Meet a LintillasteemCreated with Sketch.

Ahoy hoy! I'm Lintilla! Although I'm a chronic oversharer, I hate writing introduction posts. I just got signed up here today (yesterday by now?), and I'm getting this crap out of the way now so I won't put it off indefinitely! I'm more of the learn by doing type, so I don't think clicking around more without starting to use the site is going to do me much good...

I'm a 35yo Canadian expat currently living in Arizona. I work as a #camgirl and also film the occasional fetish clip (I may be making use of the #NSFW tag in the future). I have three actual #cats (who I take many more photos of than I take of myself), and more than 100x as many #Cryptokitties (I may have a problem). I've been living the hermit life lately. Much Netflix, crocheting, and perusal of RSS feeds lately (I read a lot of #science, #skeptic, #atheist, and #art blogs). I've been doing more #cooking lately, and maybe one day I'll figure out what I'm doing. I've tried to figure out #gardening, but I'm a mur-diddly-urdler (I think it's almost time to start more seedlings to kill?) I've been symbiotic with the internet since the mid 90s. I have an amateur radio license I haven't been able to make much use of, but I find NWS radio calming. I saw the total solar eclipse from Nebraska this summer after waiting since at least 1991, now what will I do with my life? I like science fiction, science non-fiction, and science fiction that thinks it's science non-fiction (I used to read an awful lot about aliens as a teenager). If you don't understand something I'm saying, there's a pretty good chance it's a #Simpsons quote. My name is swiped from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio series (another thing I tend to quote). And I guess that's enough various facts for 4am?

I'm also located at, when I remember that it exists. I've become pretty meh about social media and blogging these days. Maybe this site can re-enthuse me. Or maybe this is the first and last you'll ever hear of me... We shall see!


Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you.
I wish you the best! Hope you’re gonna have fun with our community and can’t wait to see your next post!

Please keep writing. This site needs people who are honest, good writers and neither give a fuck about the financial side nor what others think.
Will follow you in the hope you write more :-)

I'll definitely be writing more, just wanted to get a lame intro post out of the way so I don't have to do it later. Lurking around a bit since then to figure things out more.

It's not exactly that I don't give a fuck about the financial side, I'm sure that had its place (even if I don't know what it is just yet), but what other people think... I might occasionally take it under advisement, but then ignore it anyway :p

Well, perfectly correctly pointed out in another exchange, the problem here is you're always second guessing peoples strategising. There are some great writers and super interesting people here but sorting out the wheat from the chaff from the pure buckhunters is quite a challenge!

welcome @lintilla ! Nice Post ! Please upvote & keep following

welcome to steemit @lintilla, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

Welcome to Steemit @lintilla!

Your introduction reads as if you were much more interesting than for being a mere camgirl. Is that your expat job in Arizona or just a side thing because you're into it and can we see a titti pic of you or is that inappropriate for what you are planning for your Steemit account? How the hell did you get into this business at all? You used to have so many wonderful plans..

And before I can follow you, I need to know if you are more an Orville person or a STD person. Thx.

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I will follow you now. (<- always add that to a comment when you intend to follow the person who wrote the article. This way, you increase the likelihood that they follow you as well.)

I can't see how being a camgirl detracts from my interestingness whatsoever. It's just another facet of my overall general awesomeness.

What's an expat job? It's not a side thing, camming is my only job. I'm "into it" in some ways, but I do it mainly because I like to have food and shelter. It's work like anything else. But it can a pretty sweet gig. I can work from home in my underwear, set my own hours, get paid to burp the alphabet. I've had other jobs, but I prefer this one. I use some of the same skills... Coding, video editing, discreetly browsing the internet while pretending to work, providing inept customer service...

It's only inappropriate to ask for tit pics in combination with a comment containing the words "mere camgirl" (I am no such thing) and "you used to have so many wonderful plans" (you seem to imply that has changed?)

Edit: I haven't seen either of those TV series. I'm not sure if I'd like Orville, and I'm scared Discovery will be disappointing (haven't even read much about it yet). In any case, I prefer to let episodes accumulate and then watch everything at once these days.

thx for the answer.

It's just another facet of my overall general awesomeness... I can work from home in my underwear

Well, that does sound intriguing. What I was referring to is that camgirl is not really what can be summarized under middle-class job. Of course, at the end of the day it is a job and it's probably also "cleaner" than many others. But I think it's save to say that something had to go wrong one way or another that you ended up in the branch. After all, as you say yourself, it isn't a fetish - some do it for the pleasure - but a mere job. It is therefore legitimate as I think for an observer of this life choice to bring the facets tit pic and wonderful plans together in one comment... and then take a sharp turn to SciFi. Don't watch STD unless you want a disappointment.

It is definitely NOT safe to say that something went wrong for me to "end up" in camming. It's a job that fits my talents, and suits my preferred lifestyle. I've done other jobs. I could do them again. I choose not to.

Very few camgirls do their job simply for pleasure, sure. But very few people do ANY job simply for pleasure. They may choose something related to their personal interests, but I think they also hope to be paid! And in that case, providing a product or service to others, no one can just do 100% what they want (not all of the time, anyway, and most have significantly LESS freedom in that respect than I do!) No, I do not have a "fetish" for doing taxes, dealing with rude customers, working long hours because business is slow one week but I still have bills, or providing shows that aren't always completely in line with my personal tastes.

Camming the JOB is different from camming for pleasure, you have to realize (and many don't--so many guys seem to think most of us are logged in for shits and giggles--I'm constantly being asked "what do you do for a living"...) For the record, I started out camming long before I was ever paid for it, and I have and DO post pictures or cam with people in my personal life, and enjoy it. Plenty of other jobs have a "professional" vs. a "hobby" version. Most of them don't get as much shit or looked down upon if they dare to express that they don't love everything about the career version as those in the adult industry do.

There are also plenty of people in other lines of work who chose their career based largely on income, instead of a particular interest. For some reason that's just peachy for them, but when it's a camgirl it's a terrible thing. Ridiculous double standard, if you ask me. If I was totally asexual but happened to have a knack for and chose to do camming anyway for the money and/or other benefits that suited me (and such people do exist), so what? Something still wouldn't have had to "go wrong" for me to make that decision. And if I absolutely hated my job, but it was providing for me, it's still no worse than anyone else who works a job they hate. Lucky for me, I don't happen to hate my job.

Ok, I find this a very interesing exchange, but I need to know if you see this the same way or as an inappropriate attack against you as a person. It happened to me twice already here on the platform that I misread the situation completely and then came the accusations and the flagging... In case of the latter just tell me and I will leave you alone.

No, I certainly don't see it as an attack. People are always thinking I'm offended, but really I can just be very forceful in the way I state certain things (I don't know if that's the best word, but it's about bedtime for me and a better one isn't springing to mind). As far as that goes... anyone would definitely know if I was offended by something. I'd just go ahead and say so.

I'm also pretty sure I went off on a tangent or two there that weren't at all related to anything you even personally said. Just stuff that tends to come up sometimes. I often just get a rant going... I should probably make a more coherent post out of it, one of these days. But I'm more likely to post about my Cryptokitties in the very near future :P

Good to know. Todays safe-space society freaks me out. You never know, where you're at..

I can imagine, you're used to justifications about your profession and I don't mind you defending yourself (it read a bit as if you were trying to defend it not in front of me, but towards yourself). Anyway, what I am interested in is the dissolvement of intimacy that you are living with your job. I believe this is the biggest difference to "normal" careers, where giving up parts of your intimacy may be a part (e.g. nursing), but only for a utility reasons. As cam girl on the other hand, you pretend-share intimacy with strangers and make it public which means, you give it up. Some time ago, I had a conversation with @samstonehill, who for some time worked as porn director and also acted in some. He said, this broke down all moral boundaries. And isn't being a camgirl demanding the same? That it is as normal as selling bread, but to the price of you losing basic morals because of the loss of intimacy? It's hard to believe, you never had a moment, when you crossed this line and considering the general development of our postmodern www-addicted society, I do wonder if this is maybe even the new normal: Lacking even the feeling of having lost intimacy and just being in public like you are standing in your shower or something alike...

but it's about bedtime for me and a better one isn't springing to mind

Good night at 12am in Arizona?

I'm more likely to post about my Cryptokitties

You will probably have more success with that than debating the social aspects of camgirling;-)

LOL. No, I'm not defending anything, least of all to myself. I'm not conflicted over here. Zip as far as inner turmoil, as much as people would like to think I can't possibly not be eaten up inside. There's nothing that requires any defending, and I couldn't give a damn if anyone disapproves. So that's not how I'd frame it at all. I'm just telling you that I think you're wrong. It's what the internet's all about :P

There is no loss of intimacy involved. I don't see how that's something that can be "taken". I still have as much to share as I want. Nor do I think "intimacy" is in any way more precious than anything other jobs require, whether it be physical strength, mental skills, whatever. All of which are equally not gone in any way at the end of the day--hell, you'll have improved those skills each day by practicing them (intimacy is definitely a skill). (Personally I think the camming I do is a much more physically demanding job than one requiring intimacy, most days, and I'm the one in the position to know here.)

I don't know what loss of morals you're referring to, either, but it sounds like you have different standards than I do. Fine by me. My job would be less lucrative if it was less taboo, but I have no personal moral issues with it, nor with showering in public (although I'd probably choose not to in most cases). Keeping things private or being intimate with only a few are personal preferences. I don't see anything immoral about sharing more, if someone chooses to. And I'm very private about certain things. My things just may not match those of others.

It's about 9:30am here in Arizona, and yeah, that's bedtime for me today. Nighty night!

This is a beautiful post from a newbie, you will definitely thrive on this site if you continue like this. Beautiful!!!
Merry Xmas 🎄 🎄 🎄 Lintilla


Well, where are the cat pics? I've been promised cat pics. Copious amounts of them.

I feel disappointed.

BTW, I'd probably consider cutting down on the # tags in the article itself, as it makes the reading experience a bit more awkward, what with the colour shift and that the # breaks the reading flow? But maybe that's just me.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I always find the concept of relocation very interesting, and most people I know in NA who relocate between Canada and the USA prefer to move to Canada, so what precipitated your move south?

Mainly wanted to see what tagging things even does, and when you put it one place, then you have to give everything equal weight or it just feels wrong. But it doesn't appear to be particularly useful for anything. I probably wouldn't normally mention 7000 subjects in one post most of the time, anyway.

There will be cat pics, of cats both real and otherwise. I'm just a lazy lazy butt at the moment (er, all the time).

Hm, and I moved for a boy, initially. I moved to Arizona kind of randomly, but partly because fuck the cold (I was in Chicago previously). My family in Canada is at -30°C right now. I would die now. I can never go back.

I feel even 16C is cold, so I hear you. My father used to fly to Chicago for work every 3-4 months, and just hearing of what he had to do to stave off the cold made me shiver.

And yeah, only the 5 tags at the bottom really mean anything.

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Hi there. I found this by seeing what o0Pepper0o was up to.
Decided to see what this was about. (She's been camming for years and is incredible at what she does).

Welcome to Steemit, I am relatively new myself but you may see me floating around Chaturbate or Manyvids.

I noticed you followed me on Twitter. I then had to go and watch the entire latest season of Red Dwarf, which I realized had shockingly slipped my mind...

Lol. Red Dwarf is amazing. I think M-Corp was the best episode of this season personally. Yes, I followed you on twitter, I hope that's OK. It's an easier way of keeping track of your cam shows, which platform you use (where and when you'll be on, etc.).

Welcome to @steemit. wishing you all the best, caught my attention at Hitchhikers Guide, lol

stay Blessed.