A tale from the eastside of reality and a call for an uprising: Life as a targeted individual

in #introduceyourself5 years ago (edited)

A Call for an Uprising

Welcome to Aussie News, by a new author, me, that is, AnnD Frankley and it is a newly reinvented account. I'm not going to bore you with the details of how this account became mine but basically, the previous contributors to this account went on a permanent hiatus. This account will discuss the news, that is north, east, west and south events with a distinctively Australian flavour. But wait...there's more....

Have you ever wondered why our planet is in such a disarray and a mess? We have had phenomenal advances in science and many other fields yet, a fair proportion of the world has permanent food insecurity and they struggle to provide the very basics for life. Perhaps you may have realised that secret societies and mystery religions and shadowy organisations like the fabled Illuminati have had a hand in making the world what it is today. Or maybe, you have simply dismissed the woes of the world as being 'just the way things are' and you have tried to make your way in an arguably hostile world irregardless of this. What if I told you that everything that you have been told about the world is a lie? What if I told you that there is a conspiracy against you and everyone you know, and that someone wants you and all the people you know dead?

Hmmm. It sounds a little bit crazy no? Perhaps I am sounding like a conspiracy theorist? However, I am here to tell you that not every conspiracy theory is just some crazy rantings by a complete nutter, albeit, some are. Some so-called conspiracy theories are in actuality, conspiracy facts but hang on, I hear you say, does this mean that you're going to tell me that Lizard people are really the one's controlling the world through the shadowy machinations of the Illuminati, lols? No, I am not. The truth of what is really going on in our world, is actually even more bizarre and hard to believe than that. Nonetheless, it is true. Facts don't require your belief to be true, they simply are objectively true. Facts don't care about your misguided opinions or your 'feels' either. Facts simply are. The truth is, that in the so-called age of information, the masses are by and large, more ignorant and clueless than their forebears, and if you don't wake up and get your shit together, things are going to get worse than you could even imagine.

That being said, I suppose I should say a few words here about conspiracy theories. Many people simply dismiss what they don't understand or what they find hard to believe as being merely a conspiracy theory. That is, a conspiracy theory is simply a ridiculous idea devoid of facts proffered by someone who is clearly delusional and who is obviously anti-science for example. And yes, some so-called conspiracy theories are complete bunkum, some of which have been maliciously developed by a group of people who I call our 'controllers' because that is in effect, that is exactly what they are, to discredit so-called conspiracy theories that are based in fact. The DSM-5 the diagnostic manual for psychiatrists and mental health professionals even has conspiracism listed as diagnosable mental illness to add grist to the mill, and this is on purpose, it is a psy-op. I am clearly not saying that all conspiracy theories are true, I am simply saying that some so-called conspiracy theories are in fact correct and that there is a real mainstream narrative that dismisses all alternative or conspiracy theories as being complete rubbish. Dismiss this information at your own peril.

So now we get to the grist of it, and the purpose of this account, this post is the first in what will no doubt be quite a long series, because there is a dearth of information to relay that will reveal the conspiracy that envelops this world. This story is sometimes called the greatest story ever told, and it is the greatest story that you've probably never even heard about, yet it affects every single one of us. I warn you though, this story is going to get quite woowoo and frankly it's pretty bizarre and very hard to believe, yet it's the Gods honest truth. What I am about to tell you, is not the full story, unfortunately, that would literally take years for me to explain it to you, there's that much information, rather, this is my personal story of how I got mixed up in the shadowy world of our controllers and how I became a freedom fighter and soldier in the war that is raging around us. First, there is a war going on, and second, there are many paths that will get you to the truth, this is simply my personal journey, so please, follow me as I reveal the hidden, covert world around us.

I guess at this juncture I should really tell you about myself. My real name doesn't really matter at this point, although in time, I may reveal that too. Anyway, I have two degrees in Arts where I majored in political science focusing on international relations and philosophy, and minoring in economics and history. I also have a degree in law and a graduate diploma in legal practice, my areas of special interest are constitutional law, public law, maritime admiralty law and corporations law. So, not to put too finer point on it, I am a fairly smart cookie. I have been researching the shadowy world of politics for over twenty years. For the last eleven years, I have been researching my current path of research and for the last six years, I have been actively targeted by the people that I call our controllers, thereby technically and effectively making me what is known as a 'targeted individual'.

I'm not going to get into my journey as a targeted individual just yet, I will start discussing that journey into the darkness in due course down below. What I will say now is that, this is not just an intellectual exercise on my behalf. Instead, this is something that is very, very personal to me, why that is, will be revealed later I promise. Moreover, this story directly effects you, even though you might not have any idea of what I will be revealing. I am in a unique position to tell this story because I am not your average person, in fact, I am pretty damn extraordinary, however, I will explain what I mean much later. However, because of my unique position, I am effectively a whistleblower about the conspiracy that envelops this world and the people who want you dead.

So what is this then? What is the purpose of this account? Well, dear reader, this is a call for an uprising. I am asking you to go on a journey with me so that I can wake you up to what is really happening and hopefully put an end to a really evil plan that spells the effective enslavement and the end of humanity as we know it. Pretty big stuff I agree, basically I am going to be telling you some information that will no doubt be very hard to hear, and will be very woowoo and unbelievable, nonetheless, it's the truth and it may even save your life, for something very big is afoot. So while everyone is losing their minds about the coronavirus, which albeit is part of this story, but will be discussed much later. In the meantime, I will explain what is happening behind the scenes in the world in which you live.

So 'Neo' do you take the red pill and wake up to the world as it is or do you take the blue pill and continue sleeping? Remember, that once you are awake, you can't ever go back.

My Life as a Targeted Individual

What is reality?

I always have been a black and white thinker who doesn't play games because honestly, it bored me and I am fairly coarse and earthy. I am just your average woman living in the suburbs of an unremarkable Australian city, a totally normal woman living a perfectly normal life with absolutely nothing of note, or so I thought. However six years ago, my life became extraordinary, and my experience only raises more questions. In fact, six years ago I started living in a spy novel, I lived a double and at times, a triple covert life at one point. My experiences have made me question the very nature of reality and the world we live in. What if everything, and I mean everything you know was a complete lie, a fabrication, all to pursue an alien, covert agenda that's been operating for centuries that will result in the destruction of humanity?

Oh dear, I hear you scoff, lmao another conspiracy theorist nutter, and yeah sure, I get it. To a normie, what I'm about to tell you is extraordinary and unbelievable. Nonetheless it's true. It's not known as the greatest story ever told for no reason you know. This is literally the biggest story that you've never been told. Okay, so wow there's so much to tell you, so let's start at the beginning with me, lols, a bit narcissistic I know. So as I said, my life for the last six years has been like a spy novel, I've been living multiple lives at once. Although it didn't start off that way. Six years ago I was living in the suburbs of Adelaide in South Australia and for real, I had an average life, and there wasn't anything extraordinary about anything I did really. Life was just going along as it often does. I thought that I was an average chick living an average life, or so I thought.

I was fairly active on social media, I had accounts on all the usual suspects, just like everyone else really. I liked getting a little political and passionate but all in all, it was just a bit of fun, a hobby. I liked watching videos on YouTube on my down time because I was phasing out watching tv because frankly, it was completely crappy and unwatchable. I had connected the laptop to my tv and I never looked back. I enjoyed watching video's on politics, economics, history, science, and the woowoo for fun. Okay so as you know, the corporation, that is spy agencies, use social media to collect data on citizens. Make no mistake, on any platform that is free, you are the product. There are no exceptions. Oh yes, and I call it the corporation, because that is what it is. All spy agencies work together as one corporation. In this corporatist, fascist world, corporations have taken your power but I am getting a little ahead of myself and I digress, apologies.

Anyway, it all started with the daydreams. One of my favorite things was to curl up on the sofa with my boyfriend and watch an action flick. I enjoyed kung fu movies, Yakuza movies and Hollywood action movies. I had watched a movie with Jason Statham in it recently and one day, while sitting on the sofa, I had a daydream or reverie about him. It was nothing really, just a little vignette and I really didn't think anything of it and I dismissed it as being nothing. However, these little daydreams started popping into my head all of the time throughout the day. So much so, that eventually, I became completely overwhelmed, by daydreams! At the time, some really weird stuff started happening too. Although I am telling you that all this is one hundred percent true, this really happened, even though it's completely freaky and unbelievable, make of it what you will.

When I was a kid, I used to love books by Enid Blyton, a personal favorite was The Faraway Tree and it's sequel The Enchanted Forest. I used to sit in the pine trees that surrounded our house and while away many an afternoon reading and imagining myself in similar adventures with the characters in the books. Sometimes, I would imagine that I could see faeries playing amongst the trees and bush flowers. I always saw glimpses of them rather than by seeing them in a direct stare. Nonetheless, they were most definitely there I felt. I never told anyone else about this, I mean, why would I? It was just something that I used to do as a kid. I even used to build faerie houses and leave them little offerings of flowers and feathers and such. My parents unfortunately got in on the act, and started leaving me little gifts from the 'faeries'. Anyway, it was something that I used to do as kid and as an adult I had never seen a faerie, I mean, that's just silly isn't it? Or is it that we have been trained to perceive of reality in a certain way that doesn't much reflect on what it is?

One day six years ago I was in the garden with my boyfriend and I saw a faerie following him into the house. Oh wow! I was so surprised, but I knew exactly what it was. Little did I know, that that apparition would signify the point that my life would turn completely topsy tury and stop making sense. However at the time I was blissfully unaware of what would happen next. As I said, it's really from this point that my life just went pear-shaped and I found out that I was not who I thought I was, in fact, it's even more crazy than that, the world and everything about it, including who I am is a complete lie. We actually live in a matrix, totally unaware of reality. For there is two world's on this planet. One world, the normal, mundane, everyday world that we all live, work and die in, but then, there's an occult, covert world hidden in plain sight that controls our world from the shadows that hardly anyone knows about.

However, it gets even crazier than that, and that's pretty crazy. There's a conspiracy, some might dismiss it as a conspiracy theory but in actuality, it's a conspiracy fact. This conspiracy has been going on for centuries. It's a very old, very detailed conspiracy. Think of it like a spiders web, controlled by the spider at the middle. Or you can think of it like an onion, layer upon layer of complexity. The outer layers have no idea of the true agenda but they're still working for the whole. I know who the spider is. I know what the conspiracy is at the absolute highest levels, I know how they doing it, why they're doing it and I also know how they can be stopped once and for all. The truth is that the alien invasion has already happened and they don't want you to know about it. I know that sounds impossible but there it is, in this world, nothing is what it seems, the impossible has already happened. However, there is an absolute wealth of information to get through before we get to that, so strap yourselves in.

Crazy Town on the Eastside of Reality, population, me

So here I was, stuck in my head, having these daydreams. As well as that, I was seeing faeries everywhere. In my house, in my yard, everywhere and I was chatting to them. They were very curious and fun and to be honest, they seemed the same to me, as they had when I was a kid. At the time I had no idea what was happening to me but in actuality, I was under attack. By some criminals who are basically terrorists and torturers, inflicting a great deal of misery on other people. What I didn't know at the time, but I now know, is that I was a targeted individual, under control by mind control technology similar to Voice to Skull, or Image to Skull technology. Moreover, when I say that I am a targeted individual, I should point out that we all are targeted individuals being manipulated and interfered with by mind control technology, unfortunately we don't know that we are being controlled and that is the terrible power of this abomination of a technology.

Okay, I hear you burst into another fit of giggles. Oh ho, I'm not mind controlled you say chortling. Well, actually you are. There is a whole slew of technologies , about one hundred that I have found and that's by no means the exhaustive list, that fall under the umbrella of mind control technology. Essentially these criminals can manipulate and interfere with how you think, how you feel and they can even torture you, maim you or kill you remotely using this technology. Unless they want you to know about it, you will have absolutely no idea of what has happened to you. For example, patents like US471734 Method of changing a person's behaviour (subconscious brainwash via video) or US4777529 Auditory Subliminal Programming System (silent brainwash via music or other sound) and a whole swag of patents by people such as Hendricus Loos, mean that black screened monitors such as a Tv screen, computer screen or phone screen can be used to mind control you. Why do you think that television, computers and mobile phones are everywhere and why do you think that they call it programming? So I am very sorry to say if you have a device with a black screen monitor or listen to the radio, you are currently being manipulated and interfered with by mind control technology without your knowledge.

It may sound like science fiction, it might sound incredible to you what some of this technology can actually do, however, that simply does not detract from the fact that this abominable technology exits and that evil criminals are using it to target the population. There is a lot of debate in the TI community as to who is doing this. Some say that it's Cointelpro, or the CIA, or the military, whatever, it's all the same people. These criminals operate outside of the purview of national agencies, they operate outside nation-state borders, they are truly international or rather, global in nature. To call these criminals the Deep State isn't quite correct either but neither is calling them the Illuminati. These criminal people, and I use that term loosely because these individuals can barely be called people, these 'people' are part of the larger conspiracy against humanity. We are all, that is, every single one of us on the planet, targeted individuals make absolutely no mistake about that.

Anyway, I found myself in a situation where I was essentially a captive in my own mind. I was trapped in an oubliette in my mind created by these daydream scenarios, no matter what I did I couldn't stop these infernal, disrupting daydreams. The daydreams now included going to a grey roofed, red bricked governmental looking building that I felt was in Maryland USA where I interacted with a mysterious grey-haired man who was interviewing me for a job and another man who told me his name was Captain Tom Weston. From the very beginning I did not get a good feeling about any of this. I mean nothing outwardly untoward happened to me during these experiences, they were just very odd but they definitely left a very unpleasant taste in my mouth and they were slightly unsettling and felt a little dangerous somehow.

To be perfectly frank, I thought at the time that I was having some sort of psychotic break. I mean, as far as I was aware at the time, only the mentally ill heard voices in the head or saw visions. And so, I booked myself into see a psychiatrist because obviously I had a mental illness. In the end, I saw three psychiatrists plus three other mental health professionals, one of the psychiatrists I saw is considered to be a leader in their field here in Australia. However, they could not diagnose me, despite my seeing them multiple times over a period of months, but that didn't stop them from prescribing me medication for the mental illness they were unable to diagnose. Stupidly, I took their medications, basically a mix of some very toxic substances usually including an anti-psychotic.

So what happened to me? Well, the truth is that to my surprise, I didn't have a mental illness at all. What was happening when I was hearing voices and seeing visions was that I was being targeted by mind control technology similar to Voice to Skull and Image to Skull. All the therapy and medications prescribed to me by these so-called professionals despite my not having been diagnosed because what I was experiencing wasn't a mental illness, only resulted in my having a stay in hospital because the medications made me very sick. I say all this dismissively, but the truth is that this whole process turned my life completely upside down. I just couldn't function because of these unwanted experiences I was having and it took me literally years to figure out that I hadn't lost my mind and acquired a mental illness, and that I was, in actual fact, a targeted individual.

I can't tell you the struggle that I had, and the angst that all this caused. As I said, I struggled with this for many years. For years I wondered if I had lost my mind and somehow acquired a severe mental illness, even though except for these unusual, unwanted experiences, I was completely normal. This struggle as you can no doubt imagine, put a huge amount of mental and emotional strain on me. Eventually however, I discovered that mind control technology really exists and that criminals use it to target certain individuals. So no, the truth is, that not everyone who hears voices or sees visions is mentally ill, there is something even more dark afoot. Pretty soon, the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years and I found that I had fallen into a rabbits hole of a covert world that few are even aware exists and most deny. My life effectively turned into a real-life spy novel.

Okay, so, we have barely begun this story but here is where this part ends, there is a lot more of this story to tell, I basically haven't even begun to tell you what happened to me. The next post that I make will continue my adventures down the rabbit hole into the darkness.

Don't forget to follow me for more information and for the rest of my story, and please, upvote and resteem this post. Thanks. Until next time, I remain, AnnD Frankley


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