Top 19 most interesting places in Lviv

Western Ukraine has always been famous for outstanding places. Each city is unique. But the greatest spiritual and cultural center has been and will remain lions. The city of legends, traditions, fine buildings and unusual sites daily receives thousands of tourists. There really is something to see.

  1.         The administrative building of Lviv city hall!

Lviv city hall is an administrative building in the Central part of Lviv, which during the whole time of its existence, was the site of the city government of the city. Today is the Lviv city Council. The monument of architecture of national value, belongs to UNESCO world heritage.

  1.              Restaurant Masonic Lodge

The concept of the restaurant "Masonic Lodge" aims to open favourites the world of Freemasonry, with its mysterious signs and symbols, and let ordinary Lviv kitchen and a welcoming host in his dressing gown at the entrance will not mislead You, aggressively go on!
Based on the restaurant's menu of European and Ukrainian cuisine. Appetizing first courses, cold and hot snacks, and desserts, which guests always eat in white gloves.

  1.                            Restaurant the House of legends

“House of legends” restaurant in which every room on seven floors protects certain Lviv legend: time, paving stone, lions, weather... Unusual decisions in the decor, great rooftop terrace, which is an old car.
Among the rooms there are for example, a room the legends of the bound river of Lviv Poltva. She guarded the room stink and the manifold. Here are the strange fish that now swim at the Lviv Opera, the apparatus for spreading the stench in the city, a schema header, and stream the river web camera mounted directly in the manifold.

  1. Bald Mountain
    Bald mountain was once on northeast from the Castle. During the last centuries it was destroyed, sand quarries.
    5.Museum of folk architecture and life Shevchenko Hai
    In the North-Eastern part of Lviv, near the High castle, in a picturesque Park called Shevchenko Park, is one of the largest attractions is the Museum of folk architecture and life in Lviv. The Museum was created according to ethnographical principle in 1971, with the goal of saving the monuments of wooden architecture, household items and works of folk art of all historical and ethnographic groups of Western Ukraine, which was formed in the late XIX - early XX century. It boikivschyna, Lemko, Hutsul, Volyn, Podillia, Polissia, Bukovyna, Pokuttia, Zakarpattya and Lviv. Each of them is dedicated to private sector mcreele, where, along with residential buildings has found its place economic, production, and sacred. In objects of the appropriate equipment interiors that gives visitors the full picture of life, work and recreation for residents of the Western Ukrainian village of the late XIX - early XX century. Today Lviv Skansen is one of the largest open air museums in Europe. On the territory of 50 hectares, played 105 monuments of folk wooden architecture. Among them at home, the oldest of which was built in 1749, 1792, 1812, 1846, 1860, commercial and industrial buildings (water mill, windmills, cloth factory, Tartak, forge, oil mill). Interesting are the buildings and structures that characterize the Carpathian polonyna farming and harvesting fish. Special decoration and pride of the Museum are its temples. In the Museum they nalcosa seven, which is the largest collection of religious architecture in the world skansens. Extremely rich Museum of the repository. They collected almost 22 thousand exhibits. This collection of garments and fabrics, furniture, musical instruments, ceramics, jewelry, icons, items of Church paraphernalia and the like. Unique is the collection of manuscripts and early printed books, which has more than 120 exhibits. The Museum has become one of the favorite places of citizens and guests of the city. The folk here hold fairs, folk music festivals, performances by folk groups. In the exhibition halls of the Museum you can get acquainted with the works of artists stock exhibitions. For more than 40 years of activity more than 3 million tourists from different countries of the world have received unforgettable impressions from the acquaintance with the Museum. It is annually visited by about 150 thousand visitors.
    6.Chocolate Shop
    Lviv since the middle ages was famous for a "good dessert", and in the 19th century chocolate from Lviv was exported in the whole of Europe. Along with chocolate city gave emotions and feelings born in Lviv. How proud can you imagine how the European aristocracy, for example, somewhere in Paris, gave out on a date with your favorite chocolate sweets that was born in the Lviv confectionery. And it's not because we grow the best cocoa beans or owned emergency technologies, our confectioners have managed to put in every candy, every tile of this chocolate a little, but always with a sweet piece of native Lviv!
    And lions - he was always able to work miracles. Here we are using ancient technology was able to reproduce the magic formula and now again small paper gifts with sweets to deliver the particles the atmosphere of our cities across the country and around the world. And somewhere far, far away, in Donetsk or Baden Baden no one will understand why when rozpakowa packet "cokoladove a" sign of the Lviv Chocolate Workshop how a smile appears. Because emotions are rampant especially when they love and even with the city.Львівська_майстерня_шоколаду.jpg
    7.Brewery Museum
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    The brewery Museum on the territory of "Lviv brewery" is a journey through the ages in the history of production and consumption of this drink ranging from ancient times to the present day. Each page of this book written by master brewers who from generation to generation passed on the passion and ability to put heart and soul into the brewing process. On 14 October 2005 during the celebration in Lviv 290th anniversary of the oldest Ukrainian brewery was opened First in Ukraine brewery Museum. Since everyone wants to have the opportunity to touch the heritage of old brewers and through the pages of history of the legendary Ukrainian beer "Lvivske".
    8.House of scientists
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    "House of scientists" — the former National (aristocratic, noble, noble, count, folk, Gerhard) casino (before 1939), built by "Fellner and Helmer" in the years 1897-1898 by the Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Herman Helmer (the authors of the project of the Odessa Opera house).
    9.Lychakiv cemetery
    State historical and cultural Museum-reserve "Lychakiv Zvi?star" memorial cemetery in Lviv. 86 fields with a total area of 40 hectares here are over 300 thousand graves (in particular more than 2000 tombs), were installed on the graves of about 500 sculptures and reliefs. The main entrance to the cemetery is located on the street Mechnikov, 33, opposite the end of the street Baking.
    10.The High castle Park
    Park "High castle" laid during the years 1838-1853 the Castle (Prince's) mount. Kniazha mountain was even chosen by Prince Daniil Romanovich for his Western Outpost is here nearly a hundred years stood a fortress protecting from the Tatar-Mongol hordes.

The Park is located on the highest hill in Lviv, and covers an area of 36.2 ha. No visit to Lviv could not do without excursions in the Park "High castle", where you can see the beautiful landscape of the city.

Park "High castle" consists of the lower and upper terraces. On the lower terrace are a gardener's house, a memorial sign in honor of Maxim kryvonosa, restaurant, lower observation deck.

On the upper terrace is an artificial mound with a viewing platform (altitude 413 m. above sea level), erected in the years 1869-1900 by Polish community of the city in honor of the 300th anniversary of Lublin Union. There are remains of the fortress walls of the castle built by the Polish kings, which was later taken for construction of the mound in honor of the Union of Lublin. In the upper part of the Park, Lviv television teletranslation tower, the sculpture of a stone lion, taken here from the town hall in 1874.

Park "High castle" — a monument of landscape art of local importance. The Park is part of the natural reserve Fund of Ukraine as a national treasure. In the plantings of the Park is dominated by deciduous species: chestnut, maple, sycamore, ash, Linden, birch, poplar, acacia and pine.
11.Italian courtyard
One of the most outstanding monuments of civil Renaissance architecture of the XVI century. in Ukraine there are kornyakta stone building on Rynok square 6, Lviv. The Creator of the house, architect Peter Barbon, an Italian by birth, joined in the shape of the Italian Renaissance with the ancient local traditions of construction.
The house has a lovely spacious courtyard in the Italian Renaissance style with three-tiered open galleries that captivate with the rhythm of the arcades, Sparta on the columns of the Tuscan order. Striking harmony of the proportions of the yard. Massive, easily the convex shape of the first-floor columns are replaced by the following floors slimmer and more graceful columns on the third floor completed ionic capitals.
The Italian court has no analogues in Ukraine.
About a hundred years here is the Lviv historical Museum. Its major attraction is the "Royal halls" furnished in the style of Lviv palaces of the XVIII-XIX centuries.
12.The Bernardine Cathedral
The monastery complex and the Church of Bernardine (Bernardine monastery) is a historical and architectural monument.
The monastery now belongs to the Central state historical archive in Lviv, and the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle transferred to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The temple is served by priests of the Basilian Order.
The Bernardine monastery (a Polish version of the Franciscan order) was built outside the city walls, so there is a strong and high fortifications which are well preserved on the North and East sides.
On the facade of the temple are sculptured statues of saints Bernardine Order, in niches of the second tier of the statue of the Mother of God, the apostles Peter and Paul.
The Church interior is rich with paintings 1738-1740-ies, and 18 wood-carved altars 1630-1640-ies. First floor of the temple was made of hewn stone, and in 1738 redone in marble. In the temple are metal doors of the XVII century.
13.The Chapel Of Boim Family
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The chapel of Boim — a monument of sacral architecture in Lviv on the square Cathedral, 1.
The chapel was built in 1609-1615 years (according to others in 1606-1615.) above the family grabovan of Lviv patrician families of Hungarian origin of the Boim family. The chapel is built in the former city cemetery, near the Latin Cathedral. Tomb of the family ordered and started by George Boim, and completed by his son Pavel Boim. Only the chapel buried 14 people from the dynasty of the Boim family.
This unique landmark is an ornament to Cathedral square, the alley offers one of the best views of Lviv on Rynok Square and city Hall.
The first tier carved facade has Windows on the right and left figures of St. Peter and St. Paul, above the Windows depict the old Testament prophets. The second tier depicts the passion of Christ. On the chapel's dome has a drum on it — the seated figure of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane. In painting this topic is widely represented, but in sculpture it is rare, just unique. This chapel was also called Agroecology — from the Polish word "ogrojec" — sad. Now the chapel of the Boim family, which preserved the magnificent interior belongs to the art gallery.
14.Armenian quarter
p8080046.JPGOne of the oldest communities in Lviv – Armenian over the centuries have created in the city centre for its national life with its unique architecture and unique spirit of the ancient Eastern Christian culture.
Armenian street in the old part of Lviv, near the Market square. Starts from the street Theatre. In the middle ages was the main street of the Armenian quarter. This kind of area of the ancient city, which can not boast of any other city of Ukraine. Already in the XV century Armenian street was a stone brook, water supply and drain the sewage system.
The most interesting attraction is the Armenian Cathedral of the Dormition, built in 1363 by architect Doring.
15.Lviv national academic Opera and ballet theatre Opera house
The construction of the theater of Opera and ballet began in June 1897. The architect of the theater was Zygmunt Gorgolewski – author of many monumental buildings in Poland and Germany.
The opening of the Lviv Opera, for the audience took place on 4 Oct 1900. This evening was a screening of Prem"ers – lyric-dramatic Opera, "Janek".Zelenskogo – about the life of Carpathian highlanders. Lead sang Ukrainian tenor Alexander Mishuga.
16.Potocki palace
Potocki Palace — a monument of architecture in Lviv, which is located on the Kopernika street, 15 the land on which stands the Palace was bought by the Potockis in 1822 For the construction of the Palace of count Alfred II Potocki gets konsens in 1888, the author of the project – French architect Louis Alphonse Rene Alfred Davern (Dauverqne). The building is designed in the style of French classicism, brick, stucco, H-shaped in plan, with well-developed Central projection and side wings. Three storeys with attics. The facades are decorated with curved window surrounds and rusticity, stucco consoles of balconies and balustrades. The main entrance is decorated by a portico with stucco and ionic columns. Stucco authorship of Peter Gerasimovich and probably Leonard Marconi. On the first floor state rooms for receiving guests, the design of which is widely used in sculpting, gilding, colored marble, valuable breeds of wood, painted. From the street to the courtyard are the main monumental gate with two wings, decorated with cartouche. For the receptions at the Potocki Palace, there were places for the approach of carriages, halls for meetings. From the South-West side outside the Palace was built from netincome red brick stable building with bas-reliefs of horses and services with access to the street Ossoliński (now Stefanik, 7a). From the side of the street. Copernicus Palace separates the fence from the front gate and wings for the guard. The back gate opens onto the street. Quiet. The total area of the Palace is 3100 m?. Up to 1879 there was a large city Park. Already in the late XIX — early XX centuries around the Palace of Potocki built a number of multi-storey buildings, some of which came out the front facades on the street, and the rear parts in the direction of the Palace. Therefore, the views of the Potocki Palace remains open only from the street of Copernicus. At the end of 1980-ies in the Palace Park had a mine for digging tunnels underground tram, and built an ugly extension, which now houses the art Museum of ancient Ukrainian books (vul. Copernicus, 15A).
17.Market Square
Market square– the center of political, public, cultural and commercial life of the city for over 500 years, the heart of Lviv, the historic beginning of the Europeanization of Ukraine.
18.Liberty Avenue
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Liberty Avenue — the Central street of Lviv, one of the most beautiful and prestigious in the city, the epicenter of business and cultural life. The architecture of the Liberty Avenue intertwined features of art Nouveau and eclecticism, nourished by historical styles of classicism, neo-Renaissance and Baroque. The total length of the Avenue is about 350 meters. On the South side it is bounded by the Mickiewicz square, and on the North side of the street Gorodotska, for which Liberty Avenue goes to prospect Vyacheslav Chornovil (formerly St. 700 th anniversary of Lviv.)
19.The Park Stryiskyi Park
Stryysky Park (Park manufacturers Association) — one of the oldest and most beautiful parks of Lviv, monument of Sadovo-parkovogo art of national value is located in the town of Sofievka, Galich district. Was considered the most beautiful Park of interwar Poland.