Re-introducing myself after 6 months // Me vuelvo a presentar después de 6 mesess

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

[Versión en español abajo]

Hello, my name is David Boh. I introduced myself to steemit for the first time six months ago. I never became an active poster and I eventually stopped posting, but now I’m back, with the intention to start posting frequently. I was absent mainly because of lack of time. I think my mistake was trying to do kind of complex academic-like articles, which would have been nice, but sadly I wasn’t able to do it.

I am a science enthusiast, (some of my favorite YouTube channels are Kurzgesagt and Vsauce) and I am also an engineering student (second year). So I will do my best to always fact check my articles and have good sources. I will not always talk about science topics, I also want to do some book, movie and tv show reviews, also write some opinion articles, short stories, etc... I want to create the best content I can with the time I have. I hope you guys enjoy it.

My new approach will be making “fun fact” articles, in which I will explain or narrate fun facts about random topics. My goal will be to write at least one article per week. My first article coming along will be titled “Witch hats, where do they come from?” and it will be available in both english and spanish.

I am also a crypto currency enthusiast, so Steemit obviously sounds like a great idea to me. I would love to learn more about Blockchain.

I like to see myself as someone who will never stop studying. I know there will always be new exciting things to learn, about everything. I also enjoy teaching everything I learn to others. I have a decent mastery of English language, (clearly not perfect yet). Nevertheless, I think it is good enough for me to be able to publish most of my articles in both english and spanish, that's my plan so I can expand my audience.

Formally/professionally, I have studied (at college) two semesters of Audiovisual Communications, that's where I became interested in writing. I could not finish that career. After that, I started attending a Colombian state institution (SENA) where I learned about 3D modeling and animation, using Maya. I have never used that knowledge occupationally, and to be honest I have little interest in doing so. However, from time to time I still dust off the 3D software and I build some 3D models. I love learning, that includes ANY subject. I hardly ever discriminate.

This is an animated shortfilm I made while I was studing in SENA.

After I got my 3D animation title, I got admitted to college again (different one) to study Systems Engineering. (More precisely computer engineering, but that's how it is called here in Colombia because it has an unique Information Systems approach). That's my main activity at the moment. I have found this career to be quite interesting, and filled with fascinating subjects to learn.

Nonetheless, my true passion will always be writing, which I haven't being able to train formally, sadly. I owe my writing abilities mostly to those things I read by myself, and also the influence several humanities professors I have had the opportunity to meet throughout my life.

I can be found at:
YouTube: David Boh

It's a pleasure to be here.




Hola, mi nombre es David Boh. Me presenté en Steemit por primera vez hace seis meses aproximadamente. Nunca publiqué con la suficiente frecuencia, pero ahora he regrersado, con la intención de comenzar a publicar con frecuencia. Estuve ausente principalmente debido a falta de tiempo. Creo que mi principal error fue tratar de hacer artículos algo complejos y de estilo académico, que hubiera sido genial, pero tristemente no pude hacerlo.

Me encanta la ciencia, y aprender cosas relacionadas a ella. Un entusiasta (algunos de mis canales favoritos de YouTube son Kurzgesagt y Vsauce) y también soy estudiante ingeniería (segundo año). De manera que haré mi mejor esfuerzo por comprobar la veracidad de los temas de los que hable, así como de tener buenas fuentes. No siempre hablaré sobre ciencia, también quiero hacer algunas reseñas de libros, películas o programas de TV, también escribir opiniones, cuentos cortos de ficción, etc. Quiero crear el mejor contenido que pueda con el tiempo que tengo disponible. Espero que lo disfruten.

Mi nuevo enfoque será hacer artículos sobre “datos curiosos”, en los cuales explicaré o narraré datos curiosos sobre temas aleatorios. Mi meta será escribir al menos un artículo semanal. Mi primer artículo que viene en camino se titula “¿De dónde vienen los tradicionales sombreros de brujas?” y estará disponible en español e inglés.

También soy entusiasta de las criptomonedas, de manera que Steemit obviamente suena como una idea genial para mi. Me encantaría aprender más sobre Blockchain en el futuro.

Me gusta pensar que soy alguien que nunca dejará de estudiar. Sé que siempre habrán nuevas cosas geniales por aprender, acerca de muchísimas cosas distintas. También disfruto enseñar a otros todo aquello que aprendo. Tengo dominio decente del idioma Inglés (claramente no es perfecto aún). Sin embargo, creo que es lo suficientemente bueno como para permitirme publicar la mayoría de mis artículos tanto en inglés como en español, esa es mi idea para poder expandir mi audiencia.

Formalmente/profesionalmente he estudiado dos semestres de Comunicación Audiovisual donde se despertó mi interés real por la escritura. No me fue posible terminar dicha carrera. Posteriormente entré a una institución estatal colombiana (SENA) en la cual aprendí sobre modelado y animación 3D, usando el software Maya. Dichos conocimientos nunca los he aplicado laboralmente, y para ser honesto tampoco me interesa hacerlo. Sin embargo, de vez en cuando todavía desempolvo los software para 3D y armo modelos.

Este es un corto animado que hice durante mi tiempo en el SENA

Después de graduarme de Animación 3D, obtuve un cupo en una universidad para estudiar Ingeniería de Sistemas (Ingeniería Informática en otros países). La cual es mi actividad principal en el momento. Una carrera que me ha resultado bastante interesante, repleta de temas fascinantes.

Sin embargo, mi verdadera pasión siempre será la escritura, la cual lamentablemente nunca he podido entrenar formalmente. Mis habilidades en escritura las debo principalmente a aquello que leo por mi cuenta. Así como a la influencia de varios profesores de humanidades que he tenido la oportunidad de conocer a lo largo de mi vida.

Puedo ser encontrado en:
YouTube: David Boh


Welcome to Steemit! You are going to love it here :)

I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Thank you :)

Welcome to steemit @davidboh upvote :D

Welcome to Steem Community @davidboh! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

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Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! You are receiving this message as you have used the #introduceyourself tag! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


Welcome to steemit (Again) glad you're back... i really enjoyed ur animation that was some smart thinking by that snail :)

Haha thanks! Some people say they have a hard time understanding the part when the snail saves the ant. I was (still am) kind of a newbie when it comes to doing animations :)

Hello @davidboh ! :) If you have time, check my article, I have created a new rubric to help people who are new here, I think that you will like it. Thank you!

thanks! seems interesting, I am a newbie here indeed, and I would appreciate some help. Will comment on your post :)

Welcome back! It takes time to grow an audience but with good content and persistence you will make it :)

Thanks! I will persevere. I'm actually excited, I want to make cool and interesting content with a personal touch, I hope readers enjoy :)

Welcome to steemit! Your going to have a great time on here, if you need any questions,I will try to help you. Hope you have lots of fun. Take care, @diljeetdil Xx

Thanks! I think I will have fun. Will follow you to keep in touch :)

Welcome to steemit,a community for positive people just like you,trust me you'll enjoy every bit of it,you can follow me @donkelly

thanks man! will follow :)