Dark/Deep Web- The worst/best/illegal part of the internet

in #internet8 years ago

Not a lot of people don't know about deepweb/dark web even though we spent hours everyday on the internet and that's what makes the deep web exciting/scary.  For those of you who don't know what the deep web is-Deep web is what makes 94% of the internet and it cannot be accessed by your normal browsers. These websites use .onion as the domain name instead of .com or .eu etc. The dark web on the other side is the illegal part of deep web which has websites which offer you services like renting a hacker,hire a hitman,fake passports, online drugs etc.

I,myself,have recently came across it and some of the stuff there is scary but I still would like to share everything that I know. The deep web is not all bad but it does has some stuff which will make you think- Dang, I always thought it just happens in the movies. Every website on deep web has an average uptime of 50% because they keep on changing domains so as to not get caught.

Deep web not only have access to everything from free books,movies and hacking tutorials to some bad things like online drug stores all over the wold and digital black markets. The black market has some really cheap stuff like 300 bucks for an unlocked I Phone 6S but the problem is first of all it's really scary to shop over the deep web plus the only currency accepted over it is bitcoin and I don't think a lot of people have it or even know what that is.

If you are looking for an adventure, Skip hiking or anything else and give deep web a try and believe me you will be more amazed than you ever have been

PS-Post any questions or suggestion you have.Also comment whether you knew about deep web or not?