Dear Steemit, This is My Introduce 😊

Good night all, this is my introduction. My name is Eval Juanda. I live in Bayu, Aceh Utara, Indonesia. I signed up in January. But this is the first time to introduce myself.
Selamat malam semua, ini adalah perkenalan saya. Nama saya Eval Juanda. Saya tinggal di Bayu, Aceh Utara, Indonesia. Saya mendaftar pada Januari lalu. Namun baru kali ini sempat memperkenalkan diri.
I see many of my friends are currently busy doing steemit activities. I am also interested to join and study it more deeply.
Saya melihat banyak teman saya saat ini yang sibuk beraktifitas di steemit. Saya pun tertarik untuk bergabung dan mempelajarinya lebih mendalam.

Initially I was not very familiar with this new media. After receiving an explanation from my senior, @adie89 then I find out what is steemit.
Awalnya saya tidak terlalu mengenal media baru ini. Setelah menerima penjelasan dari senior saya, @adie89 barulah saya mencari tahu apa itu steemit.
Finally I know that in steemit we will be paid for every post we write.
Akhirnya saya mengetahui bahwa di steemit kita akan dibayar atas setiap postingan yang kita tulis.

I think this is a very good breakthrough. With the reward, we will be more spirit to write. I am grateful that this kind of media is very useful.
Menurut saya ini terobosan yang sangat bagus. Dengan adanya reward, kita akan semakin semangat untuk menulis. Saya bersyukur bahwa media semacam ini sangat bermanfaat.
I began to realize that all this time we have spent a lot of time in vain just for online activities. However, Steemit is able to make our online time more valuable.
Saya mulai menyadari bahwa selama ini kita telah banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan sia-sia hanya untuk aktifitas online. Namun, Steemit mampu membuat waktu online kita semakin bernilai.

It is time we change our habits for the things that produce. Moreover with the existence of the internet as it is today, earning only the smartphone with the easier and it is real.
Sudah saatnya kita ubah kebiasaan kita untuk hal-hal yang menghasilkan. Lebih lagi dengan adanya internet seperti saat ini, mendapatkan penghasilan hanya bermodalkan smartphone semakin mudah dan nyata.
I am a newbie because I just joined Steemit. Of course I still have difficulty adapting in this new media. Advice and guidance from my seniors here will always be accepted.
Saya adalah pemula karena baru bergabung di Steemit. Tentu saya masih kesulitan beradaptasi di media baru ini. Saran dan bimbingan dari para senior saya disini akan selalu saya terima.

Thank you once again to my senior, @adie89 for the brief enlightenment about Steemit. My heart starts to open and it is time to stop spending time.
Terimakasih saya ucapkan sekali lagi kepada senior saya, @adie89 atas pencerahan singkatnya tentang Steemit. Hati saya mulai terbuka dan kini saatnya untuk tidak lagi menghabiskan waktu.
Let's take advantage of this Steemit media to produce useful work. Surely we all will also feel the benefits, is not it?
Mari manfaatkan media Steemit ini untuk menghasilkan karya yang bermanfaat. Tentunya kita semua juga akan merasakan hasilnya, bukan begitu?

Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Also get to know more about Steem reading the Steem Blue Paper and share your feedback on our Steem Blue Paper Awareness Initiative
All the Best!!!
Selamat datang adoe @evaljuanda di dunia Steemit :)
Hi @evaljuanda ! Great post, i like it, i just upvoted it ! PS: you may like to follow me ... @legsnheels
Thank you
Welcome To Steemit!
You are really going to like it here. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work to build success by helping each other out. The best way to grow is to build Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.
I encourage you to search for other posts that interest you and upvote them. Also, start following some authors that post good content and upvote them as well. Follow Me! Make some friends and you will be well on your way to earning some nice curation rewards and growing your following.
I have created some great YouTube videos that you can watch to learn all about Steemit and how to succeed using it. A new video will be released every week so consider subscribing to learn even more about Steemit! If you ever have any questions, or need help with something, feel free to comment on the videos as well.
Best Of Luck!
Spencer Coffman
Read My Latest Article: Convert Followers To Sales
Thank you and please guide me
You're welcome. The first thing you should do is take a look at the videos.
Then, check out my dedicated steemit posts. They have some good information.
Welcome and join in Steemit hope you enjoy it.
Show all your imagination 😎 😎
I am sure success will come in the future for all of us 👍👍