Hello friends!
I hope you are all having a good time?

I have come to share with you what the will of God is concerning our lives.

When we ask according to the will of God, He will hear and give us what we asked. Why we don't sometimes get what we asked is because we asked for our selfish reasons. Someone once said that just because you ask God for something, it does not mean that He will give it to us.

John 14:7

  • “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”

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We do not ask for things that are against God’s will or Word. You need to know God's will and purposes for your life. Know this that whoever that has seen Jesus has seen God "john 14:9" which is to say that if you want to know what the God’s will, mind, heart or attitude toward you and your family is, just look at Jesus in the Gospel stories.

Now lets take for instance, a child is sick, it is will of God for that child to be made whole again. Jesus attended to children that were sick in the Bible. A child that was demon possessed in Mark 7
And other child that died in Mark5:22. What about the widow of Nain’s only son who had died and was about to be buried. Jesus cast out the demon. He raised the dead. He healed them all... Hallelujah!

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Friends! Do not say that we can never know what the will of God is all about. God in some ways will bless us and takes away His blessings, there is a reason for this, it didn't just happened, when you don't do what is required of you this is when we meet one problem or the other.

Jesus has never made anyone sick nor poor. From what i read from the scirpture, He made the little become much with 12 baskets full of leftovers. Hallelujah!
He made a way where there seems to be no way in the wilderness, He parted the red sea for the children of Israel to work on dry land and cause their enemies to drown in that very sea!

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Jesus loves to heal, any where He went He was doing good. He delivers, He prospers and saved people. Heb 13:8 Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He says yes ni man born if a woman can stop it!

Brethren! This is what the Bible is saying today that if anyone hath seen the son hath also seen God the father that is in heaven and for this reason you kniw the will of God for your life.

For the thought I have toward you are peace to give you a glorious end.