RE: Introducing Myself-Alexa Nova
I will defend this woman's right to post whatever she likes on Steemit, and I'm an ultra conservative, mainstream Christian.
I want nothing to do with porn, but I also don't like seeing a lot of cursing (and a lot of you do that), I don't like seeing women wear pants (probably most women here wear pants - duh)...I don't like a lot of things that many of you consider no big deal.
But I believe in pure freedom of speech. No censorship.
That's why I believe in Steemit.
Some people hate Christians too. And that's fine with me, but on Steemit I'll say what I please, knowing the worst that can happpen is that a post may be downvoted to obscurity.
But the post will still exist, and I can still share the link to it with others and they can view it. That's a wonderful thing. Not the best outcome for a post here, but a much better result than deletion or banning.
To me Steemit represents an ideal community where anything goes, and you choose what and with whom you will associate yourself with.
No singular or group morality can ever be allowed to control value or worth here. Upvote if you like something; don't upvote if you don't. Pretty simple.
If you can't handle that, then leave. Go back to Facebook where you'll feel more comfy under tight regulation.
If more porn stars show up and start posting their sex videos and pics, so what? If a gazillion Christians flooded the place with daily devotionals, that would turn away a lot of investors too.
Not every person or investor in the World is going to love Steemit - only those who truly love freedom and understand what it really means.
Well said. Respect.
Hi, but what happens if the Satanists show up?
What happens if the pedophiles show up?
There's free speech and then there is evil.
Someone famous said "Evil is what happens when good men do nothing"
same thing when anyone of any religion shows up.
They get reported for breaking the law if they do.
nothing to do with each other. what you consider "evil" is subjective. You are not the moral compass of steemit.
Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
he is not talking about evil like the devil. he is talking about people standing up to your bullshit so that the evil of censorship doesnt win.if we dont do anything and let ignorant people like yourself push then evil will win.
Lol who are you to call people ignorant? From what I can see you haven't a clue.
As for you putting words in my mouth get stuffed! you don't know me from Adam. I don't talk about the "devil" ever.
I despise politically correct thinkers like you.
I quoted your comment.
word for word.
I am anti political correctness.
my statement stands and I think you just proved my point.
Fools can't be educated easily. I won't bother trying. all you do is fling insults.
fosho, good luck with all that bruh.
Satanists have as much right as Christians to freedom of speech. In fact, there was a satanist here already. She was nice and discussed her world view intelligently.
Pedophilia is criminal. Obviously, we aren't going to allow visibility of posts from people who harm children, or serial killers who want to brag on Steemit about their latest murders, or posts from rapists, etc. That falls in the rhelm of being worse than "hate speech", which is also not allowed visibility here.
And yet, those kind of people could post here and their posts would remain on the blockchain permanently, unless they deleted the posts themselves within 24 hours of posting.
I'm the opposite of an ultra-conservative christian, and I must say I like you :-)
You attitude is awesome!
Thank you! :)