Hello everyone, I'm new!

Hello from Germany :)

I stumbled over steemit with my rising interest in finance and cryptocurrencies and now I'm really interested how steemit works and of course I'm also interested in the community.

My interests include drawing, productivity, mental health & psychology, adhd, green energy & a green lifestyle, basic income, books, bouldering, ... the more I think of it, the longer the list gets ;)

I hope I can dicuss many of these topics with you and connect to some like minded people.

Have a great day everyone! :)


Welcome to steemit :D

Yeah you are a german and have this HATE Mentality... flagging articles... therefore you receive a flag from me... you should talk to people instead to flag them, you abuse it...

... but due to ur low SP, ur flags dont affect the other accounts... so dont wonder when ur reward and reputation is going down due to return flags to show what ur behavior is causing ;)

maybe i misunderstood the flagging feature. but i don't have the time and energy to constantly discuss with everyone i disagree with. have fun with flagging me too, but if you do it like this it seems like kindergarden mentality to me...

Nope, it prevents that you get big in anyway so that ur flags that you abuse here has anyway no influence and show you how it is.

Here is no dislike button but when you flag somebody you drag the rewards and reputation down... you should not flag articles that you simply not like or disagree, simply leave it alone...

... die Kindergarten Mentalität sehe ich eher bei dir, jemand der Artikel und Meinungen die Ihm persönlich nicht gefallen ungerechterweise als "spam" deklariert und so anderen usern schadet, sodass Sie eine negative Reputation erhalten...

Der Flag wird in der Regel dann verwendet, wenn Inhalte geklaut wurden oder es sich um Werbung oder Spam handelt.

since i'm obviously a newbie it would have been nice if you had just explained it to me instead of accusing me of having a hate mentality... but no hard feelings here.

I just looked again in the FAQ and searched for "downvote". reading this does not really give me the feeling i did something wrong since it indicates flagging is the same thing like a downvote. if the rules have changed, maybe you should reach out to the plattform holders so they change the FAQ...

yep, the prick flagged me also, obviously doesnt realise that flagging someone with a higher rep is self destructive.

This sort of behaviour creates a lot of enemies, a way of self destructing your account, personally I would remove your "flags" and hope that others may do the same for you.

oh wow. maybe i got christianity wrong too, if you call me names and downvote me as a newbie instead of reacting kind and trying to start a dialogue.

Maybe you should have thought about that before you went on your flagging spree...

Welcome to Steem @kawunngg I have upvoted and sent you a tip

welcome here Kawunngg!! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Hello and Welcome! Nice to meet you! Thanks for join

Welcome to Steemit @kawunngg, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Welcome to Steemit! I wish you all the best in this platform and in all your projects! You can count on me for anything you need. I send you a big hug from Argentina! @kryptoland 👍🏻😄🇦🇷

Welcome to Steemit @kawunngg - check out my MinnowSupportProject guide from a few weeks ago, which could prove very helpful! Contact me in case of any questions. Cheers, @Finance2Nomad

Thank you all for the welcome! I'm not sure how everything works right now but I hope I will figure out soon! :)