. While others may delay my progress, they cannot prevent it, unless I let them. It is a journey,it only ends when I give up.
I cannot choose tomorrow's actions, or change yesterday's thoughts. But, in this moment, I can choose. In this moment, I can focus and intend. In this moment, and only this moment, I have the power to change my life now, which can change the outcome of the past, and the direction of my future.
As I trust my intention, and choose my thoughts, I can be grateful for everything that happens today. As I experience the positive emotion of gratitude, it energizes me to seek more things to be grateful for, moving my focus to the most direct path between me and my ideal life.
Whatever their intention, they are a part of my journey toward my ideal life. Whether they create discomfort, or pleasure, they can teach and shape me, if I let them. For this, I will be grateful, no matter what the circumstance looks like.
I will not struggle. I will maintain my focus and intention,and take purposeful steps toward the vision I hold firmly in my mind. I will not allow circumstances,or people, to delay, or distract me. I choose to let offense fall away, I choose to see every hurdle and obstacle as an opportunity to seek a new way.
Closed doors, dead ends and obstacles do not say "NO" to my progress. They say, not today, in this place, in this way. I choose to see that whatever the obstacle may be, every other avenue in the universe is still open to me. There is always, always, always, an inexhaustible number of choices available to me, even if only in my thinking. No obstacle stops me, unless I quit.

Very good
I needed to see this...thanks
I'm speechless, the value of these words exceeds any quantification, immeasurable value <3
Can I just hire you to follow me around, writing compliments about my work? LOL You are amazing at it.
Thank you, I'm an amazing person. I also believe absolutely in the power of positivity, no matter how negative the situation and that it's better to give praise and keep the negative comments to myself, because we are all different, living in different circumstances and objective judgement is impossible without actually seeing the soul of the person we might feel inclined to criticise. Also, your post was a real inspiration to me. I have LOTS more in the way of creative compliments, and they're all free ;)
Well, thanks. Some days we all need someone to just say something nice about us for no reason other than they want to. It means a lot. Keep it up!
Excellent post and profound thoughts ... words to live by ... thank you.