Introducing my self - Hello I am Javi - How are you? :-)

Hello Steemit Community

I'm Javi, male and living in Zurich - Switerzland. I just signed up for steemit yesterday and this is my first post. ;-)

I studied economics & computer science (Bachelor Degree) and I work in different IT-Projects at this time.

My interest for Bitcoin started in the year 2016 so I invested a little amount of money (unfortunately not more ;-)
Until beginning of 2017 I was not really aware about the potencial behind this technology. And then I started to realize that there are also other (named Altcoins) are available.

So I invested a little more into Ethereum, Litecoin, IOTA, Stellar etc.
Over the poloniex exchange I read about steem and started to investigate what steem is offering. And so I landed here, just to see what happens.

I like the idea of steem and the platform/community behind. And also the know how transfer in differen topics.
So this is my first post here :-)

So here I can give you some more facts about me:

  • I am 41, male and live in Zurich City.
  • I like technology, business concepts and new ideas to optimize business and IT processes
  • I like to learn new things, reading books a lot and I use the Internet to get knowledge in different disciplines


  • I started producing electronic music in April 2017 (I took lessons from Pointblank Online School in London)
  • I installed a studio in my working room where I live
  • I use (in my opinion) of the best studio software called "Ableton" (it's a software by a company located in Berlin)

Enterpreneur / Business

  • I also installed a webshop to sell products over the internet (I had to initiate a startup company)
  • I like all about optimizing processes and digitalization

Interessts and Books

  • my interessts are within topics like Investment Strategies, Money Management
  • Mindset building, personality coaching etc.
  • and since 2017 also reading a lot about crypto currencies, ICO's and different Business Models

I like going out with friends, dancing, music, good food and dinner, wine, gin, etc. I go 3-4 times a week to the gym.
I started going to gym beginning of 2017 and I reduced my bodyfat and I am now in really good shape

So I can recommend everybody to start do some sports if you want to change your lifestyle.

And don't forget the best motivation to do something is just to start doing it. Don't think about motivation GO out and do it and keep your line. This keeps motivation constantly. (but don't forget the time for regeneration) your body needs also times of chilling

Favorite movies are:

  • Anger Management, Mad Max, Gladiator, Terminator, etc. there are a lot more but I cannot remember now ;-)

I hope you had fun reading my personal post and would like to get in touch with different people around the globe :-)
If you have questions just ask me.

I think my next post will be about my favourit books I've read so far and get to know what's your favourite ones.

What I expect from steemit:
To build up a good network, community and learn a lot from you guys here in steemit. Deep dive into more technological topics and ideas around crypto. And I am very excited to find out more about the steem network, applications which will be deployed and released.

Thanks and see you
Cheers, Javi!



Hi @netm - how can I upload my own profile picture?

Hey Javi! Welcome to Steemit!

nice to meet you ;-)

Great post, welcome to Steemit! I see that you are a big technology enthusiast. Do you do any blockchain programming?

I know some programming (like Java, PHP) but I am more into business strategies, projectmanaement and investing.. but maybe I will start programming again ..:-)

That's cool! I think the programming side is a great skill to have for the future. Regarding investing, I'll be posting overviews of coins and some tips too!

I will also make new posts about my experiences, books I read, Ideas and know how.. I started to follow you

Sounds good - me too!

Hey @lukebrn - how can I upload my profile picture?

You go to settings. Then paste the link to your picture :) i know i couldnt find the settings tab for a while, it was under blog for a while for me.