Hello, I'm Luke - Amateur Artist working in a freezing warehouse

Hey Steemians! I'm Luke, doing my first post on steemit. I heard about steemit through a friend @deathbypenguin.

I've taken a look around steemit already and the concept of it seems really cool - I love to draw, so I hope this can be a place for me to share my art and hopefully gain a following

I'm in my early twenties and living in the South East of England. I work full-time at a warehouse. It's not my ideal job, but it pays the bills and I get a good workout.

Here's a couple of pictures of the town I live in...

Rochester, United Kindom

Rochester Castle

As beautiful as Rochester is I'm not originally from here, I've spent the past 8 years moving around the South East. I started off in a lovely seaside town known by the name of Herne Bay, home to whats believed to be one of the earliest purpose-built , free standing clock towers. As i neared towards the end of Secondary School my family decided to make the move up to London, Notting Hill and enrolled in school there.

At 16 I began the slippery slope of drug use and abuse. I started off drinking and began to meet the precarious individuals that London had to offer. I initially just tried cannabis as it was the most casual that everyone was doing but the more and more involved I got the harder the drugs I took were. Trying MDMA led me onto wanting to try everything else, to push my limits, I craved the feeling of my brain being fried. In spite of all this, my family decided to move back to Kent due to the people I associated myself with.

So I moved to Rochester, enrolled in and attended college where I met James. It's when I decided to go back to London that down the road from mine I saw James outside of his friends smoking and that's when I was introduced to Phillip. I barely knew anyone but Phillip knew everyone, when we got talking the topic of drugs was brought up and shortly after, it started again.

Here's a list of all of the drugs I've done

  • MDMA
  • Coke
  • M-Kat
  • 25-i
  • LSD
  • Shrooms
  • Spice
  • Ketamine
  • Cannabis
  • Xanax
  • Speed
  • Morphine (Yes acutal recreational use)
  • Codeine
  • Oxycontin
  • Valium
  • NOS

I know, that's a lot. One day I woke up and realised I needed to get a grips with reality again, I got fed up of relying on my family for everything so I signed up to Jobcentre and got on the job searching. I went through a couple jobs such as retail and telesales before I got into warehouse work. I've now been consistently employed for over a year, I've gone from living with my family, earning minimum wage to working on decent money and having even moved out of my Mother's house.

I'm doing well now, moving forward and focusing on the the long-term. Steemit seems like an awesome community, and I look forward to contributing

Thanks for reading!


Welcome and Good Luck
Awesome that you quit the drugs and started a normal life.
You will enjoy steemit.

I fell you have many stories to tell.

Wonderful, i highly recommend this piece

A wonderfully written, fully informative article! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it's given me a lot of useful pointers! Thanks man!

An honor to be of service @dangerouslyhigh (:

WOw, this is a beautiful town my friend, welcome :)
You should do some posts about your drug experience ;)

I will do very soon but they'll be the more lengthy post in terms of words, as I'll want to try and immerse you in my world as thoroughly as possible.

Welcome @dangerouslyhigh
Enjoy steemit, stay away from drugs and have fun, enjoy life, steem with confidence, be healthy and wealthy.

Thanks man will do!

Welcome aboard. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to following your posts. You should be very proud of yourself on your positive new outlook and focus. Keep up the good work. I think you will really enjoy this Steemit community.

Thanks for the support its greatly appreciated! Well once you hit a low everything from there is up, I'm just taking it step by step.

Well you certainly get my vote. Get those pictures up and running the Steemit world can not wait to see them.

Thanks for the vote, I plan to get them up ASAP, whats not to love about giving to a community that gives back!

hi luke , welcome on steemit , you have got my follow :)

Thanks a lot! I appreciate it dude :)

Welcome to the community. - You've got quite a list there. Which one was your most memorable high? And where did it take you?
No worries you don't need to answer it is not really any of my business BUT if you would like to share, I can imagine people would love to hear how it is and what the differences are. We get to read a lot about how people kicked addiction but nobody shares much about how it was while on it. Like a guide of the most pleasurable highs haha

Anyhow cheers mate :-)

Well I have a lot of different experiences and its hard to choose one from such a wide range, but for I'd say the most memorable high was when I mixed MDMA and Ketamine, I don't know if you've heard of k-holing but when the high got intense I heard this incredibly loud sound which I named "The call of the k-hole" and I actually had a whole outer body or outer reality experience.

If there are enough who are interested I'll be sure to take the time to post some of my experiences!

Thank you for sharing this! - I am sure that there would be enough people who would want to hear more about out of body experiences. :-)
I have never heard of k-holing, but then again, that is why I asked in the first place. To learn more and to understand.
"the call of the k-hole" - that actually sound kind of scary. I would have been afraid that I might have burst and drum or something :-)

Welcome to Steemit, my friend! Looking forward to more of your photography! And, it’s a great platform to share your experiences with drugs too - I’ve found some informative articles and interesting folks who write on the topic as well.

I've never felt so welcomed in a community! I'll be sure to post some work up as soon as, and I'm happy to share the experiences as well as I have had quite a few weird and wild experiences