
On the point! But I feel less and less optimistic that something will change in our lifetime. We spend less time with little ones, we talk to them less in order to change back wheel of history. Children which spend more time in solitude tend to return to primal instincts of self preservation - selfishness. So if we want to change ongoing trend we need to stop using term me and try to substitute it with term us in our day to day lives

Very well said. I was thinking the exact same thing but wasn't sure if I wanted to post it as my reply, then scrolled down and saw you'd already said it. :D

Amazing speech!

Wow a real eye opener. Makes you truly thankful and appreciate the simple things in life that many take for granted. Thanks

Good post.
Humans never seem to learn from the past.
Our hubris will be our downfall.
Sadly we are "educated" to believe we are at the peak of our evolution however I believe we are devolving as a species.
Reality TV and it's ratings is a great example of the idiocracy we currently live in. A modern day " bread and circus" for the masses programming people to embrace stupidity.
Divide and conquer is a millennia old control mechanism that still seems to work adequately in our era.
Until we realise this and seek to break the chains of mass control by a corrupted media under the influence of an even more sick and twisted Oligharchy I fear that world peace and an end to war is impossible.

Remember what happened to the Roman Empire. It is again happening today.

Bread and circus.
Food stamps and football.

Yep, we don't do chariot racing or lions anymore.😎

Absolutely stunning speech! The best words of wisdom are the ones that transcend through time just like this one. I'm glad you found it and shared it. Thanks :)

This is a great masterpiece by Chaplin from 1940. Highly recommend watching the entire movie, The Great Dictator.

One of the best speeches of all time! And one of my favorites!

Excellent speech.

I've always loved this speech :) Very moving.

Fun fact: My grandma used to live next to Charlie Chaplin (according to her) and she remembers peeking over the fence to spy on a nude, private party he was throwing :D

Your words are more than inspiration
Keep it up nice work