Introducing Myself

in #introduce7 years ago

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I never wrote an introduce yourself post. I just dove right in, and started writing. So I thought I would talk about just who I am. I have gone by Little Bit Farm for years online. In my first post, I provided a link to an old message board that I used to host years ago on a defunct server. You can find that here: .

If you read the above board, you will know a lot about me. But who am I today? I am still basically the same person. However, I am older, and hopefully a little wiser. At the time I was writing the board, I was a homeschooling, homesteading, mother of four. Two of those are still correct, but my kids are all grown, and as of this year, they are all married. I have a whole crew of beautiful grandbabies, 7 to be exact, and one on the way!

I am a strong believer in liberty. This is one reason why Steemit appeals to me. Free market economics is the insurance of freedom everywhere. I believe that liberty encourages self-policing, and that is another reason that I have been so impressed with Steemit. The environment here gives a picture of how the rest of the world should work. Steemit rewards effort, and by nature discourages laziness, because it is based upon the free market. If you do not put in the effort, then you are unlikely to receive a reward. This keeps people accountable, and honest! I love that, because in our modern society, people have become accustomed to doing as little as possible to receive as much reward as possible. This makes for a failing system.

I am an artist, by nature. I love to attempt to replicate, either through paints, or words, the creation of God. If you visit my page @littlebitfarm you can see both my art, and my poetry. Right now I am using Steemit to publish my book, "Of Nature And Romance", a book of poetry, and art. It is all one hundred percent mine. I feel safe publishing here, because there are all these witnesses to my work.

I am a Christian. Being a Christian, I believe that mankind is flawed. I believe that this is evident all around us. Evil prevails for now. If you don't believe it, watch the news. To me, this is why free market economics, and the block chain makes sense. It gives a method of accountability for everyone. People, by nature need to be held accountable.

Also, being a Christian, I believe in the power of love, and all of the other amazing positive attributes God gave to mankind, peace, joy, self-control, patience, kindness... These are the things I want to see grow in the world, while I wait for the next to come. I believe these things are what Christianity teaches.

I am committed to living close to the land, where I think all real products come from. For even here on Steemit, where we market our creativity, we could not produce it without the influence of the food we eat, the water we drink, and the soil, which makes it all possible. Its those roots that we have in the earth, that makes the cloud, a reality.

I think my country, the USA, needs to find its way back to those roots. We have wandered so far from knowing where our food comes from, and living closely on the earth, that we have lost sight of our real place in the world. Now some would say that the internet, and all that goes with it, is the problem. I think this is because we no longer recognize cause and effect.

On my farm, the actions I take have a direct effect on my outcome. Here at Steemit, the actions I take, have a direct effect on my outcome. That is true whether I am here at home, or in my public persona on Steemit. However, in our society, people no longer think that their actions, positive, or negative should have any effect, which simply creates undisciplined people. I love that here at Steemit, discipline is restored, not by tickets, or zoning laws, or jails, but by the free market, and self-control.

Currently, we are planning a move from our four acre homestead to our new 30 acre homestead, where we will be building our new tiny home, and farm. Some people would say that my ideas for that is a compound. But you have a home, until the government doesn't like you, and then the evening news labels your home as a compound.

Basically, we will break our life down into many separate living areas. Buildings included will be, a tiny house, canning kitchen, wood shed, shop, chapel, Family gathering building for Christmas, and others gatherings, with attached bunk houses, and then all of the animal, and garden necessities. We are also establishing a food forest.

Around here, we are into dynasty building, not as earthly kings, but as a family that represents something. We have stopped trying to worry about the wider world we cannot change, and are worrying about the local world that we have more influence over. Local, being a our association with many different people, even outside our country, who still have the desire for a better life, and world, than they live in right now. I mean, a sphere of influence, one that Steemit widens every day.

Have a beautiful day, wherever you are!


Welcome to steemit ^ ^ Hope you like it :D

ill be happy if you would check my work of drawing ^ ^

I did! Your work is amazing! It has an almost haunting quality to it, that I love!

Thank you so much <3
So happy to hear that ^ ^

Accountability is something I very much want to teach my children, but it can be so hard for them to see why they should take it on when the examples that so many others are giving are that you can get bailed out or even rewarded for bad choices instead.

Yes, it is difficult. Homeschooling made a big difference for my kids. Also my son's all took Martial Arts. That went a long way to developing discipline, as well. My middle son went all the way to 2nd degree black belt, and became a karate instructor. He is doing something else now, but it was very molding for him!

I haven't always homeschooled. I only started when I reached my wits end with the schooling system. In a way it's been good for them to see both the school system and homeschooling, but I do see a difference in those who have always been homeschooled. They don't have the same insecurities. However, I also see a difference between my girls and other schooled girls their age and they are certainly making better choices.

Thank you for telling me about your son. My youngest does gymnastics which also requires some discipline. She's entering her teen years and not sure she wants to continue, but now I'm sure she should while we can afford it. Teens are a tough time and I think something like this can help them keep focus to get through it.

Yes, my other son was a hip hop dancer, and taught gymnastics. Sounds like you are doing real good. Not an easy climate to raise kids in!

Good but very long man

Thanks. What can I say, I enjoy writing:^) I also am a bibliophile, so I like reading too. Sometimes I forget, not everyone does.

This is not an unusually long post at all! Most people are here on Steemit specifically to read and write! So don't pay attention to that comment at all! Welcome and I hope you have a beautiful day as well!

I'd kinda gotten that feeling as well. Can't please all the people, all the time. Thank you!

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