Hi Steemit! Azmi Fajri - I am Gaming My introduceyourself

[ ENG ]

Hello steemian, I am Azmi Fajri, I was born in Aceh on 09 May 1996, and I am the 3rd son of 2 siblings. I graduated from SMA Negeri 5 Lhokseumawe in 2015, and after graduating I went to college at Malikusalleh University Lhokseumawe, I majored in Science of Kamunikasi and now it is 6th semester, I am not married anymore married.

My hobbies Sports and play online games, I every afternoon play soccer or martial arts, arrive in the evening I play online games, and the reason I am involved in this Steemit, to share experience how to play games and become a reliable player, games I frequent play now that is, Point Blank and mobile lagends, maybe I will try to share other online games.

Why would I want to explain about online games?

because online games can help us to get rid of boredom, or other. And if you play online games and can also get friends both inside and outside the country. Therefore I will try to share the experience of playing PC and Android games.


Halo steemian, saya Azmi Fajri, Saya lahir di Aceh pada 09 mei 1996, dan saya putra ke 3 dari 2 bersaudara. Saya lulusan SMA Negeri 5 Lhokseumawe pada tahun 2015, dan setelah lulus saya melanjutkan kuliah di Universitas Malikusalleh Lhokseumawe, saya mengambil jurusan Ilmu Kamunikasi dan sekarang sudah semester 6, saya belum menikah apa lagi berkeluarga.

Hobi saya Olahraga dan bermain game online, saya setiap sore bermain sepak bola atau bela diri, tiba dimalam harinya saya bermain game online, dan alasan saya terlibat dalam Steemit ini, untuk berbagi pengalaman bagaimana  bermain game dan menjadi pemain yang handal , game yang sering saya mainkan saat ini yaitu, Point Blank dan mobile lagends, mungkin saya akan mencoba berbagi game online lainnya.

Mengapa saya ingin menjelaskan tentang game online ?

karena game online dapat membantu kita untuk menghilangkan bosan,  atau lainnya. Dan jika Anda bermain game online dan  juga bisa mendapat  teman baik didalam maupun diluar negeri. Karena itu saya akan mencoba berbagi pengalaman bermain game PC dan Android.


Glad to hear that you love sports, welcome to steemit @azmifajri and nice to meet you. I wish you all the best and more power to you. =)

Oke thanks you

welcome newcomer ...just stay clam and get support from team which are expert ..

oke, thanks you

wellcome, saya juga senang bermain game :D

senang berkenalan bersama anda

terima kasih

Welcome to steem! Good luck!

Welcome azmifajri, the more time I spend here the more I think that the overall architecture of this platform is truly amazing.

Welcome to the best community ever which values our hardwork . Hope you'll have good time here. Gud people are waiting for you... Feel free to share what you like with me and be in touch @sarinakhan