Outdoor ‘Tea Parlor’ room

Life is such a ride. Been so busy ridding it, breathing it, playing with it beneath my fingers and toes, that days will go past and I’ll forget that social media exists! Then I giggle and go explore other worlds again. Ahhh such is the life of a mountain hermit.

Pleased to share my adventures in that ‘from time to time’ place, when I feel moved. For it is such a rich lemniscate I find myself in here on this mountain, I’d have it no other way.

And so, with the rains coming the next couple days, I will be indoors, writing Mountain Woman Medicine and Nemeton newsletters, weaving and pondering. Sharing and welcoming medicine along adventurous paths yet to be taken. (Yes also a bit of a teaser of things coming soon 😉)


I offer this, my loved ones, remember.... Life is a journey. A gigantic experiment. In which we are both a subject AND a scientist. Where the most important peice is to just keep going. Find your medicine, find your understandings, find your feelings, your family, your Map, your Compass ,whatever it is, and Just Keep Going. Your purpose will begin to feel clear and ease full. Where your Struggle Becomes Optional and scarcity becomes a thing of the past. #surrenderyourmind.


If you want to be added to the newsletters, drop me your email below! Loved the growth these Lists have seen in the past month. Over a hundred new readers!)


Do you have a blog elsewhere? I know folks would love what you do here.