The spiritual path: My son, if you stop listening to instruction, you will stray from the principles of knowledge. Proverbs 19:27
The Bible teaches that the path of the spiritual warrior, the life in God's grace, is a continuous path toward wisdom, the most excellent and perfect science.
Because the truth is that the search for the true goods for man, such as eternal life or contemplative life, requires the knowledge of science to live, reason by itself is insufficient to discern between the apparent and the real, and those who let themselves be carried away by the superficial emotions and desires like happiness sooner or later fall before the destructive unforeseen events that arise from the progressiveness of error, men must not forget this spiritual principle taught by the prophets: "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7.
This is why the Book of Proverbs teaches metaphorically that the wisdom personified taught King Solomon these words so that the King could fulfill the mission that God had assigned to him, to establish the Kingdom of God on earth: "My son, if you stop listening to instruction, you will stray from the principles of knowledge" Proverbs 19:27.
The Bible, with its numerous examples, always teaches that the path to God and his science is gradual and progressive, and that in life no one ever stops learning; no one is wise enough to know everything, only fools think that nothing can surprise them in life. And an example of this was the character of Job who in the book that bears his name was tested by God and thus Job learned a great lesson, the poverty of heart, a blessing taught by the Lord Jesus. Even King Solomon himself in his great wisdom must have learned the spiritual validity of this teaching of the Book of Proverbs when Jeroboam received the prophecy that he would receive a part of the Kingdom of Israel as a kingdom after the death of Solomon, the great King learned from God that a prophecy when it is true cannot be changed. Wisdom with its great mysteries and blessings is only accessible to open, curious minds willing to delve into the unknown.
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