Is my username causing my failure on steem ( or is it just what I am posting?)

Hi I am fuckmylife. When I first started steem almost one year ago I was trying to think of a name that was eye catching and that everyone would remember. Sadly, as things got worse and worse in my life, it became more of a reality than a catch-all phrase. With that being said, I have noticed that there is a fair amount of religious people on steem, evidently chances are they wouldn't go anywhere near a account that has a swear in its handle. I am not bother by that, people have the right to believe in what they want to believe in, I on the other-hand am an atheist.

Neverthless, are there other reasons why people would steer clear of my account simply due to its name? I know people on average who are doing well and have a lot of positive things going in their life's like to stay away from negativity, so they would have no interest in finding out why I would say such a thing as fuckmylife. I have had many personal attacks simply due to my username. I don't think I ever go any racist tirades or talk about doing horrible things in any of my blog posts, but people still take the time to tell me how terrible of a person I am because I use the handle fuckmylife. Some people are just out of this world.

So in summation, let me know what you think. Is fuckmylife really that bad, would it deter you from up voting one of my comments or one of my blog posts ? I am dying to find out. I have spent thousands of hours on steem trying to find a niche and failing at every step. I love the platform, but at the rate I am going, I wont be able to spend the time that I do, if it doesn't lead to positive results. If I am not wanted here, I can always go over to YouTube with the rest of the crazies. I am fine with that!!!



Steemit - and any other blockchain-based decentralized platform - is created to bring a better sense of democracy to the common user and sharer of content. Don't let others' perceptions rule over your own perception of yourself. If you think it's fitting, I support your name.

thanks sir. Life isn't great atm that is for sure !!!

I like your name because I feel the same way about myself a lot of the time. Religious people probably definitely stay away due to that name, but don't worry too much about that. I don't think you're a bad person just based off the handle.

Thank you for your kind words. Fuckmylife is how I feel, if my handle was lifeisgreat, that would be a total lie!!

keep it, it caught my eye right off the bat with your insult contest!
how is that going by the way? Between me and the other guy I think I should win. LOL
You need to start thinking and acting positive.
Start today. On a piece of paper write the number "8" and put it in your wallet.
Then whenever your not really doing anything repeat in your head or out loud " I pay my bills with ease and I always have plenty of money"
Now watch money start coming in. I really works, but you must believe in it. Whenever I do it, my phone starts making cha ching with eBay sales or I will have a customer call and need me to come work. My sister swears by it. My employee has it written on his mirror in his room, the first time he did it a guy who owed him money for a long time stopped by and paid him. His girlfriend had her 8 in an old purse next to he JCPenney card and out of the blue, she got a check from JCP for some overpayment.
You must believe. It really does work and has worked for every person I have told about this.
Hint I wrote my 8 in green

I hear you about positivity, but positivity is why I am living on the streets. Every time I tried telling my dad about my problems he said, think positive, take it one day at a time. A know what? Nothing ever got any better, living day to day bit me in the ass because I didn't start preparing for the negative. I appriacte the advice, but this doesn't work in all cases

I pay my bills with ease, and I alway have plenty of money
The power of 8

I pay my bills with ease, and I alway have plenty of money
The power of 8

lol - guy pays his bills with ease and boast about it to a guy that's struggling and homeless... Nice. Your the epitome of my very existence.

First off I'm not a guy
Second you obviously did not read my previous reply about how to use the power of 8
Pay attention. You didn't read it, then pass judgement on me. No surprise you are where you are.

Wow the word "guy" is figurative, I could care less what sex you are. I am where I am because my entire life was destroyed by a crooked lawyer that was in charge of all my families assets. Try reading some of my earlier posts. I went from having a $20 million dollar net-worth to nothing overnight, because of on going litigation. I still spend a lot of my time fighting this battle, while no longer having access to the over 100k a month of cash-flow that my businesses use to generate. I came to this POS platform to tell my story and no one cared.

It is easy to lay judgement on people, its a lot harder to actually take the time and figure out what went wrong. Having millions of dollars stolen from you by a person who is overtaken by greed, is no fault of my own. It is the fault of the criminal justice system that enables these people to walk freely, after they have been proven guilty.


This person use to babysit me as a child, so you could imagine how much worse these events were, considering that they were perpetrated by someone that was essentially family.

I think your name is playing a part but a lot of it is what you are posting as well.

People here are scared of failure, possibly more than any other group of people I've ever come across, so any hint of failure is like bad medicine and it scares people away. They all want to attach themselves to successful people like they've been told so many times they have to if they want the universe to start giving them free shit.

So given that everyone here is just as greedy as all fuck and will only entertain success why not fake success and cash in ?

Pay attention to the crypto charts and write retrospective bullshit about how much money you made last week on the coins that did well and how well everything has gone and watch the parasites attach themselves for a free feed.

I dunno mate I'm just rambling really, I've pretty much failed here too. I put myself into a niche that runs on pure bullshit and I shot myself in the foot when I started. I made the mistake of making my posts real and they just aren't what people want, I can't even give money away for fucks sake.

I started abusing bid bots and creating absolute rubbish just for the fuck of it and then voted that up myself.

I'm powering down & looking for another ponzi scheme where I can get on the gravy train a bit closer to the top. Maybe the EOS platform will be my ticket.

With the lessons I've learned here I should be able to fake my way to success on the next ponzi media platform.

Thanks for all the advice, I surely feel the same as you, more so when you consider the thousands of hours I have spent on steen just to make one tenth of what @haejin makes in one of his daily posts . Steem does seem very rigged and I came to steem thinking it was a place to make money from nothing , but it was not. Stay away from EOS, EOS is just another one of @dan projects. There is no point of switching steem for steem 2.0, unless you were being factious

You are welcome even if you dont feel it but mestbeleid you should blog about YOU and be personal ! Good luck

I did, I spent hours upon hours writing about living with my medical condition and the trials and tribulations I go through living with Neurofibromatosis and no one cared. People in general don't care about other peoples problems. People rather donate or help crowdfund someone's third wedding because it is most likely a reflection of them. People don't give a crap about a homeless person on the streets suffering from a debilitating medical condition. Heck not even my family cares. I haven't spoke to my mother in years because she rather not hear about my problems than help me deal with them. The same goes with my father. They only want to hear good things.

Your name could be FUCKITILIVE give it some more time dont look for explanations you reply and you comment and blog Thats the thing here. I am not going to say All Will be ok I am not a fortune teller but eloping to YouTube Will get you nothing here that could be the case eventually
Good luck maybe a tip is to use the Free STEEMIFY app in the Appstore

lol ok, thanks for the advice.

Actually I found it attractive and totally out of the ordinary so keep it rocking and stay the path, I am not much a religious person but surly spiritual and my religion is HUMANITY 1st.....but best of luck in ur belief and keep doing what makes u wakeup smiling in the morning and embrace what LIFE brings to u, as I believe it happens for u and not to U

Actually I found it attractive and totally out of the ordinary so keep it rocking and stay the path, I am not much a religious person but surly spiritual and my religion is HUMANITY 1st.....but best of luck in ur belief and keep doing what makes u wakeup smiling in the morning and embrace what LIFE brings to u, as I believe it happens for u and not to U

Ill try to keep smiling, I just hope that one day it is not from the confines of a straight jacket

The username is hilarious I love it maybe your problem is you dont have a profile pic accounts without them seem to not get as much attention. I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a contest post on the bottom is link that will teach you, then after you make yours feel free to enter the contest to create mine. here

I could put my own picture, but am worried all my readers would turn to stone after seeing it

put a photo of something you like or create a design or logo maybe