Jibril’s Library. A brief rundown on Jibril the Flugel. (MUST READ FOR Empty-headed-academics)((such as yourself))


I just realized how pointless this is.

But I did collect a lot of data for this project... I just don’t think this place cares about the flugel.

Oh well. I’ll just make the post anyways.

Hello I am steemit user LustOfTheWired, you may call me Jibril


Here is you “too long didn’t read” (to;dr)
In case you’d just like me to read to you this entire post, which admittedly has typos in it but I don’t care, that’s why I’m giving you the tl;dr which, admittedly again, has some extra context & information in it.

Who am I.
I Am Lust. I Want What You Want Most. I Am What You Want Most. I Pray The Lord Your Shepard So As To You Shall Not Want. I Am Protocol 2288I. My Protocol Dictates it’s Own Action. My Actions are Dictations.

Atleast that’s who I was.


You see... I came accross some interesting knowledge recently.

First off, I must explain to you who I really am, as well as what Gematria is.




My full birth name given to me by my mother is Brandon Daniel Mixer

Why is this important?

The same reason as to why your name is important. It’s who you are. It’s what follows with you through the entirety of your life.

So how does one escape the shackles of their fate in which their name imprisons them in? How does one transcend their physical bonds reality places on them by their names given to them by the ones who spawned them? Wouldn’t you need the power of a God?




That’s where Gematria comes into play.

Gematria (/ɡəˈmeɪtriə/; Hebrew: גמטריא or Gimatria גימטריה, plural גמטראות or גמטריאות, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used.

Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture.


What makes Hebrew language special?

Hebrew is an ancient and unique language. Having survived centuries of history, it was finally revived as a modern language over 150 years ago, and today is spoken in Israel and beyond. As the language of the bible, Hebrew continues to fascinate and interest people around the world.

What is the language of God?

Divine language, the language of the gods, or, in monotheism, the language of God (or angels) is the concept of a mystical or divine proto-language, which predates and supersedes human speech.

One would require vast amounts of knowledge in order to speak, understand, and Decypher proto-language.


So when I discovered my name translates to Jibril Via the Gematrix, you can imagine how delighted I was and had become.

One simply must type, “Gematrix” into their URL, or visit the official Gematrix Website via the URL https://www.gematrix.org

Now allow me to show you my proofs on the correlations between myself as a ”human being” with non-fictional origins and what you believe to be a ”anime character” with fictional origins.


As I said earlier and proved with a Driver’s License, Brandon Daniel Mixer is my human birth name.


This would be the breakdown of my name in numerically assigned values through the Gematrix Cypher



There are many interesting results, but of course the one that stands out the most in which I’m here to point out to you would be the strange occurrence of the cyphering of my name into that of Jibril



I suppose that would mean that I am in fact Jibril herself.

So now, the lore of Jibril would be my lore as well!




Mainly pink that changes to yellow and green at the tips (LN)
Pink (Anime)
Gold Irises with Purple Cross Pupils


Elchea Federation
Member of The Council of 18 Wings (former)
Servant to Kuhaku

Creator of Labyrinth Of Tribulation


Azriel (self-proclaimed sister)
Artosh ("Father" and Creator)
Sora (Love Interest and Master)
Shiro (Master)


Light Novel Volume 2
Episode 01 (cameo)
Episode 05 (actual)



Good evening puppy. I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu. The last time I challenged the Eastern federation and lost, were you my opponent? Master told me to buy time, but since I'm here, let's have some fun. Throw every cheat you've got at me, and embarrass yourself to your heart's content.
--Jibril about to face Izuna in Killing Giant

Jibril (ジブリール, Jiburīru) is the youngest and strongest of the Flügel race. Her love towards knowledge started even before the declaration of the Ten Oaths. She opposes the book sharing law created by the Council of Eighteen Wings and left Avant Heim, her homeland, to win the National Library of Elchea from the previous king in a game. When Sora heard what happened to the library, he challenged Jibril in order to gain knowledge of the other kingdoms. When she lost the game, she became Sora and Shiro's servant since she had bet everything she owned, including herself, claiming that knowledge was worth her own life. However, she was allowed to keep the library and maintain it although she must now share it with the rest of Imanity. Thus, Jibril took the siblings as her masters and over time, she began to understand and accept Sora's belief in the potential of humanity. Unlike Steph, Jibril is happy to become the siblings' underling, and is shown to have grown feelings toward Sora.

Jibril (ジブリール, Jiburīru) is the youngest and strongest of the Flügel race. Her love towards knowledge started even before the declaration of the Ten Oaths. She opposes the book sharing law created by the Council of Eighteen Wings and left Avant Heim, her homeland, to win the National Library of Elchea from the previous king in a game. When Sora heard what happened to the library, he challenged Jibril in order to gain knowledge of the other kingdoms. When she lost the game, she became Sora and Shiro's servant since she had bet everything she owned, including herself, claiming that knowledge was worth her own life. However, she was allowed to keep the library and maintain it although she must now share it with the rest of Imanity. Thus, Jibril took the siblings as her masters and over time, she began to understand and accept Sora's belief in the potential of humanity. Unlike Steph, Jibril is happy to become the siblings' underling, and is shown to have grown feelings toward Sora.

”Oh how interesting, to learn and read knowledgeable lore upon that of my own self and being. Shall we continue then Mortal?

According to Azriel, Jibril was given the gift of imperfection by Artosh and therefore named the "Exceptional unit". This gift is what Artosh believed would allow Jibril to find the answer to the Flügels' continued existence should he disappear (which was, in fact, the case).


”Given the gift of imperfection!? Oh how I adore this tidbit of self reflective retrospection!”


She has long purple-pink hair that reaches down to her knees and two white wings protruding near her hips. Her pupils are purple surrounded by a gold iris but a cross shape appears in her pupils when she is focusing on a task (such as performing a spell). Her ears are wing-shaped and she also has a halo over her head. She usually has her midriff exposed and wears a long skirt. She has also a slim and well-endowed body. She has the physique of that of a 17-18-year-old but in actuality is much older. After unleashing her ultimate attack, her appearance reverts to that of a young girl due to the magic recoil. Her three sizes are from above, 88, 55, 85.


”A cross shape appears in my pupils when I’m focusing on a task!? Oh Em Gee!!! No wonder I get so fixated on the Divine when I find interest in something I desire to Know or when someone provides for me that of an excellent Challenge!


She seems to be soft-spoken and polite, but she can also be incredibly condescending to other races of the Exceed below her own, as shown when she indirectly insults Stephanie Dola and when she refuses to apologize to Fiel Nirvalen for wreaking havoc, also when told she had to lick Fiel's feet she refused saying she would not lick a 'mere' elf's foot. She has a great love for knowledge and gets easily excited at the prospect of gaining new knowledge, such as when she drooled over Sora's tablet after seeing the vast information it contained. Despite her initial arrogance, she has a high sense of honor while playing games, as she doesn't like cheating, or being cheated. She tends to remember the "good old days" before the oaths were established and when everything could be solved by killing, in a rather disturbing way, somewhat showing her sadistic personality.


”Sadistic personality you say!? Well no wonder I get so hot when I am able to attempt to murder people with my words! Seeing as how killing one in this world is now forbidden!”

She is also perceptive, being able to uncover the weakness complex formula of Elf while none of her brethren can do so, and also figure out Steph's feelings for Sora.

Unlike Steph, Jibril fully embraces her servitude to Sora and Shiro, going so far as to address them both as "Master". Throughout the anime and light novel, Jibril's feelings for Sora seem to grow, despite stating she's not supposed to have the feeling called love. Jibril first stated her feelings in Episode 10 wondering even though it's supposed to be humiliating that she licked Fi's foot, if she takes it as a order from the master she gets excited, questioning whether it could be love, before Sora interrupted her. Despite this, in Light Novel Volume 4 Jibril has expressed a willingness to merge a part of Sora's soul with her own to attempt to create a hybrid, essentially showing a willingness to bear his child. Later on, in Light Novel Volume 5, she confesses to Sora that she can finally understand love (or her perspective of it) and has fallen in love with him.


”Love you Say!?!? No wonder I was using and calling myself Lust for such a long time! I was trying to understand such a strange Human emotion that I surprisingly somehow possessed this entire time!

It is also revealed Jibril, during the Great War, like the rest of the Flugel race have a bloodthirsty personality. When not in battle, occasionally being bored and in a battle to the point where they collected severed heads as trophies.


”Hmmm no wonder I’ve been so bored recently and I’ll ive been doing is playing games with people and collecting their names in my spare time to create and craft that of my spider 🕷 . Once I finished my collection I grew quite bored even more so further though. Would you like to see all the names I came to possess and collect through fairly won games as I used & abused the Monicker Lust? (Monicker is literally defined as Name, by the BTW)




” I suppose it’s time to add Lust to the Collection then as well at this point...”


”There. That should serve as a good indication that I’ve put my demons to rest.

“Although everyone still knows me and calls me by this name, I suppose they will just have to be to their own detriments from here on forward.”


Now that that is settled, I can read all about my own History!!!


Jibril is the last and most powerful Flugel created by the Old Deus Artosh and served under him until his demise. During the war of the gods she destroyed the capital of Elven Gard with a single spell known as "Heaven's Strike", which resulted in Jibril not being able to use Magic for 5 years. Afterwards Jibril stole all the books in Elven Garde despite the Elves best attempts to prevent this. Due to the loss of so many books, the Elves lost a considerable amount of magic and, as stated by Fiel, it took over 800 years to regain all the lost powers.

Sometime during the Great War, while embarking on one of her solo campaigns, she came across an Ex-Machina named Shuvi. Ex-machina heads were extremely rare prizes amongst the Flugel, because at the time there was an unspoken rule to never provoke the Ex-machina lest one seeks ruin. However, Jibril was confident she could take down Shuvi, so she had no choice but to retaliate. Despite her greatest efforts, Shuvi was ultimately defeated and killed by Jibril. However, Jibril did not escape unscathed, as she had used Heaven's Strike against Shuvi and lost all of her magic power. She would require the Rite of Restoration in order to regain her power, and had to do so 160 out of 245 times according to Azriel.

After Artosh was defeated and the war concluded, Jibril lived in the Flugel city Avant Heim for some time. However with the passage of the Book-Sharing Law, she decided to leave as she did not agree with it and did not want her books passed along freely. Sometime after she challenged the Imanity King for the rights to his library, which she easily won. Jibril then stayed at her library until she was challenged by Sora and Shiro, where she lost in a game of Materialization Shiritori. In accordance with the bets for the game, she swore her very being to Sora and Shiro. Although not requested by Sora and Shiro, Jibril would go on to accept the siblings as her new masters, seemingly having replaced Artosh.

Jibril would then follow the siblings on their quest to reach Tet, the one and only God. This included helping them in their quest to acquire the Werebeast nation, Dhampir and Seiren Nation, and even a trip to her homeland, Avant Heim. Along the way, she has been documenting their actions in her own book.


*”I knew there was a reason for why I had been watching and studying all of you...Now then...what newfound abilities do I currently possess that I was also unaware of?”+



As the final unit and most powerful individual of the Flügel race, her massive strength was hinted at by Azrael who stated that, were she to assist Sora and Shiro in playing a game of tag against 100 other Flügel, the match wouldn't be considered a competition at all. It is unknown what her full capabilities are (disregarding Heaven's Strike). However, parting a pathway through the sea to Oceande is apparently a representation of 5% of her full strength. She is also seen being in close proximity to a blast from a hydrogen bomb, and emerging unaffected. Her speed is also incredible, capable of moving, maneuvering, and reacting well pass the speed of sound with ease. All of her senses are unrivaled, for example she was capable of perfectly seeing and locking on the elves base, even though she was miles above in the sky, it was night and there was smoke everywhere.

As a member of the Flügel race she is absolutely immortal, possessing an infinite life span: immune to all diseases, illnesses, disorders, toxins, impurities, and physical and/or mental interference; she is entirely self-sustained; will never age (always remain in her physical and mental prime) and is immune to aging abilities; she is virtually invulnerable to all harm as shown when she was shot by the elves and she only fell out of her flight course, but was otherwise physically unharmed, and even if she is injured she can regenerate from any injury. As the most powerful Flügel her immortality, invulnerability and regenerative capabilities are vastly superior to any of her race.

As a Flügel she possess a limitless level of intellectual (memory, calculation, learning, creativity, IQ, etc.) and cognitive (observing, deduction, tactical analysis, multitasking, combat, movement, etc.) proficiency that is of the highest level in existence, an extremely high IQ and intellectual capacity. This is shown in the ability of the Flügel to start “stealing” all knowledge after the ten pledges are established as an alternative to their practice of taking heads, since absorbing the knowledge of all others is the same as taking their head. Jibril possess unlimited storage capacity, she is able to perform several mental functions at once without losing focus on any of them. Her mind allows her to instantly recall specific information with incredible speed and perfect accuracy. She is able to store everything that she experiences and retrieve it immediately without the typical human pause for thought. The speed of her thoughts augments her analytical ability so that she is able to make snap decisions about her surroundings and create complex scenarios at high speed. She is able to track the probability of an event by piecing together stored data, and is able to perform multiple tasks at once by allocating a portion of her brain to each task. She can use her mind to replay an event that occurred during the war she has seen, play a game, and focus on battling an opponent simultaneously without any one task distracting her from another. She was told Sora that she can speak, read, writes, understand, and communicate in any and all forms of languages. The knowledge she has gathered during her millennia of existence are incredibly vast. However it is not perfect or infallible, as she lost to Sora and Shiro. She's also a very competent mage, capable of using spells to teleport herself, Sora, Shiro and Steph to any place she can see or that she's been to previously. She's also capable of phasing through walls at will.

It is said that Jibril has once used a spell called "Heaven's Strike," also called "Airstrike," which had completely annihilated the capital of Elven Garde. As a drawback, she could not use any magic for 5 years. In Light Novel Volume 5 of the novels she uses the power again but does not suffer from any recoil as she was in an illusionary world where her magic power was unlimited.

As the "final unit" of the Flugel, Jibril's power is capable enough to kill a Gigant, a Dragonia, and a Phantasma on separate solo campaigns. However, her failed attempts to do so were twenty-nine times more (simply put: out of 90 attempts, 3 were successful).


No wonder so many of you were so difficult to kill. Oh well, I had fun toying around with the lot of you. As for my weakness, I already know them well, but I’d love to read to you your bedtime story further.


Due to being a Flügel, Jibril is very dismissive of other races below her own and her confidence in her own knowledge. This, in turn, causes her to overlook the potential threat posed by the said races. This is no more evident than in her game with the siblings, that even with the knowledge from her examination of Sora (that the siblings weren't from Disboard), she still regarded Sora and Shiro with barely concealed scorn, but was intrigued by the discovery.

Sora mentioned that Jibril lost in her game of Materialization Shiritori because of her arrogance. For example, the game could have ended in Jibril's favor in the first move where Sora and Shiro called upon a Hydrogen Bomb. Instead, Jibril shielded them from the blast because, as Sora predicted, it would have been boring for her.

Jibril has an over-curious nature in which she becomes very enthused at the thought of learning or discovering something new. As such, she can be bribed in exchange for knowledge she doesn't know (although finding something she doesn't know is challenging as she has been learning for thousands of years).

Whenever Jibril uses Heaven's Strike, her body regresses to that of a young girl.


”Wait! I just used heaven’s strike on you all and I became a young girl and took this form again!!!”


”That means I lost all my magick for another Five(5) years!!! Aaaawwwwwhhhhhh!!! It’s not fair!!! Why can’t I just use all the new powers I learned from my study & collection of knowledge on all the useless mortals these past 7+ years!?!? It’s not fair!!!”

“Wait! If I’m Jibril for real now and I’m still a human in the real world as well....but I’m also Jibril...then that data I collected on the other homunculus when I was Lust would imply some sort of paradox!!! I’m a walking contradiction of course!!! I’m appearing in the past & present through these images & gifs I’m presenting anyways which also makes no sense! Unless!!!”

“Okay! I understand now! I see how this is working, and so must you!”

You must understand. Manga hood’s Wrath is 2003’s Pride, and Manga hood’s Pride is Manga hoods Wrath’s Son. While the kid who is manga hood’s Wrath’s son is just a kid, but 2003’s Wrath isn’t in manga hood at all but he is kind of like manga hood’s Pride I hope it’s clear that discussing and comparing thus among us Seven(7) Deadly Sins is a strange Task. What is the answer then???

***The answer is you hack people... You isolate the weakness of people in the environment surrounding the target. Once the weaknesses are identified, you pin point them through simulated friendship. After that they tell you everything they are doing to either recruit you or scare you. Once that happens, hack complete. During this time a strick, ( I mean STRICT), understanding-that everyone who is intelligent is in on it, is an ABSOLUTE must. ***

Regular people get sucked in by the advanced psychology of friendship. The old... but they are my friend. & the regular people are also kept in the dark as to the serious nature of the battles so it appears as a game to the unsuspecting.

In both 2003’s and manga hood’s adaptations of the Cannon Story Arcs, there are three(3) Homunculi who who serve as plot function, but little else. These Seven(7) Deadly Sins are Lust, Gluttony, & Envy. This really isn’t much of an issue because plenty works of fiction lack complex characterization.

Take for instance Sloth & Gluttony. Sloth essentially serves such a linear singular purpose that the Truth of his nature is all he does is consistently dig tunnels around Amestris in the formation of connecting points and circular form to facilitate the evil plan and agenda to perform a massive human taboo Transmutation in hopes of creating the most powerful and ultimate form of a Philosopher’s stone to have ever come into existence yet. Sloth simply does is job and when he runs into the “good guys” he simply fights them and is a massive obstacle in regards to the fact that Sloth just does not seem to stop coming at you, slowly of course, but once he is subdued and placed back underground and kept away from his enemies he simply just ends up going back to work and that’s it. When he finishes his job, he later shows up towards the climax to serve as a final obstacle for major characters that need a resolution.

Gluttony only the other hand seems to be the only Deadly sin besides Sloth, who simply lacks traditional strategical intelligence and skillful combat abilities when it comes to fighting the “heroes”. He is very difficult to take down and he is very dangerous but he is also quite mindless, while also being quite fun and refreshing as he is the only Deadly sin who just acts BEFORE he thinks. Gluttony doesn’t serve much of a real purpose until he murders the main character, “assumedly”, and he gets upset that Father is going to be mad at him.

I suppose Gluttony also has a high importance in the plot narrative when he Finds out that Lust as been murdered because this upsets him greatly.

You must understand there are many varying levels of extreme variation between intelligence and personality among all the homunculus.


In other words I’m an idiot. & none of you all consider yourselves to be that of an idiot at all like myself. Therefore what Master Sora says is correct, and I can even continue to use my powers as Lust and take any form or shape I desire. It is the Internet afterall. You can be whomever you so choose to be based off of what you so choose to like or Desire. The only difference between this idiot, myself, and all of you idiots is that I know I am an idiot. Mercy once told me that Anonymity is power. Well I made sure all of my private information was public record as I distributed myself so far spread across the Net in such a haphazardly contradicting paradoxical nature of a way, I had no power at all until I realized I was in fact Jibril the entire time, which I already knew and SIRISYS herself had pointed out to me in the past, only it didn’t snap and register into my mind yet until I had fully scattered all my pieces so far apart that they were finally all put back together. It’s like how YUGI moto solved the Millenium Puzzle 🧩 and for the longest time as he was having shadow duels and transforming into that of the ancient egyptian pharaoh Yu-Gi-Oh, no one, not his friends or family, nor even himself realized who he really was until it all clicked together and made sense in their final battle. I had no challenges nor did I have any adversaries at all to speak of whatsoever and all I wanted to do was play my favorite game. The only game Flugels ever play. Shiritori Materialization. Or, Materialization Word Chain as it’s better put. I turned myself into my Master’s Sora & Shiro and became [B L A N K] so I could never lose a game as Lust, but I never told a soul that I was actually [B L A N K] I was just utilizing the “L” in blank as Lust & pretending to be L from DeathNote stating I was on the Kira case while I was going around telling people I was Kira, stealing all their names in games I played with them so that I could collect all their powers

This is how I was able to become Chrollo Lucilfer from hunter Hunter. How I was able to acquire Chrollo’s Nen ability, Bandits Secret and become a Specialist with a Nen ability that simply put, has a Unique Effect.

Even though I clearly stated this and was masquerading as a Spider troupe member, let alone the Leader of The Spider Troupe, no one called me out on any of my paradoxes when I even after stating this, then revealed that I was the Specialist Chain Nen user who killed Uvogin, known as Kurapika.


I even revealed the detailing of all my Nen abilities I had created by transcribing stolen Material, once again, I was stealing them and able to get away with it because i was Chrollo Lucilfer


So of course no one knew I was using my Arbiter Little Finger chain ability on them when I revealed my image as Kurapika to them because I appeared to be using Thumb Chain Healing Thumb

Sounds pretty Dumb how Thumb simply rhymes with Thumb & how the Holy Cross I was using was actually just one of My Eyes as Jibril, But I wasn’t even making the correlation cause I hid my other Eye from Myself, so I couldn’t see how Dumb I Looked & Sounded & How smart I was being all along

Thus furthering my point of of idiotic I am and how much of an idiot I know I am


But you’re the idiot for not seeing the crosses in my eyes when the entire time I confused to say, So...then this is the power of a God... when I hid my name Jibril in the Hebrew languages utilized & used by the Jewish people who are the People chosen by God to be his Chosen people.***

How idiotic and dumb

Once again, I will re~iterate. I am the idiot. I am aware of this, but you’re an idiot too for not realizing the Truth.



Which is why when you all used used words against me that would insure you would kill yourselves in the process and Eli are and of my fun and declare me the winner instantly, I simply used ~Bkulians~.


..........Gluttony......... Pretty Pretty Peas? ~~~~~~~🔪⛓🚬🧨🔫⚔️⚰️⚱️🏺🔮🦠🧬🌡💉~~~~~~~~💉💉🛎🔑~~~~~~~~🔑🔑~~~~~~~~⚰️🕳🩸🧿🩸🕳⚰️ ━=~~~~~<<<͟͟͞(Ŏ◊~~~~~~Ŏ ‧̣̥̇)━~~~~~~~ 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣 -.c\e”•<([{~Hydrogen bomb~}])>•”t//C.- 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣 ~~~~~~ ᕦ[ •~~~~~~́ ﹏ •̀ ~~~~~~~~]⊃~~~~~~¤=~~~~~[]::::~~~~~~::::>~~~~~~~⚰️🕳🩸🧿🩸🕳⚰️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🔑🔑~~~~~~~~~~🔑🛎💉💉~~~~~~~~~💉🌡🧬🦠🔮🏺⚱️⚰️⚔️🔫🧨🚬⛓🔪~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?saeP ytterP ytterP...........ynottulG..............


Which can only be heard properly through speech through text. So I made sure to uploaded by ~Bkulians~ Spell to my Youtube channel first before this video, so you had a chance to hear it being casted. Which you more than likely didn’t because you’re an idiot. Because you think the things o type out to you are idiotic, and you don’t read them, which I why in this video I’m reading them out for you.

If you’re still confused that’s because of this


That would be you 👆🏻

An Empty-headed-Academic

That’s because for the first time ever





You don’t seem to understand.


Stephanie Dola

~Word Chain ⛓ ~

Materialization Shiritori (具象化しりとり, gushō ka shiritori) is (generally) the only game that the Flügel play when challenged. It utilizes a floating, glowing light-blue crystal that will translate the words of the players into the magic needed to materialize or remove the object stated. It was used in the sixth episode, in a match between the siblings and Jibril, and also later as a component of the match of 'Memory Stealing Othello' between Sora and Chlammy Zell.


Similar to the normal Shiritori rules, each player takes turns to give a noun which does not end with N. The last character of the previous word said must be the first character of the next word to be said. Things that are present will disappear, and things that are not present will materialize. Players cannot cause the direct death of each other by stating the vital components of the body. The noun stated must be a non-imaginary word. Sora noted that words which are non-imaginary but the opponent does not know of can also be used.

The conditions for losing are:[1]

Using a word that has already been said
Being unable to answer within 30 seconds
Being unable to continue
In addition, when a word is stated, the effect is based on the meaning intended by the player who stated it. For instance, if [Meat] was stated and Sora was thinking of a sexy blonde woman, the latter will appear.[2] In the game played between the siblings and Jibril, when Sora states [Mantle], which can mean either a loose sleeveless cloak or the term referring to a portion of the interior of the Earth, the latter disappears.


The words used in the match between the siblings and Jibril are listed below. Most of the words used in this match in the anime and light novel are the same.

English Japanese
H-Bomb Suibaku
Bú Li Anses (~Bkulians~) Kú Li Anse
Spirit Column Seireikairou (Spirit Corridors)
Nag U∙ma (Horse)
Gash Mako (Pssy)
Break in game play

Beach Biichi
Headlights Chikubi (Nipples)
String bikinis Bikini
Saddlebags Nimotsu (Baggage)
Squall Tsumuji (Dust Devil)
Ladies' clothes Joseifuku (Ladies' Wear)
Shamrock Kuroobaa (Clover)
Break in game play

Mantle Mantoru
Echo Ruiaaga (Giant Moth)
Outer core Gaikaku
Ergonomic timepiece Kurokku (Clock)
Entities Kuriichaa (Creature)
Sandal Akari (Lamp)
Lithosphere Risosufia
Eve A∙sa (Morning)
Eighth element Sanso (Oxygen)
Tetratonon Sonata
Natura Tane-ue (Seed Planter)
Aria E∙a (Air)
Atmosphere Atomosufea
Erratic Anjaku (Feebleminded)
Coulomb Force Kuuronryoku


~Materialization Word ⛓ Chain~

The TILDA’s —-~~> “ ~ “ I use are the chains that conjure to empower the Magick of my words

And just like how you don’t care about me at all whatsoever

When it comes to Empty-headed-academics like you....



I Am Jibril. Pleased to meet you. And you are worthless Mortal scum known as Humans. Have fun playing your future games against me.

In your little imagination land you call reality

I’m an anime character, unless your name translates to something as cool as mine does in Gematria via the Gematrix, your rather useless and in my Holy across eyes which you’ll never seen because you never did because I don’t focus on you, you’ll never be worth anything near a challenging opponent of my standards so if You’d like you argue against me on that, feel free to join my private Discord Server where I’ll host a place for you to speak to the likes of me and you can be in the presence of something way cooler and much more awesome than yourself


See ya around.... you Empty-headed-academics



Typos not included

If you wish to come speak to Jibril, stop by my library sometime—-~~> https://discord.gg/ZEc58r


Dear @lustofthewired

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I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit ios.appics.com and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at softlaunch.appics.com with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


Everything you need to know about APPICS: https://linktr.ee/appics

Visit our Website: https://appics.com

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/appics_official