My cheesy frustrations and favorite vegan cheese sauce recipe!steemCreated with Sketch.

All of my life I have been absolutely crazy about cheese. All cheese. Shredded sliced melted grated you name it I'd eat it. I used to gnaw on a block of cheese every night in bed while watching Netflix kinda obsessed and no meal was ever complete without a heap of cheese thrown on top. (I used to put cheese in my cup of soups lol) Ok so now that we have the full picture of how deep this love went I'm sure you will be shocked to learn I gave it all up in my journey to be a healthier version of myself. Though never have I ever given up the desire for cheese in my life. What is life without cheese anyways!? A sad one if you ask me!

Cute picture of the three of us, mostly Kai though cause he's so darn cute, getting vegan pizza... Because... Well... Pizza... Cheese. You got it. Lol.

Ok so to elaborate on why I gave it up first I will say that my health was getting quite poor, I had constant back and joint pain, next to no energy, headaches almost all the time, and just felt completely awful. I was really at a point where I just wanted to feel good and was ready to try anything so this wonderful man who is now my husband introduced the idea of veganism into my life and I thought hell why not and boy oh boy was it life changing. I started to feel incredible! Little by little my body and mind were working like never before and my energy levels started rising without coffee! What!? Wasn't really thinking this was going to happen and couldn't go back after experiencing such a wonderful change but what about my first true love.... CHEESE!?

Picture of @kenistyles and myself on my first big hike after going vegan and feeling fantastic!

I started watching lots of documentaries about veganism which helped me not only learn about the health side of things but also about the ethical side as well such as cowspiracy, earthlings and one of my favorite videos called dairy is scary by Erin Janus, yet I still had this incredibly cheesy frustration wash over me regularly! Gggrrrrrr!

I was finally at a point where I not only felt that putting it in my body was harmful to my health but I also felt so intensely negative about the dairy industry that I simply couldn't support it so what's a crazy cheese obsessed girl to do!? Light bulb moment! Make your own cheese Jamie! Duh! But where to start!? Pinterest of course! After researching lots and lots and LOTS of people's recipes I finally found a few I liked, then meshed them together, tweaked them a bit and bam my own vegan cheese sauce was created!


I steam or boil potatoes and carrots, 2/3rds potatoes and 1/3rd carrots, throw them in a blender once they get all nice and soft with some coconut milk, lemon or lime juice, nutritional yeast, salt, garlic powder, cayenne or chili flakes and a few drops of apple cider vinegar and blend till smooth. I keep adding these ingredients little by little till it is the consistency and taste I want. Sometimes I add a little tumeric and pepper, sometimes I add jalapeños, sometimes I add bell peppers. It all depends on my mood and what I using it for but the base remains the same and is absolutely delicious! Hope you all enjoy it as much as my family and I do!



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welcome to steemit. followed n upvoted

Yay for vegan food! upped & resteemed :)

Thank you so much Sam! Sending you and your family all the love!

Welcome to Steemit. Being on a journey of veganism for my daughter and myself I'm hoping to see more ideas and recipes from you.

That's wonderful to hear! Will be posting a lot more recipes! Hope you and your daughter enjoy them! My cheesy sauce is one of my sons favorite things! He will lol eat just about anything that has cheesy sauce on it! Lol

I managed a vegan cafe for a year and got to taste the most incredible food, the head chef was so talented. I hear you about the cheese, it was the one thing I really missed. I'm lapsed now, but feel like it's something that I will eventually go back to.
Have you tried cashew cheese, it was probably the tastiest of all of them that I tried.

Oh my goodness yes I agree but I haven't made a really good cashew cheese yet. Still in the works. I find making hard cheeses that melt and all that good stuff are more challenging. Especially in my tiny limited kitchen. Will give it another go very soon though and will let you and everyone else know how it turns out 😊

Welcome to Steemit. I eat a mostly vegan diet but cheese is definitely one of the problems I face. Not so much because I eat it very often but there are some cheeses that just don't have a vegan replacement, sadly. For regular cheddar there are lots of options though. Sounds like an interesting recipe!

Just as a tip, you should really only you the introduction tags for your first post.

Thanx for the tip and there are actually substitutes for all the cheeses surprisingly! Is there a cheese in particular you feel you can't live without!? If so let me know and I'll do my best to replicate it at some point! 😊

Going to try out this recipe tomorrow. I'm so excited, I never had mac 'n cheese before. Even back in the days when I ate cheese. I think it's just not a very European thing to do?

Wow! It was always a staple in my house! Couldn't imagine childhood without it! I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think of it!

THIS RECIPE IS AMAZING! My little brother who is not even a vegan had 3 plates haha everybody loved it 👍

Oh my goodness gracious! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Makes me so so happy hearing how much everyone, vegan and non vegan, enjoy this recipe! Sending you and your family all the love!

If I had to buy my dairy from conventional places. I wouldn't. I don't. It's god-awful scary what they are turning cows into. I could go vegan. I could go vegetarian. Except for the cow. Well, that and at the moment, I'm in some sort of weird weird aversion to green. I dunno. I can't explain. Maybe it's summer and all I want is fruit? EDIT: Fruit and cheese!

I so know what you mean! My biggest love has always been cheese. Just now it's made out of nuts and seeds. Not the same but close enough to satisfy my cravings thankfully! Yay for vegan cheese!

Edit: cheese and wine are my weaknesses! Gotta have them both! Yum yum!

Wine is off my list cause impossible ingredient list re processes and trying to be as "kosher" as possible and something one of my vegan friends told me about ... and i'm sorry I don't even remember what she said, If you have clues you can tell them to me again. But you should tell them in a post. Whatever it was she told me it was enough for me to say em no thanks! and never look back. I believe though that she had talked to some local wineries to find away around the issue... She moved. We've lost touch. So. all you have is unhelpful me for a resource! But seriously. Write a short post on it.

Yes a lot of wines and beers use fish bladder to filter. So weird but some wines are clean. So yay for clean wine! And yes that's a great idea to write about! Thanx!

If you find some, I wanna know about it! Thanks and Please ... not necessarily in that order.

Oh there is a bunch! I'll send you a link when I figure out where I saved it! Lol