[Introduction] Hello, I am a Horny Trucker and I have been lurking for days waiting to signup!

I am not very technical so I can't post pictures. I don't even own a camera. But I will attempt to tell you all about me.

I been driving these big rigs for a really long time. I am almost 50 years old now and have been divorced for 3 years. I guess you could say I am old, fat and, oh yea, HORNY!

Did I mention I haven't been with anyone in 3 years, or that I am a Horny Trucker? Well just in case I forgot, I really need to find a girlfriend and I was told Steemit was the place to do it.

It is my understanding that Steemit has "Whales" the people with all the money and that several of them are of the feminine persuasion. I would like to find me a "Rich Whale" can Steemit help me?


I am a truck driver too, nice to have another one of us on here....oh and I am also horny, but I am a man.....sorry!

Awesome to have you on board!

a very honest presentation

This cracked me up :)