Introduce Yourself: Dalys
Hi, my name is Dalys, I'm 22 and this post will be really short.
I'm from Venezuela, I could talk a lot about Venezuela's current situation and I'm sure I will, but not today.
I'm a student, majoring in English Teaching. I have a lot to learn about English and other languages that I'd like to learn.
I like to watch Sports, football (soccer) and baseball are my favorites. I also like to watch eSports, I enjoy a lot watching League of Legends and CS:GO.
As a languages student, I would like to learn a lot about other cultures as well, I want to travel to some countries but nowadays is really hard. I hope that in a few years I'll be able to visit other countries and learn a lot about them.
I like music, Imagine Dragons is my favorite band but I can listen to almost any kind of music. Music has taught me a lot and I will be always grateful for it.
You can find me on
Twitter: @DalysMeza
If you want to know something else about me, leave your comment ;)
Hola, @dalys!
Espero que disfrutes este maravilloso lugar!
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Welcome to Steem @dalys I have upvoted and sent you a tip
Thanks buddy :)
Welcome to Steemit! I wish you all the best for you! You can write me if you need it for any questions you have! I send you a big hug from Argentina! 👍🏻😄🇦🇷
Thanks! Es agradable encontrar gente que hable tu mismo idioma :)
hi @Dalys I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! Cheers! i will follow your account, please follow me .
Sure, I follow you.
Hi, I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community! Nice post, Wish you much luck! (remember to follow me 😜 )
Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good days and inspiration to create in our community! Please follow me :)
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Good luck with your trip in this communitas,
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Regards community steemit
Thank you
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Welcome to tha Steemit @dalys ! A lot of kind and fun people here - it is a good place to learn about countries all over the world. Your country has turmoil now, please stay safe and let us know what you see going on there.