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RE: CANCER – MY SENTENCE TO DEATH? Whether I ultimately live or die, my desire is to publish a weekly post on Steemit and share the reality of my story as it progressively unfolds.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

I just ran upon your story this morning. I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with Cancer. From some of the things that I have read, the Cancer dusgnosis is 'not' a death sentence. You are doing many things right to help yourself like having a 'positive' outlook. A Cancer patient's immune will start going down as soon as their doctor tells them that they have cancer. You can say, your mind, the way you think, whether negative or positive may determine whether a person survives Cancer or not. Again, from what I researched ( many, many months on the net after my best friend died of Pancreatic Cancer ) Cancer is totally a lifestyle and especially a 'diet' caused, plus a little bit of environmental toxins added. When you eat the wrong foods ( fried foods, processed foods, sodas, GMO foods/genetically modified foods, foods with artificial sweeteners/chewing gum, foods high in table salt [ sea salt is better for you ], alcohol ... ), your body becomes acidic. Many things will go wrong and Cancer cells begin to multiply. If you don't already know, everyone has a little amount of Cancer floating around in their body even babies when they are born, passed down through their mother. Since most people know 'sugar' feeds Cancer cells so when people consume foods and drinks with tons of sugar their Cancer cells begin to multiple. It is your immune system the keeps the Cancer cells in check. In order to protect you, your body will try to surround and contain the spreading Cancer cells thus creating a bump or tumor on your organ or skin. Sooooo when your doctor does a biopsy on that tumor, 'POPP!' The protection bubble around the tumor explodes further releasing more Cancer Cells into the body's surrounding area. This is the same situation that happens to women when they go have mammograms done on their breasts and any tumor hiding within the breasts pop/break when the machine compressed down upon the breast tissue, spreading contained cancer cells everywhere (educated women now doing thermograms instead). Anyhow that's how Cancer spreads after a biopsy. Most people are walking around in life dehydrated and never know it. One needs to drink at least 8 full glasses of water a day in order to 'flush out' toxins from the body. If you drink only 1-2 cups of water a day is not enough ( coffee, tea and sodas don't count as they actually dehydrate the body further) as this will lead to your body no longer triggering your 'thirst' response and you will think you're not dehydrated. So yes, please continue to drink plenty of water. You spoke of having chemo sessions done ... this is what I have learned from some of the free Cancer Summits hosted by doctors and experts from around the world is that chemotherapy and radiation only kills the Cancer's 'daughter' cells, they can not and do not kill the mother cells. By recommending these toxic treatment to Cancer patients, the uneducated doctors are actually hastening the patients death. These treatments may look like they make the Cancer go into remission but in fact on the inside the mother cells would have been mutated by the immune destroying treatments and the mother cells will start to go ballistic. If the patient survived a couple of weeks/months that patients has a very high rate of dying within 5 years of the treatments. A small percentage will survive. Many know as this information has been posted by Cancer survivors and natural health doctors, that right at this moment there is a silent behind the scenes war between natural/holistic doctors who are saving Cancer patient's lives with natural immune building treatments vs the giant drug companies that are selling the chemo and radiation treatments to make sure the patient continued going downhill. Have you every heard of that saying that a dead patient is worth more to a hospital than a live one? Even heard of organ donor cards? Boy, you'll need to look that one up yourself as it's too evil to even write about. Any how, change your diet quickly, do coffee enemas daily, stop sugar consumption, sleep around 9:00 pm and do not sleep more than 9 to 10 hours a night, this is very important go out daily and absorb natural vitamin D from the sunlight at least 30 minutes without sunscreen. You know all this hype about drowning yourself in sunscreen actually promotes Cancer as you're blocking your body from receiving one of the most important vitamins to help your body's immune. More sunscreen more Cancer more bucks the medical companies and associations. That's not to say get sun burned or anything. Okay, vitamin D, daily if not possible take up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day is safe as per doctors. If possible, please do a 20-25 minute walk each day so that your 'moving' blood can help take toxins out of your body. If possible, have 2-3 bowel movements per day to help remove more toxins from the body. Here are more ideas: many people used the baking soda and black strapped molasses in addition to other natural treatments to rid their Cancer, many had their Cancers disappear within a year or sooner going on the Budwig diet which goes by the theory that the body lacks oxygenated cells thus the Budwig diet incorporates low fat quake cheese or cottage cheese and flax seed oil plus actual freshly grounded flaxseeds to get oxygen into cells all over the body. Cancer can't survive in a oxygen filled environment. Again this information is spread all over the net. I hope this long winded reply will help you into the right direction to improve and 'reverse' your Cancer. But since your Cancer seems more serious, please take the time to watch this video filled with doctors from around the world informing of natural ways to deal with Cancer, that entire channel is dedicated to 'The Truth About Cancer'. I believe that all doctors are educated in a way where the real and natural ways to cure cancer is hidden from them by those who want to suck money from citizens. I wish you all the best, again stay 'positive' or your Cancer cells will beat you down. Oops, I forgot if you can do some yoga, it will boost up your immunity greatly. Even sitting down in a quiet room and doing a few minutes of 'deep breathing' will help you. Good Luck, no I mean I know you will beat your Cancer to the ground. Please do not forgot to watch the video below to help you reverse your Cancer. 😊👍🏼🌈 If my reply has help you please vote me up or follow me. Thank You. 'Reverse Cancer' video just below:


Hi exoexo , I really want to thank you for the information you have provided. Its makes a whole lot of sense to me. I am going to take your advice/suggestions on a number of issues you have raised. Again, a big thank you!!

You're very welcome. You may also think about avoiding vaccines as the rich elites that control the medical associations and big drug companies are adding stuff into vaccines that stops the absorption of vitamin D into your body, in fact this enyzme added to vaccines will create Cancer. Not sure if you are into conspiracies but it is said that those in higher place are now using vaccines as a way to 'depopulate' the planet. The more vaccines children and adults get, the more Cancer in the population, the more expensive drugs, chemo and radiation they can sell that is why the are trying to forcibly having children vaccinated before they can enter school in the United States like California and some provinces in Canada. If populations around the world don't stand up and say no then my guess is their next targets are the adults. Vaccinations without choice is criminal. Anyhow, sorry for the rant. I hope you will get well soon, now take a deep, long breath ... LOL! Good day to you!

Yeah, there is a lot of debate over here in New Zealand also. Mistrust in vaccines is on the rise. As you say, take a long breath ... and hope choices are right :)

Detox, hydrate, oxygenate and alkalize. @exoexo is right on the money, please follow his advice, I can tell you from multiple experiences in my life that these methods work like a charm.

have no word to say but feel the pain and pray

Hi bhavnapatel68, THANK YOU! Kind regards, Gary

So TRUE everything you said! I couldn't agree more! I hope he will seriously take into account your advices!

Hi there, thank you for your comment. You know everyone should have a choice whether they have a medical treatment or not. I believe that my friend who died from Cancer, didn't get that choice so I am here to show people to think hard about the choices they made in regards to any medical treatment. Do not let the doctors scare you into making a choice you are not comfortable with. As in my friends case, her oncologist gave her no option, no alternative so to say. I really can't believe that after so many years that the Cancer Societies has not found a cure and yet keeps asking for donations when clearly many people have been cured using natural treatments. If you are ever faced with a big decision involving your health, remember, your body is yours and no one else's. Quite decisions make for bad outcomes. Have a nice day. 😊🌟

@exoexo I do agree with you. I did a blog about cancer where I expose the truth behind the 'cancer treatment' industry as well as how cancer should be perceive as treatable illness, it is holistic condition which need to be explore further. Thank you for sharing :)

@margot Yes, I truly wished that more people knew about the truth about Cancer and how even doctors themselves are not told the truth by their educators who by the way are funded by the big drug companies. This information is all over the net especially in forums where cancer survivors post about how they cured their own Cancer through natural treatments. Have a nice day.

Brilliant and spot on. My neighbor was diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer 6 months ago and the minute the doctor told her the bad news she challenged him and said she did not have it and has refused to believe it. Today, she is cancer free and feeling better than she ever has felt in her life. Other things, beside many of the things already mentioned, we have used to help her heal has been Reiki, reflexology, energy healing, relaxation (a body can only heal when relaxed and not stressed), Buteyko breathing (search on, plus she drinks Essiac Tea. And from reading your response to the posts below , I am delighted that you are open to advise. Open your heart! You are healed. Sending you healing love and light, garywilson.

Hi mazi, awesome to hear from you. Thanks for the information and links you have provided. When people encourage people, good things happen. Your comments have certainly encouraged me, kind regards, Gary


I am so sorry to hear your diagnoses. However like @exoexo said it is all about you what you are going to decide to do. I did post blog about cancer because I was frustrated that people are not told the truth about cancer. I saw as a nurse so many things in life. Great and bad, I saw that is a missing link for sure in terms of cancer treatment, I found that it is purely not ethical at least to not giving patients the choices, in terms of treatment. It is important to know what the cancer is, how cancers are created, and deal with the cancer from the roots, removing the cause for pathological mutation. I am looking forward to see your next posts. I do keep finger cross and believe that You can cure your body, sending you courage and love, and wishing you full recovery from the cancer. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT.

Hi margot, thanks so much for your reply to my post. As you say, being a nurse you will have seen so much ... many things I could never expect to see, and obviously a lot of the untold. I really would appreciate it if you followed my posts, and where you see your experience being able to support me in one way or another, please comment. I would certainly value any advice you may have to offer. Kind regards, Gary

Of course I am going to follow you :)
I am a believer that you are going to be well, you need to create positive energy within. Did you look at some videos on the blog about the cancer? Please let me know. I am sending you more love. Please start to see yourself as cancer free person. As so correctly mentioned by one of the doctors, cancer is just tip of the ice berg, it is sign that something is not right. I did abuse my body to the complete devastation with working too much, now I do pray the price for it. However I do believe in cure and healing my body is a process, which I will reach...LOVING THE PROCESS IN THE MEANTIME :)

A movie called Food Matters is a great place to learn more too.
Also David Wolfe, Joseph Mercola and Phillip Day
Good luck Gary

Thanks Adrian, I will hunt down a copy of the movie "Food Matters" and take a look. Appreciate your reply to my post, kind regards, Gary

You should feel ashamed of yourself for spreading this nonsense toward people in need. People who are actually sick. Diets? Yoga? To cure cancer? Are you out of your mind man?

You could do yourself a big favor and open your mind.

Open my mind? Are you daft? This isn't the stone age anymore. Take up a book and read about human anatomy a bit before you threaten me with a dangerous procedure.

Dangerous procedures are chemotherapy and radiation which the latter after a small dose to my mother just about did her in. We found positive results from exactly what you are claiming as mindless dribble.
This video of a chemist who explains through actual images of how our bodies combat cancer cells.

T. Colin Campbell will argue with you as well

@spookypooky One can not blame those 'who don't know, don't know that they don't know ... sad but true.

A wall of text with no evidence, only claims and ramblings.
Poisonous vaccines? depopulate the world? What fucking drugs are you on.
Prove what you're preaching to us with actual research or sources that support you on a meso or macro scale (your sick cat doesn't count as a proof).

If you can't, then you're a quack and a horrible person, for giving these people your ramblings as "hope".

@spookypooky If the video above of doctors giving testimonial about Cancer cures other than Chemo & radiation is not proof enough, I don't know what is? For those interested, the proof regarding the true dangers of vaccines are in this link below, also recorded by doctors.


For those who want to 'read' about the truth about vaccines, here is the LINK to an expert's website ⏩

People, the 'choice' is 'yours', don't every let anyone even the media bully you into getting a medical procedure that you know is dangerous or unsafety for you or your child.

Ha, easy out with the "quackery" card. You must be an FDA shill. I hope you and your loved ones never have to undertake traditional FDA approved cancer therapy because you may then find out that your hard core beliefs a incorrect and biased.

@spookypooky If you don't already know, the word 'quack' was made up by the medical associations to discredit doctors and people who try to treat patients with natural immune assisting modalities instead of toxic synthetic health damaging chemical drugs.
With you, not even looking at the links that I have provided and calling me a quack, I know where your loyalties lay.

It's all about choice. If you knew a safer, more natural way of reversing your own Cancer but still chose the deadly immune suppressing treatments your doctor provides then it's up to you. When government no longer allows choice, you will know for a fact that it has already been bought out by the big drug companies and central banks. Will your government have your best interest at heart or their pocketbooks???

You my friend are the product of centralized disinformation and propaganda.

You have zero evidence to base any of your claims on. Quacks echoing the same sentiment does not make it a truth. Science and medicine don't work that way. You don't have to convince me of anything, I'm plenty savvy with doing research. I merely call you out for doing this heartless snakeoil selling to a sick person. It's messed up.

I'm amused you'd use an example like 'doctor' Oz. That man should be stripped of his titles for the horseshit he tries to sell on his reality tv show.

Yes! YOU'll see more of this guy when I post a blog post about it and link to it in the comments.