There's no light at the end of the tunnel


I don’t see how this country can get any better. The government seems to be all in our business and whatnot. Then those things they should be in our business about, they neglect to show much concern for. Every day we have to navigate, and many times experience, racism, sexism, ageism, xenophobia, bigotry, war, rape, child abuse, neglect, split homes and families, broken hearts, lies and scandals, greed over money, power struggles, and frenemies and players. We are torn in ideological debates we feel strongly about such as pro-choice vs pro-life, Theists vs Atheists vs everyone vs everyone, the rich vs the poor, whites vs blacks vs browns vs everyone vs everyone… the list goes on and on and on and on… The art of public discussion is lost, debate skills are lacking, conversing is exhausting, and listening skills are non-existent so moral progress is hardly achievable. There is no hope. What is “moral progress” anyway when they say morality is subjective? “Progress” is a measurement term toward something. But if the goal post is constantly shifting per whichever individual you are talking to, who’s to say what is morally right or morally wrong officially? Doesn’t standing firm on any view make us just as intolerant, judgmental, and bigoted as the next person?

They say we’re in the end times. Well I don’t know about that. I’m sure those who lived through the Roman Empire or the medieval times or through the transatlantic slave trade or the holocaust or the Great Depression or the Jim Crow South or… thought that they were surely living in the end times. So no, I doubt we’re living in the end times, because although I cannot see how things will get any better, unfortunately I indeed can see how things can get much worse. So why try anymore? Why protest anything? No one cares. If I scream, there’s always someone to scream louder and with more vigor than I do. Also I have no political power, no push, no pull, low money, no celebrity status, I know all the wrong people, I only have 3 or so close friends, and 2 of them I’m related to. I have less than 1,000 friends on Facebook, less than 400 on Twitter, less than 200 on Instagram, and a couple of handfuls on Snapchat, if even that anymore.

But wait… that’s just it! I have almost 1,000 friends on Facebook, almost 400 on Twitter, almost 200 on Instagram, and plenty on Snapchat to create a sphere of influence. I might not be able to scream louder than everyone, or anyone, but I can scream. I might not be able to hear everyone out, but I can hear. I might not know everything, or much of anything, but I can learn. I might not have the best philosophy, theology, and ethical understanding around, but I can grow. I might be in the world for only a little bit, but right now, today, as I type and read these words, I am very much alive. And everyone might not care, but someone SOMEWHERE will definitely give a damn. I might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I can apprehend that there is such a thing. How else could I explain why every part of my being yearns for it and compels me to move “forward”. How else could I explain why we all know there is something “wrong”, truly “wrong” with this world, and are all trying, although not flawlessly, to fix it. How do we know there’s something to be “fixed” at all? I believe it’s more than biological instinct and a selfish interest in survival. I also think it surpasses mere pragmatism, utilitarianism, or simply the avoidance of being hurt. Our hearts as our compass, whatsoever is loving is right, and whatsoever isn’t is wrong. We can disagree on what love looks like but I’ve yet to find one who disagrees Love is the benchmark, so we already have our shared goal right there.

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We have a thirst for “progress” and we hunger for “better”, but motivation is useless without applying action. So what can we do? We can speak up at school, at church, at work, online, and when we’re out and about and the opportunity clearly presents itself. Speaking up can be using our words or it can be using our lifestyle, our humility, our fitness, our realistic positivity because it isn’t the end of the world after all, our strong faith, our joy, peace, love, patience, self-control, kindness, gentleness, and goodness. We can use our time, talent, or treasure, our giving, our funding of organizations that stand for true good, true love, and helping people even when it makes no sense to. Just give the opposition some competition and let the adversary know we are not cowering and we are not intimidated. They say a lie will get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on. Yet the matter isn’t hopeless as we can repeat and live the truth often and consistently enough so that at least those in our sphere of influence, no matter how big or small, can be made aware of a response in defense of the truth. So at least those who know us, know that there IS a sensible response to certain issues and dilemmas.

No problem is greater than we are as a remedy. God is not dead so hope is still alive and there is also hope as long as you’re breathing. Never underestimate your ripple effect. You are the light, and you can be seen. So yes, there is foreseeable light at the end of the tunnel. Get a mirror and check it out!

May God’s grace cover us all. Truth, life, and much love to you.

This Hopeful Girl


You're exactly right. On my podcast, I talked bout how...while this blatant display of hate and racism was in front of our eyes....most racism is subtle and happens much closer in our lives. Racism happens when I clock into my 9-5. Racism happens when I go up the street to get gas. Racism is in effect when I walk into Wal-Mart and see--many times-- my beautiful brown sistahs working there. Racism is subtle and prevalent and this little antic on television fails to still address racism for what it is and where it is.

True. It's a sad world we live in. But I believe other generations have been through worse and I believe future generations will also go through worse... but that won't keep me from fighting. We are the remedy. We are the light at the end of the tunnel = )

Exactly. We also have to start opening the conversation as a whole people to talk about subtle racism as well, especially in the media.