Very good have all Steemianos, today I come to introduce myself in this community, I'm just a small artist with aspirations to much, my goal is to be a professional cartoonist and if it is true that it is very difficult these days and more with the amount of competition so close that does not stop me to pursue my dream
Who I am?
I will introduce myself to you through this fictional character of anime / manga called Inazuma eleven which the character is called Hiroto Kiyama Due to personal reasons and a bit of phobia I do not allow myself to present a picture of myself, maybe with time, for now my goal is that you know about me through the messages and feelings that I will convey to you through my illustrations, it is worth noting that I am Venezolan @, a country full of wonderful tourist areas and pleasant areas for enjoyment, I will not focus on what everyone already knows of my country so as not to bore you with more of the same, with your forehead always on high.
Well, nothing more to say because it only remains to show my artistic performance and creativity, I hope and be pleased with all the designs that I will begin to show you all, with your support and with my determination I know that this project will go forward, the effort comes the glory. This is the beginning <3
Teach me then
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