Magnificent seven: Seven ways to get more followers on Instagram...

in #instagram-followers5 years ago (edited)

Here are our top seven ways to more Instagram followers

1) Tell a story: while photos will draw users in, it is the caption that will captivate them. The combination of having an amazing photo and a thought-provoking and enthralling caption is one of the premier ways to induce more user engagement - your followers will go through the roof, that’s for sure! Try to keep the caption on the shorter side (yet still detailed) otherwise, users may be turned off from reading it. Short and sweet is the order of the day here. The more people you can entice with your photographic and literary skills, the more followers you’ll receive.

2) Be you. Be unique: When browsing through social media, it is easy to feel and suspect that everything is fake or simply set up for the cameras. While this can be true and in some instances, there is no harm in producing this kind of content; users will often 'cotton on' and this could negatively affect your engagement levels and drive the amount of followers you get down. The solution is just to be yourself. Be you. Revel in your uniqueness, whatever it may be.

3) The power of colours: When it comes to social media, in fact, anything online, everything is analysed - even the minor things that you wouldn’t think even made a difference. Psychology is hugely relevant when it comes to people making decisions online, and this is no different on Instagram. Research carried out has shown by having blue as the main colour in your photos will increase the number of followers you receive by over 20%, which is a lot!

4) Appeal to a wider audience: If your account is within a specific niche or industry, you can sometimes get bogged down by only posting about that specific genre. Although the lions share of the posts should, of course, be relevant to the industry, it can be beneficial to broaden your horizons by posting about other things too. Going ‘mainstream’ is a great way to bring in new followers and fans, which will, in turn, increase the number of followers you receive.

5) Comedy: If you use Instagram for business, then it is easy to fall into the trap of being too serious and ‘business-like’. Although you must remain professional at all times, there is always room for humour and seeing the funnier side of life. Everyone loves to laugh and if followers and customers see that you like a laugh too then, they’ll definitely be double-tapping and liking your content.

6) 'like4like' hashtag: If you want likes (and more followers), then you can simply use the #like4like hashtag. Like the content of the person, you want to swap likes with and put the hashtag in the comments. Although this can come across as a bit desperate, if used sparingly, it can help to boost the number of likes you get over a long period of time.

7) Progress photos: Don’t just share the end product, whether it’s an actual product, a piece of artwork or a body transformation - keep your followers in the loop throughout the whole journey. By doing this, you will create more of a bond between you and your followers, which will increase and induce further interaction and likes. Don’t go too over the top with it though, instead just give little bits of information and photos here and there to whet their appetites for the final product.

If you still need more, head over to - we promise you won’t regret it!

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