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RE: Hello! I'm really psyched to be here!

Hi there Maie! I finally had the courage to do my introduction post earlier this month. I'm glad you went for it too. I actually have many of the same goals that you do! I'm working on branching out and having multiple revenue streams. I'm finally at a place where I have more confidence and courage than ever about sharing my adventures, art, and garden designs, etc.

I'm working on learning a new language too - French, because it's something I've always wanted to do. (I speak English and Spanish too)

And I'm working on some different books too. One of them is a garden book teaching people how to create a garden that is a perfect fit for them.

I was thinking that instead of asking yourself "what would people read?" you might want to ask yourself, "what story do I have to tell?" or "what do I want to write about and share with the world?" I think it might give you clarity about your book.
I read a little book called "You Must Write a Book" that really helped kick start my writing and help me set goals, etc. It was really helpful for me, it might be for you too.
Well, I wish you all the best in your goals. I'll be working on mine right along with you. Here we come!


Thank you!

I'm still working on being confident! One step at a time, I guess. I really like your art so I'm looking forward to seeing more of it :D

French is a beautiful language. One of my closest friends if from France and I want to surprise her by speaking to her in her native tongue! (She actually tried to teach me before but I got too shy to make a mistake that we just stopped.) But I think I might want to start with Japanese first, I haven't decided yet.

Will you be posting about your book here too? I look forward to it! The demand for cacti and succulents here is increasing but there is very little information about how to care for them and the resources they need given the climate here. (And many are in condos and apartments and are simply looking for desk plants.) I'm working with a few friends to create starter kits with in-depth guide for beginners. :D

Being a person with very little confidence, I do feel like I don't have stories to share - but I know this is false and that I'm just worrying myself over nothing. I know that if I write, I write for myself. I'll get there! I'll look into the book you mentioned. Thank you so much! :)