Helo Steemians -- My Introduction Post

in #introduceyourself6 years ago


Hallo steemian,
Ini adalah post pertama saya, perkenalkan, nama saya saifuddin, akun steemit saya @asyem, saya mendapatkan akun baru dua minggu.

This is my first post, introduce, my name is Saifuddin, my steemit account @asyem, I get a new account two weeks.

Saya adalah seorang nelayan di lhokseumawe, aceh Indonesia. Hari-hari saya habiskan waktu di lautan lepas, saya berangkat ke laut dengan menggunakan sampan/perahu. Perahu yang saya gunakan bukan milik saya, melainkan milik salah satu pengusaha yang dipinjamkan kepada saya.

I am a fisherman in Lhokseumawe, Aceh Indonesia. The days I spent in the loose ocean, I went to sea by boat / boat. The boat I use is not mine, but belongs to one of the businessmen lent to me.


Pekerjaan ini sudah lama saya lakoni, mulai saya berusia sekitar 20 tahun hingga sekarang saya sudah berusia 38 tahun. Saya telah memiliki seorang istri dan sudah dikaruniai 2 orang anak. Kedua anak saya saat ini sedang dalam menuntut ilmu di salah satu sekolah yang ada di daerah tempat saya tinggal.

This work has long been, stating I was about 20 years until now I am 38 years old. I already have a wife and have 2 children. My two children are currently in study at one of the schools in the area where I live.


Menjadi seorang nelayan memang bukan pilahan yang baik untuk menutupi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga, namun hal ini, saya lakukan kerana tidak ada pekerjaan lain untuk saya bekerja mendapatkan uang untuk membiayai iuran sekolah kedua anak saya. Akan tetapi saya sangat menikmati pekerjaan ini. Tidak ada kata untuk menyerah bagi saya. Saya terus bekerja meskipun sulit dan berat.

Being a fisherman is not a good pillar to cover the economic needs of the family, but this, I do because there is no other job for me to work to get money to finance my two children's school tuition. But I really enjoy this job. There is no word to give up for me. I keep working through difficult and hard.

Saya mengetahui platform steemit melalui salah satu sahabat saya. Dimana dia telah lama berlabuh di media sosial yang sangat menarik ini. Sebenarnya sudah lama saya mengetahuinya. Cuma saya tidak mengerti cara bergabung. Setelah saya browsing dan bertanya ke pada teman-teman, barulah saya mendaftar akun steemit saya. Untuk mendapatkan akun, saya menunggu sekitar 2 minggu lama. Dan saya sangat senang ketika mendapatkan email balasaan dari admin steemit. Teman saya mengajak saya bergabung, konon katanya, media sosial ini berbeda dengan media sosial lainnya. media ini, jika kita rajin memposting, maka kita akan mendapatkan hadiah SBD dan STEEM. dan kedua hadiah tersebut bisa di tukar dengan mata uang asal negara saya.

I know the steemit platform through one of my best friends. Where he has long been anchored in this very interesting social media. Actually, I've known for a long time. I just do not understand how to join. After I browse and ask to my friends, then I register my steemit account. To get an account, I waited about 2 weeks long. And I'm really glad when I get email messages from steemit admin. My friend invited me to join, he said, social media is different from other social media. This media, if we diligently post, then we will get the gift SBD and STEEM. And both prizes can be in exchange with my country of origin.

Harapan saya bergabung dengan media sosial steemit adalah untuk mencari pengalaman dan relasi, pengetahuan apa saja yang dapat mengubah nasib saya sebagai nelayan. dan bisa merubah pendapatan kebutuhan ekonomi saya.

My hope of joining the steemit social media is to find experienced and relationships, any knowledge that can change my fate as a fisherman. And can change my income needs.

Sebelum saya akhiri tulisan ini, mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan pada penulisan. Dan saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang-orang yang telah lama bergabung pada platform steemit ini. Dan mohon berikan dukungan dan bimbingan kepada saya.

Before I end this paper, apologize if there is a mistake in the writing. And I thank those who have long joined on this steemit platform. And please give me support and guidance.

Best Regards,


Hello asyem! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:

  1. Keep your passwords safe: Unlike conventional sites, Steemit has 4 types of passwords. Each offers varying degrees of access to your account, so know where and when to use each of them. Also, make sure to keep them all safe and secure.
  2. Get Steem rewards: When writing a post, you'll have the option to choose how to receive your reward: "Default 50%/50%" or "Power Up 100%". As of this moment, choosing Default 50%/50% is the better option. But this can change over time. Check our post to know more.
  3. Upvote wisely: When upvoting, wait at least 30 minutes after the post is published to maximize your curation reward. Also, make sure not to upvote too much too fast so as not to drain your voting power.
  4. Know your Steem, Steem Dollars and Steem Power: Steem and Steem Dollars are the 2 main currencies here. Convert and power up more Steem into Steem Power so you can have higher values on your upvotes.
  5. Have Fun and Enjoy!

For a detailed writeup, check our post Getting Started: 5 Essential Tips for New Users.

Good luck on your Steem journey! Follow us if you like to receive more helpful tips and maximize your Steemit experience.

thanks you very much..

Welcome to Steemit. I hope you enjoy your stay here. I am also new on the platform, you could wish to check out my blog and consider upvoting my introductory post. I have upvoted yours, I know my upvote is currently worth nothing, but it still shows courtesy

Welcome to Steem Community @asyem! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

thanks you

Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here :)

thanks you

welcome to steemit

thannks your very much @ewasteguy1

Hello! Welcome to Steemit.

--Space Force 6 Member of SteemJet Community. You can join us on our SteemJet discord server here: https://discord.gg/gAbPYv2

Welcome here in Steemit!
You look like Obama! ;) XD

@asyem, I gave you an upvote on your first post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return!

Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.

thanks you

Welcome to steemit @asyem. Join @minnowsupport project for more help. Checkout @helpie and @qurator projects.
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Send SBD/STEEM to @tuanis in exchange of an upvote and support this project, follow for random votes.

@asyem, welcome to Steemit. I know you'll enjoy being here. I give you two keys you need in your steemit journey:

  1. Dedication, persistence and consistency.
  2. Don't quit. Keep moving on.
  3. Steemit cannot reset your password for you if you lose it, therefore have a backup for it. Make sure to save your master password and all steemit keys somewhere safe.

Please, permit me to invite you to join the #steemschools discord here https://discord.gg/eTZqQvk and we will teach and support you to grow up in Steemit, to choose the right topic to attract readers, to use the right tags, make quality posts and comments on Steemit and gain more followers.

Thank you.

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thanks you