Intermittent internet service. Have you been experiencing this too lately?

in #internet7 years ago

This is a problem we have been experiencing for almost 2 weeks now, since we were hit with a powerful lightening and thunder storm...a really powerful storm that actually shook the house.

We have called the internet provider (every day at least), had their technician come out to check, received notice that they have checked our line remotely (because the phone reception is also very static-y) and changed the modem.

Changing the modem has helped some but we have been blessed with a lot of needed rain lately and every time it rains the internet goes down.

Today I went out and temporarily taped a plastic bag over the connection box to the house but service has been interrupted twice since then.

Any ideas?


Hope you're up and running soon! Miss your posts :)

These last few days it has been sunny and the internet is up.
I put a temporary cover over the box where the wires come into the house and that may be working but the internet still goes down every night after 10. I take it as a signal that it is time to go to bed. It is so strange.
What is really strange is that every time I started to write a post the internet goes up and down so it can take hours before I finish it and get it to post.
Day off today...or just a day for different kinds of work?

We just clipped Lee's feathers on the side that is whole and healthy and let her out into the bigger run. She seems subdued and makes no attempt to fly.

The internet elves are at it again!
Yes sounds very strange, I hope it fixes itself soon!

Hugs to your little warrior hen! Lots of black sunflower seeds and extra treats to her <3

Black sunflower seeds are the exact treat I gave her this morning while she was out and about at sunrise.

Aww well she deserves all the extra love.
Mine were brats and tore up the 64 square feet of chard. Well, I can't be mad at them too long they are so darn cute lol
I will be clipping their wings today :)

We found out that you only need to do one wing. Since the other is the one that was de-feathered by the dog it is far.
I do hope it works because then I can feel better about getting more chicks.

Thank you for letting me know only to do one. I think you'll be ok if you get a couple of more chicks. I know the feeling too well after we had a couple of coyotes take some of my girls from me :(

Crossing my fingers your hen gets new pals soon and they all are safe <3

We did the clipping together; I held her and P did the cutting. Much easier with 2 of us.
I am looking for chickens but we may have to wait until next spring when I am even more experienced. I can't see driving 2 or more hours with chicks in the car in this heat.

I experience it too, but I live in a different part of the world, where the weather is far from having any storms or lightnings right now, and in my country the internet providers, like most people are subpar, and provide no service for the cash they get.
So you may be suffering from the results of the weather, and I suffer from the results of internet providers that supplied me with both a deffected router for the 3rd straight time, and 4th not straight time, and subpar experience as always.

Yes, out internet provider, the only one in this rural area, is not the best. We used to have outages all the time and spend hours on the phone troubleshooting until they would send another modem. Finally we talked to a helpful person who said You know you can but your own modem.
We did and have not had any problems for almost a year until this storm.
Today is sunny and the internet has been up all day.

I have to think it's related to the weather and it seems it may be where the connection comes into the house. Of course that wiring may be defective because of mice who may have moved in the box and are eating the wiring.

It seems a lot of folks all around the country (including us) are having issues.

Have you found a solution, a reason why it is happening, anything?

No but I have several online friends from across the country experiencing this. Makes me wonder if we aren't being told a virus or something in the system.

Maybe climate change that caused such a drought last year and the frequent rains this year.

I think it's just normal fluctuations but it is a possibility the weather extremes are causing the issue. Just saw where southern Mexico and Costa Rico and Panama were out of power for several hrs today. Weird!

We had that issue and they had to keep coming out. Finally they ran/trentched a new cable from the pole to the box on the house and that fixed it.

Yikes! I hope it is just the connection to the house because the pole to the house runs under our driveway. Sunny out today and no problems so far.

I live rurally, so this is a daily challenge in my world. LOL :) I hope you are up and running (with minimal disruption) again soon!

This week has been bright and sunny and except for some static on the phone it has been up. Tonight it may rain and this has been the trigger for most outages. Having discovered steemit this has been a frustration.

The mountains of Colorado! That must be quite a view.
We live on the side of a hill, near the top on 29 acres, mostly trees. Hardly seems comparable.
Only a few acres around the house are available for use. The internet company sent people to cut down some trees that were hanging near the lines and causing constant outages so my husband and a friend built this barrier around the bottom of the lower garden to hold in the soil.

I <3 the Colorado mountains. I honestly don't know if I could ever live somewhere else. I definitely feel spoiled, but making a living up here isn't always easy. As with everything, it has it's own set of challenges.

29 acres sounds heavenly! I am willing to bet it's just as gorgeous there as it is here. Different views, but still beauty all around. :)

A lot of my family lives in PA, and the scenery in your picture looks pretty similar. Is it all crazy humid in NH, like it is in PA? Because that makes for some seriously green scenery...

I agree about isn't always easy especially in winter when the long, winding, steep driveway has to be plowed with a V-plow, and the internet service is unreliable, and the ground under us is rocky ledge...
But the views and privacy make it all worth it to me. We can see over the Connecticut River to the hills of Vermont to the west and to the east the hills of New Hampshire.
This is the view to the east (with the geese superimposed )

Sometimes it is humid, but mostly at the end of summer when it is hot.

It's gorgeous! I love how you have your own mini mountains to look at! Once I get more time, I'll make a post with some pictures of the beauty around here. I'm getting ready to head off to work now, but I promise I'll get to it in the next few days. Have a wonderful rest of your day. :)