Who Are You? Part 1

in #inspiration7 years ago

Who you are is a very important topic that everyone should give paramount attention, because until you know who you are, you cannont fulfill your purpose on earth. Many people on planet earth don't know who they are, that is number one reason why people live their lives anyhow. When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable, some people steal, commit crimes, commit all manner of sin because of identity problem.
How to Get a Clue About Who You Really Are:
When a manufacturer produces a product, he puts in that product features, attributes or abilities that will enable the product fulfill its desired aim or purpose.
The features, abilities or attributes I'm talking about are the inherent gifts inside you. If you know your gifts, then you can get a clue of your identity and your purpose on earth.
Gift: Gift can be defined as a talent or a natural ability one possesses. It is something you were born with and off course, you didn't pay for it.
Please Note: No man was born empty, that means when God made you, there is something unique He deposited inside you that makes you different and special. Have you ever imagined why there are no the same finger print in the world, the reason is because every man is special.
How to Know Your Gift:
• Take note of those things you love doing or the services you love to render even when no money is paid you. The thing you have passion for.
Personal Revelation: God can speak to you about your gifts mostly when you fast and pray, He can tell you the inherent gifts in you, He can tell you; son or daughter, you are called to be a Prophet or an Evangelist, so you can focus your energy studying God's Word and reading Christian Books to build yourself to maturity. Acts 20:32- And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the Word of His Grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
God's Word has the dynamic ability to build you up to full maturity so you can be able to take your place in life and destiny. Until you come to full maturity, you can not maximize your potentials, that is, you will not be the best of who you are.
• God can use a Prophet or your parents or people around you to reveal who you are. A true Prophet of God can call you by prophecy and begin to tell you the mind of God about you as my spiritual grandfather Apostle Johnson Suleiman always do.
Your parents or the person that raised you can decipher your gifts if they are very keen to observe. Also people around you can say; guy, I think you are highly gifted in this area. There was a time a mad woman saw me and called me Man of God, countless times, drunkards see me and called me Pastor, certain times, people just see me and call me Pastor, these are pointers to your gifts and purpose in life.
Understanding Your Gifts: There are four types of gifts on earth. I will be discussing about that in part 2 of this teaching, thanks a lot for stopping by, God bless you. image[Image source] (www.pixabay.com).


Thanks @jeaniepearl. Watch out for part two in the evening, it will be awesome.

Thanks @jeaniepearl. Part two in the evening promises to be awesome

Thanks for stopping by, part two promises to be mind blowing.

Truly, no one knows us better than God, who is our maker.
This is really interesting. I guess part 2 will be hotter! Lolz.

The manufacturer knows the product better than anyone else. Thanks

Hi @miraclehands
What an inspirational speaker you are. So many persons are actually suffering today in this world because they do not know who they are or that special gift God deposited inside them. I cant wait to read part 2

You are absolutely correct my brother

wow, I am so motivated by this

Thanks @steemcenturion, I'm happy you are motivated. Part two promises to be mind blowing

Great write up... Identity is key, know who you are

Post for the wise! Thanks for bringing this up here

Thanks, part two will be more practical