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RE: The Curator Hulk & Bully Smasher!
I doubt it, it’s been proven repeatedly this community doesnt actually care about true manual curation. Just upvotes.. and well, that can all be automated. Funny enough Bernie and Marky saw the value, and delegated a huge part of their stake to help do just that. Somehow their support made MC a target, so.. pretty much shows exactly how important curation is. Like I said, I’m past finding a positive. @fulltimegeek let his own pettiness come before the good of the platform, again. It is what it is, and I’m sure the platform will carry on.
Anyways, hulk here is doing good things and I’m glad to see there are still people like him around.
Thanks for being you Matt ❤️
Don't be so gullible, miss @llfarms.
There was never any manual curation project. This was all part of these guys plan to make @fulltimegeek look like the bad guy.
But let's see if your theory adds up, just for arguments sake.
1 - @themadcurator was created at "2018-12-30 03:06:45"
And according to you, they saw value on this project and delegated to it, right?
2 - @berniesanders (aka @nextgencrypto aka @ngc) delegate 75 232.492 SP to @themadcurator at "2018-12-30 03:13:48"
So, explain me, what value did they saw in a project created 7 minutes earlier and with no upvotes, posts or comments?
Don't be fooled. @themadcurator is @berniesanders is @nextgencrypto and this was just another typical Trolling tactic from those bunch.
If you can't understand why, I explain:
1 - @berniesanders creates @themadcurator
2 - @berniesanders delegates 75K SP to @themadcurator
3 - @berniesanders uses @themadcurator to upvote a few posts and comments on them.
4 - @berniesanders uses his alt accounts to upvote that comment, with more power than he upvoted the post with @themadcurator.
5 - @berniesanders waits for @fulltimegeek to flag yet another Reward Poll Enterprise from his gang of alt accounts.
6 - @berniesanders starts complaining that @fulltimegeek is flagging a "legitimate manual curation project"
7 - @berniesanders removes the delegation from @themadcurator as soon as his Trollish plan is executed.
Don't fall for these kindergarten bully tactics. This is so obvious it hurts.
@themadcurator was nothing but a Sleight of Hand.
I’m glad you took up reading, I hope you continue.. you missed a part though;
Manual curation they saw the value in, not the brand new account that was being set up to do manual curation that someone knew was being set up.
I like the narrative you are trying to push though, I’m sure some who are drinking the kool aid will believe it. Mad curator (as you can see) was curating for months before this issue broke out.. so your story doesn’t really work. A for effort though.
I’ll tell you the truth though, between you and me.. I heard that bernie is really trump though (good cover right) and markymark is actually Putin.. don’t tell them I told you as this is some top secret shit. The plan is to infiltrate the US system through Steem and brainwash us all into thinking cats really are mans best friend. Damn Russians are always screwing up everything.
We have to fight them my friend! Hurry! Mute them and then make a post about them!!! Hurry! Don’t let them win!!
I showed you evidence that bernie was the one who created @themadcurator. Too bad your cognitive dissonance doesn't allow you to see it.
Steem is fucked. Why? Because people can't take control and allow idiots like this bernie to destroy whatever good was in it.
That's why I sold all my stake over a year ago.
You people continue to defend bernie even after he tells cancer survivors that he wishes that cancer had got their lives.
If this is what you think good Witnesses are, your beloved Steem is going to turn to dust.
My dear Mitrado, I actually know who started the account.. so don’t be naive. What you showed me doesn’t actually prove what you say it does, but that doesn’t really matter now does it?
There is no cognitive dissonance, in fact .. I would say you may be suffering from it. As your hatred for an account can not allow you to even comprehend that something they do is not evil.. so therefore you need to spin it to fit into your narrative.
If you don’t like Bernie, understandable.. but stop trying to state that a manual curation project that actually did something good around here is some how part of an evil plan.. that’s literally the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Just stop.
You sold your stake.. seems you gave up. Again, understandable.. so what’s your goal still being here? Just to cause trouble? My goal is to help this place and part of that is to shoot down ridiculous and false stories about good projects when I hear them. You’re wrong, plain and simple.. go troll somewhere else.
Like I say, people who can lead this blockchain forward, such as you, are either too dumb or too blind to realise that @themadcurator was a Sleight of Hand.
With the dumb and the blind leading the way this platform hasn't got a chance.
I'm not spinning anything. The proof is in the blockchain and I showed it to you. Open your eyes.
Yeah.. and I just showed you that it was a manual curation effort that was known about before hand.. and in agreement of delegation, it was made. Do I need to spell it out for you?
I am attempting to lead this blockchain forward.. you sold out. Move along then and let the adults do some work.. as you seem to not be able to see anything as it is or want to make a difference.
The mad curator was a manual curation project that Bernie knew was coming and wanted to support.. no slight of hand.. it just curated good content, then it got mixed up in this mess.
You can’t seem to see anything that doesn’t fit into your narrative, good luck with that. Trying to speak with you seems quite pointless, so I’ll just go back to trying to make a difference and you can carry on with your trolling. Have a good one.
You showed me nothing. It's your word against a set of blockchain transactions. Try harder.
If you want to make a difference help removing the troll master bernie from Steem.
Tell bernie that yourself. I am not your errands boy.
You can’t remove people from the blockchain.. but good luck with that 👋
This is what you are supporting:
Actually I’m not, I’m supporting manual curation. Keep trying to make it something else though and flag me because you don’t like the truth. I’ll just keep stating it, so you just keep on with your flags. I know you guys don’t like the truth win it doesn’t fit into your plan, but the truth about mad curator is clear.. maybe I just need to get a little louder... as you won’t be spinning this one. Have fun with your drama 👋
You never had any real stake. You always have been and always will be a worthless nobody. #hardtruth
Of course I hadn't. A month after I joined you showed what a cunt you are and that you would bully every one with your money.
You think I'd be stupid enough to invest and hand over my money to you?
As soon as I saw your game, I sold the 100€ worth of Steem I had put in. And I sold it for 240€, so thank you, mr bully. Your retarded attitude gave me a very cool profit. Now, that stake would be worth 15€. Lol.
Again, thank you maggot, for forcing me to have a huge profit instead of a huge loss. I love you for that. Even though I still hate you for the cunt you are.
Yes, great excuse for being poor and unable to afford any more Steem.
Congratulations on your 140€ profit, I spent that on a pair of socks earlier.
Jesus, I feel bad for you, thank you for showing us how pathetic you really are @mitrado.
You assume that my first and only buy of STEEM is all the money I have. Lol.
Are you that stupid or that desperate?
Well, he does like to prey on the weak, going after a curation account proves that.
A "curation account" aka Bernies Anders Reward Pool Scam # 764