Hendra Rudy ( BitcoinHunt3r )

Hello Steemit community , let me introduce myself. My name is Hendra Rudy ,

i'm 22 years old, ( next week will be 23, yayyy ) , i'm gamer, publisher , bitcoin trader, and gambler ( well that must be out of record ) , i have some blogs and faucets that i will share in this community .

when get bored sometime i'm traveling to some place and take some photos from it, like this photo, not really good in result but i'm already happy for it

if you know interesting place to visit, let me know and i will visit that place. You can contact me here : https://www.facebook.com/hendra.jihihiraiya

thank you


Upvoted you

nice, welcome to steemit, cheers

Great to have you in the community!

Great to see you on this community. I will be waiting for you to share your blogs & faucets.. :)

thanks , i will update it soon

You are so amazing, I love you

welcome boy....
what is the name of the temple in the photo ??

Gedong Songo Temple

hello boy ,, nice pict ,like it
r u ready for the gambling???

sportsbetting ? yes :D

welcome aboard!!

hi hendra rudy, welcome to steemit