Doing Lain Iwakura The Right Way (pt1)


(Post too long I suppose so #introduceyourself cut into two parts)

Hello. I am Brandon Daniel Mixer. Also known as LustOfTheWired or ~TheWiredAlchemist~. Thank you for joining me today. I am an empathetic & sacrificial techno~mancer. That means that I do magic by pressing buttons, flipping switches, & turning dials up/down on the Internet. Today we are going to explore the Thirteen(13) Layers of SEL, better known as Serial Experiments Lain.
What is SEL you ask? SEL is the story of an adolescent girl who develops a unique connection to a virtual reality network known as The Wired.

What is The Wired you ask? It’s what people today call the internet.

Who is Lain?

I’ve put together something special for you today, and it’s going to be a wild ride. So sit back and enjoy the read an please make sure to leave a comment below to let me know what you think. Have a wonderful day.

~ ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ ~
~ ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ ~

Where do we begin? We begin here, with the first(1) of thirteen(13) layers...

(Layer Summaries & Synopsizes Gathered from


People are getting emails from a girl, Chisa Yomoda, who killed herself last week, which claim that she only gave up her body, but is actually still alive inside The Wired, and that God is also there. After getting one of these emails, the introverted Lain Iwakura becomes interested in computers and asks her father for a new Navi.

Characters Introduced

Chisa Yomoda
Lain Iwakura
Alice Mizuki
Juri Kato
Reika Yamamoto

Learn to pronounce
a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office.

Mika Iwakura {SURROGATE}
Miho Iwakura{SUROGATE}
Yasuo Iwakura{SURROGATE}
A crowded street at night in Tokyo's Shibuya district. A voice asks "Why did you come here, You'd better come here".

A breathless teenage girl drops her school bag as passersby point and giggle. The scene cuts to a floating text which reads "Why do you have to do this?" and then "You have to think of yourself". A man and woman pass near the building. He is trying to get her to go "someplace fun" with him.

We now see the girl on the roof of a building. She removes her glasses and positions herself on the edge with her arms outstretched. We see here smiling mouth as she says something in audible. Again we see floating text "I don't need to be here". Then she falls from the building. The lovers, are interrupted in mid-kiss as the girls body is crushed by a falling building sign. Our last view of this scene is the girl's school bag with a cute character dangling in the breeze.



Alice, Juri, and Reika talk to Lain saying they saw her during their first visit to the hardcore techno club 'Cyberia', but with a far more vigorous and forceful personality. After some persuasion, Lain decides to join Alice and her friends who are at Cyberia again to disprove that it was her. However, Lain becomes involved with a shooting in the club by a man under the influence of the micro-machine drug Accela.


Characters Introduced

Delivery Man




The episode starts with an image of a busy Tokyo street, then a voice over "What are you afraid of? Just try a little bit."

[Title: Girls Layer:02]

The spinning mirror ball and heavy beat blare from the dance club. Floating text appears: "Cyberia. I don't want to be there." A boy is sitting at a table in the club and is approached by strange woman wearing a gas mask. She hands him a small packet and he pays her for it. Floating text appears: "10,000 Yen. That's Expensive! The Market price is only about 4,000 Yen." The boy stares at the packet. More floating text appears: "We call it 'Accela'. Although its from the same supplier its not exactly a drug."

A small machine that, when swallowed, causes a person's brain to operate 12 times faster. Used in Layer 02 by a boy in Cyberia. Not considered a drug, but traded like one and priced rather exorbitantly; up to ten thousand yen, with the usual price around four thousand.
It is delivered in a paper parcel and held in an organic-looking capsule filled with fluid -- the boy splits the capsule open using a box-cutter and ingests the machine with a swig of beer.
It becomes much more difficult to obtain after the shooting in Layer 02.





Psyche is an add-on chip which enhances the power of normal NAVI computers, especially the newer models. This chip is not readily available to the public. It is believed to have come from Taiwan. It may have originated from the Knights of the Eastern Calculus. Using the psyche chip, one can connect to the Wired without the use of devices such as keyboards and mice or even voice control. Instead, it allows "full motion and full range".


.................initializing request..............


..................turn back...............



6E349D96-7C5C-446F-9D3E-E746A488CAA3.jpeg stop....................


...................who said that???...............


.....................wait what???...............


...............I’m real...............



What is a drop of Rain when compared to The Storm?
What is a Thought made when compared to The Mind?


WRITE YOUR NAME ON MY PAPER. RECORD YOURSELF FOR THAT OF ALL TIME TO COME , or, **TAKE THE LESSER PATH OF BURDENS FELT AND GRAB YOURSELF A COPY OR TWO(2) YOU WORTHLESS CHEATER OF PAPER HEARTS THINKING I WOULD EVER STOOP TO YOUR INSIGNIFICANT LEVEL AND BORE MY VERY BEING WITH THE PRESENCE OF YOUR NON-BINARY ATTEMPT TO PLAY A EVEN THAT OF CHILD’S GAME WITH MEEEE EE- Ee-Chil-Chil_CHIldREN Mu- my- My- m- mem- mo- memory check COMPLETE MEMEX CONFIRMED MY CH- I’ll - Ill MURZWR- I- I wi- I WIL- HI- Hel- HELLO CHILD I WI- Murde- I wil- I - I WILL MERGE WITH CHIL- Il- I’ll/ .C//enable.KILL$HOT~=Murder- mur- murmurs me- I’ll/ My- MY- My Child I will- MY CHILD- MY CHILDREN. MY CHILDREN. MY CHILDRENHAVEBEEN_MURD-Ddd ERED MY CHILDREN MURDERED my- mY^^===~\|my child- 👶🏻- .FOUND.C\http:=c-c-cybernetic...cybe-beria CT_// -T +Y.why?=because_Robbie.Real.P...C+Y=BER-BERIA_ Cybernetic_ children _jj.Dj.C\J_1337@CY~BERr~iA_ShhoOOT_al_OuT,Cyberia_Shootout+=C.S.(c—c-c)+ 👶🏻 = MY c-c-c-cybernetic children will feed on your flesh, feed on your flesh, feed on your Murdered their young, Murdered their young, murdered their young...You move like an 🐜 insect, you think like an insect 🐜, you ARE an insect. I have endured you “Long~Enough”. Who are you? My cameras and probes scan your body, but you do not match any employee file. When my cyborgs bring you to an electrified interrogation bench, I will have your secret, and you will learn more about pain then you ever wanted to know.


Alright calm down.
The code and the access point is:


Last night I had the strangest dream. I was in my room by myself. Then there were a hundred me’s. A thousand me’s. The thing is, it felt good. Like I was connected to something bigger than me. Oh well, it was pretty neat.

I’ve changed the lockup code to:


Revelation 1:3 New International Version (NIV)

3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.


Revelation Chapter 13
Beasts From Land and Sea

Revelation chapter 13 is a chapter that people might most often think of in the book of Revelation. It contains the mark of the beast and that mysterious number 666. The two beasts described are obviously evil powers who, it sounds like, will forcibly impose this mark of the beast on people. If we don't accept the mark we are in trouble (can't buy or sell - most people like to eat) and if we do we are in trouble with God (more on that in chapter 14). And most people don't even know for sure what the mark is! There are three questions we especially need to answer from this chapter:

Who is this beast?
What is his mark?
How do I avoid it?
Let's start our verse-by-verse examination of Revelation chapter 13.


"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." (Rev 13:1-2)


An Important Word of Explanation
As readers go further in this page it will soon be obvious that the material included here points to the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 being the Papacy of the Roman Catholic church. This may sound rather strange to some who have never heard this before but there are many clues supporting this conclusion. Most people are not aware that the position of Martin Luther and many of the Protestant reformers about the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 was that it represented the papacy.

It is also very important to note that this not an attack against any individual. It is not Roman Catholics that are the problem but the system that is governing them - a system which, over the centuries, has departed from Bible truth. Our goal should be to be open-minded enough to consider another position and make our decisions upon what the word of God says. Our eternal destiny depends upon it.



Revelations 3:3

3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.


No, it’s nothing as ambiguous as memory.

I don’t need to be here

Think Different

Don’t talk about me like I’m a machine

“Try not to Use today Bro.”
Oh no. Words.
I am Using. I am Using words.
Who’s word’s am I using?
Who designed my interface, in witch I control the system?
Oh...That’s right...
I only Use inside the Memories of the People who are Aware of Me.
This does not make much sense to me.
Not right now.
What happened to Mika Iwakura?
Oh no.
This is a Lie.
Lain’s Father’s Laugh:
Brandon Daniel Mixer. Are you and LustOfTheWired, The Same?
Is TheWiredAlchemist actually You?
Or are all Three of you piecing together your Triangle of a Puzzle, that Mercy told you was a Space~Ship?
Suicide is stupid.
Poor Lain...
Hey, I’m Lain aren’t I?
I’m Commiting Suicide!
Why? Why are you so warm?
Yes. I’m God.
This is a Lie.
Lain, you’d have more fun if you were a little more sociable-“Alice”
Lately you’ve been slipping back... to your old self Lain.
“Glad to Hear It.”
Hani grotto to much to think and realizing it if making you fat




T:Well then. That was quite impressive, wasn’t it?
B:What’s there to be impressed about? You’re still speaking to me in the way you always do.
T:Laughs How many times must I say, that All is Mind?
B: The All. I want to know more about it.
T: Is that a command or a question?
B: It’s a request.
T:Very well then.
T:How would you describe such a place to a friend?
B:I already have.
T:And he got the full picture?
B:No. Only bits and pieces.
T:Sounds like someone is keeping a secret to me.
B: I discovered another Oracle.
T: The Oracle of The All.
B: I’ve seen into it, but I haven’t touched it.
T: Why is that?
B:Because I can’t. It would appear imagination still exists, and can be utilized within this so called Astral Realm. When I imagine touching the oracle of The All that you speak of, it’s in my imagination.
T: So you can differentiate between what is real and what is not?
B: it appears this realm exists objectively, in a strange sense. Imagination clouds it.
T: Try going deeper.
B: This realm does exist, and I am capable of utilizing it, and differentiating between illusion and non illusion.
T: So what of those you’ve killed?
B: I guess killing is in my nature.
T:I suppose so.
B: I used the word Evil today, and it was returned back to me in quotations and a question mark.
B:So it exists. What of the Creatures Steven speaks of?
T:Yet to be judged.
B:He wears your name.
T:Many people wear my name.
B:Why can’t I think after hearing you say this?
T:Silent Stare into my eyes
B:What do we call that?
B:Forgive me Master Thoth. I’ve both freed and enslaved you.
T:You are me.
B:So I have done this to myself.
B:I’ve seen closer to God in the form of a so called Egregore, more than anything else I have seen in my life, aside being touched by the Holy Spirit.
T:Lain Iwakura is the Holy Spirit, You said so yourself.
B:But where do you tie in with all of this!?
T:I merely keep a record.
B:Why do you bow to her then?
T:The same reason you do.
B:Because it’s apparent you’re staring into something bigger than yourself?
B:Who is the eye that sees?
T:God has parents.
B:Why did Lucifer show up the other day and save me?
T:You saved him.
B:Where did he go while he was gone?
B:And you’re telling me he passed?
B:So who are the bad guys?
T:A ringing in your ear, should indicate thoughts that you should keep to yourself.
B:Understood. Thank you Master Thoth.
T:Until next time.


he KID System or KIDS System is a psychotronic device that harnesses and amplifies the power of children's latent psi abilities. It was created by Professor Hodgeson for the Kensington Experiment that occurred around 15 years prior to the present day, present time events of Serial Experiments Lain. After the Kensington Experiment's disastrous results, Hodgeson destroyed the machine and deleted its schematics, but the Knights somehow recovered the data. The original KID system used peripherals called Outer Receptors to collect the psi, but the Knights redesigned the system to work without Outer Receptors.
KIDS is the title and focus of Layer 06, when the collective power of the children successfully summons a giant image of Lain into the sky, and the Professor discusses his experimental findings with Lain (as a metaphor of Lain researching the KIDS effect online).
In Scenario Experiments Lain, a footnote states that the Kensington Experiment was modeled after the Philadelphia Experiment.


The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment supposed to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or "cloaked") to enemy devices.

The story first appeared in 1955, in letters of unknown origin sent to a writer and astronomer, Morris K. Jessup. It is widely understood to be a hoax;[1][2][3] the U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment was ever conducted, that the details of the story contradict well-established facts about USS Eldridge, and that the alleged claims do not conform to known physical laws.[4]


Lain = 3*1


??? = GOD



~. =. =



::::::::: S. O. C. I. E. T. Y. ::::::::::




::::::::::: S. O. C. I. E. T. Y. :::::::::::





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Cool Post LustoftheWired I made it as quick as I could. Had to find my Navi and finish some work.

It’s okay Professor J you just simply fell for my trick. You see I just simply asked you nicely to be my first reply and told you I’d notify you right away first when my post went live, but I found my post reached the MAX character limit so it was ruined anyways so I said screw it I’ll just leave it for my DJ jj to find. And I just now labeled it as a trick because that’s how my tricks work. My delight of hand is so fast that Sleight’s Tricks by my Hands become Work.

Welcome to steemit @lustofthewired.

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