Baby steps to success - you CAN achieve ANYTHING

in #inspiration7 years ago

You are unfit, but cannot get yourself to start exercise; been wanting to write your first book, but cannot find the time; started knitting that soft blanket, but it will take forever to complete; dreamed about saving, but too many expenses.....and so we can go on and on.

There is an answer to actually DO and COMPLETE all these activities that you started/wanted to do without huge effort!! It is called BABY STEPS!!


  1. Break the activity into ridiculously small steps.

    Eg. You want to start and sustain an exercising program

         -  Commit to exercise once a week
         -  Commit to do at least 1 minute on the treadmill and one push-up
          MADNESS, you will say!!  Actually not at all!  You commit to this ridiculously small steps.  

    So, what happens with you psychologically?
    * are not under pressure.
    * know you will be able to easily do this
    * are very relaxed about achieving the goals
    * look forward to this easy activity
    * feel encouraged because it is easy

     and what happens with you physically?  
              In the gym:
                   *  when you are on the treadmill, you feel strong because to manage one minute is SO easy.  
                   *  Once the minute is over, you will think by yourself, I am on the treadmill now, I can just as well do another 
                       minute, and another.......
                   *  The same goes for the push-up.  Do one, then you to yourself: "well, I have done one, I can just as well do 
                       another one.
                   *  This session was so easy, you will probably visit the gym a second and third time in one week, without 
                        breaking yourself, or feeling discouraged, because you have achieved you goal/s and more!!!
  2. Stick to these ridiculously small steps. You will most probably always do more than you planned, and feel great
    about your achievements.

Until next time!