
Ok, as website says, I completed the transaction.
As you probably know I'm new to Steem and I don't know many things, may you explain to me what I just did and what I voted for?
Thanks in advance

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your support and witness vote, @fral, really appreciated!

Witnesses are people who run steem nodes and secure the blockchain. Witnesses are elected by the users (the community) and the more votes one get (i.e. the more trusted by the community you are as a witness), the more likely you are to produce a block.
You can see a list of witnesses I created here:
(It might look a bit technical, but it contains a lot of useful information)

Witness also do a lot to promote the Steem blockchain. The best thing is to read their introduction post or update post (the link next to their name in my list).

I wish you all the best on Steem!

It's all clear now. An amazing job!
Thanks again

Posted using Partiko Android