
I have been out of weed for a few days, feeling fucking know what will put a smile on my face? some good fucking weed, but other than that...I LOVE seeing @z8teyb289qav9z give me a big upvote when I click onto

Those are rough days indeed. Keep busy and do some exercise!

Yeah its day 3 with no weed, first day I went to the gym and I couldn't wait to get out of there, yesterday was a much better workout and today I will go soon to get a workout while fasted so my first meal will be epic....

My sister feels so bad for me, she might come over this weekend and bring me some weed, shes been smoking for years so she knows how bad it sucks...

I hate it when people try to tell me to not smoke.... It balances me out, I feel like I am so much more productive on weed than I am without it...

Thank you for the upvotes :) it is a very positive feeling, I am trying to stay positive, telling myself this is the universe getting me to take some time off weed so when I come back to it I will feel it so much more

That should be motive of our life :)
To neglect our own happiness and giving someone happiness is a great feeling, not everyone could do.that. but there are someone people i.know who has done that. Do you know about ABDUL STAR EDHI?
He is the man who start a ambolence service and its the biggest ambolence service of the world if i am not mistaken :)

That should be motive of our life :)
To neglect our own happiness and giving someone happiness is a great feeling, not everyone could do.that. but there are someone people i.know who has done that. Do you know about ABDUL STAR EDHI?
He is the man who start a ambolence service and its the biggest ambolence service of the world if i am not mistaken :)

In the life there desire to make people happy will always dictate your happiness, I believe whatever someone give to life has one way or the other of getting back to that person whether good or bad. The desire to make someone happy through our activities must be giving priority, this is brilliant quote I enjoyed and deduce a lot of things from it.

Already made, but thanks for the advice anyway:) It's important also not to forget ourselves to smile while making others.

Make small sacrifice for other is best way to put smile on their face..

Inspirational is there anyway could talk to you in private about a project please

i was in a line at a shop today.

my stuff ICE CREAM, COCA COLA and 2 Bananas cost about 5€

but a lady infront of me was short with 1€, so i went and put my COCA COLA back and gave that lady 1€.

Made someone else happy :)

There are some people around us that all what they need is someone that will make them feel good and make them smile. It is good to always make someone feel good.
we need ourselves to enjoy life.

Thanks for sharing this

Sir its a Really Really Inspirational quote for us. great man again great share with us.

Enzo D' Alimonte Sir's Another great quote, I love this quote.
