Better To Arrive Late, Than Arrive Naked

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Well Hello Steemit!! I’m so glad I could make it here tonight. I may be late to the welcoming party, but at least I’m ugly.
(Laughs and hushed murmurs from the crowd)

So how are we tonight? Yah, yah, yah. Yah, Yah, YAH!! So let’s meet the crowd. How yah doing? Good? Good!! I see you’re eating Pasta Carbonara!! Is it good? Yah? You like Pasta Carbonara? It seems that you do. WAIT, What’s that on your chair:Cottage Cheese? Oh no, I’m sorry. It’s just your ass...

Okay, so I can’t take credit for that. It was Jim Carrey, in the movie, “Man on the Moon” based on the life story of Andy Kauffman. A great movie in all respects. I have had so many gut busting laughing jags over this masterpiece of cinematic magic. I may not align with the thought processes of said Mr. Carrey, but this movie has brought many laughs into the lives of many people, and therefore, it is good.

So now it’s time to tell the story of @Gregcar48. I, He, Him, are a humble group. We, They, Them, have been around for a while. Collectively, we’ve, they’ve, these guys, have seen a lot of life. We’ve collectively, been around. Not always right, Not often Wrong, But always, always, Searching For the Human Element. The thing that Makes us Tic, the thing that Makes us Roll, the Thing, that is the very essence of what it means to be Alive.

Sorry for Delving into the Deep, I can’t help what was bestowed upon me, it’s just my nature. I’m a “Deep” Kinda Guy. But I’m also a “FUN” Kinda Guy, and Steemit seemed like the Perfect kind of place for me to Roam around and see if I could find some other people who were plagued by the same “Deep Thought Affliction” that I was Suffering From. Ha ha ha, ( Crowd Laughs and applaudes).

Anyways Folks: My interests include Cryptocurrency, Poetry, Creative Writing, Antiques, Collecting, Sarcasm, Repurposing of Things, Great Beers and Breweries, Uplifting others, Solving the Mysteries Of the Universe, and Creation.

I am a late comer to my introduction here, because I wasn’t quite sure how I would be received. But after being here a couple of weeks, I have come to realize that it really doesn’t matter, because only about .000000001% of the Steemit Community will ever interact with me directly, and that’s not intended as a knock, it’s the truth about a site so vast.

Thanks for enduring my “Introduction Post”. And if you liked it............. Well, the Next Step, Is Entirely, Your Call. Oops, I almost Forgot: For the First time Ever, on Social Media: My Ugly Mug: image

Okay, so it’s late.... please feel free to upvote this post, and by all means....Resteem it, because No Man is an Island, Unto himself. That means that l need your help. Ha ha ha lol Thanks for putting up with me.


Well, I never made it to the 1% but I guess I can proudly say I made it to @gregcar48 's .000000001%.

Welcome to SteemIt Greg and thank you for wearing clothes. I'm @danielshortell and I write short fiction here on Steemit, nice to meet you :)

Thank You for the vote of confidence. I hope to do us both “Proud”. I’ll remember My confidants, and take care of them, as long as they aren’t having to take care of me. Lol. I have a great idea about a possible new venue here on Steemit. Keep tabs on me, and I’ll do the same for you. I think that my idea could really POP here on this platform. Thanks again @danielshortell. 👍

Absolutely, you'll do well!

OK, well, while you get your idea standing upright, you should put that creative writing and sarcasm to the test here on SteemIt, jump right in as it that spirit...

I nominate you to participate in the next round of Comedy Open Mic! It's a weekly contest, focused on ....(guess it...) funny posts! Put those writing skills to work, drop a submission for week 3 of the contest. Check it out:

I'm going to post my submission here in the next day or so, who knows, might win a few steem dollars. Let me know if you think you'd like to participate!

Thanks for the vote of confidence @danielshortell. I’ll look into this contest that you speak of. I’m not sure if my schedule will allow for competition right now, but I’ll see what it all entails. Thanks for the heads up. 👍

Welcome to Steemit Greg. Nice original intro.

You're right about only 0.00000001% of people seeing your (or my) blog. I've been on Steemit for a while now and recently I've become a bit jaded with the way it is evolving with a few whales rewarding themselves massively at the expense of everyone else, the trending page always full of the same crap by the same people and the way voting bots are becoming more and more prevelant. Rather than continuing to part of the problem by just moaing about it while voting for the same people and only really reading the posts in my feed, I am going to make an effort to find new users and give them a bit of encouragment.

It was hard enough to get visibility and upvotes when I started on here but it is so much more difficult now.

We share a few interests as I am also interested in cryptocurrency, antiques and have only recently started looking more deeply into how we came to be here. You could say I am a reformed atheist as I am not longer arrogant enough to believe that I 'know' anything and more open to the unknown and the idea of a creator than I have ever been (mainly due to looking more closely into Darwinism and realising that it doesn't explain things the way I was taught).

Anyway, sorry for rambling. Welcome to Steemit. I'll start following you now and look out for your future posts.

Good luck


I'm more of a reader than a poster, so I wouldn't find any problems here. I agree with you about the current state of Steemit too. It would be good to find the new jewels hiding among the sands every now and then.

welcome to steemit

Good use of wit and sarcasm. I thoroughly enjoyed your post, even if I didn't expect much from it. You've Blown Me Away!

Anyways, welcome to the steemit community, I've only joined a couple days ago myself, and am lacking an introduction post. I lack a good camera for a good self-portrait of myself, haha. Maybe I should scan a drawing or sketch of my own self-portrait? I'm not an artist, but hey it could still work, yeah? :D

Hello @interestinggirl,
I appreciate your comments and I also followed you. Sorry it took so long for me to respond back to you. I see that in the meantime you have written a introduceyourself Post, and it did quite well. It seems that you really are an interesting girl. I couldn’t resist. Lol. I’ll be checking back, and Best if Luck here on Steemit.

Thanks for the response @gregcar48,

No, no. You don't have to be sorry about that. Replies and comments are to be made at our convenience, we shouldn't force ourselves to respond when we also lead busy lives. Best of luck to us both :D

Well, Thank You for your understanding. I can’t help but feel compelled to reply, accomodate, or otherwise, tie up the loose ends that I’ve created. You are not only an interesting girl, but you are very smart too. I can tell from your responses, and your words in general. There is a future here for you, and hopefully myself too. I have a plan in my head that could help a great many people going forward. I want to run it by you at some point, an get your opinion, and if you like it: Your help. It is something that could help us, as newbs, and all of Steemit, in the long run. I’ll be in touch. Keep up the good work, you interesting girl !! Lol